DSSIA(S)/12-13/51 Dated : 2/1/2013
All Members
Sub : Minutes of the 54th PLAC meeting of RSP ,discussion in the 13th PLAC of MCL & Others.
Dear Members
Kindly go through the attachment regarding 54th PLAC meeting held by SAIL/RSP on dated 16th Jan2013 in CEO conference Hall of RSP which is received by us on dated 1/03/2013 from office of RIC,Roukela.
I have also forwarded the discussions held in the 13th PLAC meeting by Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd. through e-mail dated 1/03/2013. Kindly go through the letter and let us know if you want any help from the association for developing your business with MCL . You can pursue directly with the concerned officers in their Ancillary/MSME Deptt. or may take help of NSIC in the matter.
Members please contact SIDBI for purchase of any kind of Energy saving machineries & equipments suitable to your firm which you can get at a lesser interest rates as this drive is coordinated through JICA ( Japanese International Co-operating Agency )which supports SIDBI in India to promote Energy Saving Equipments among MSME.I had attended their meeting on 22/2/2013 & their explanation & approach on the subject was convincing for MSMEs .For further details you should contact Sri P.K.Choudhuri,AGM,SIDBI, Rourkela Branch office.
Further I inform you that I am in regular touch with heads of almost all user deptts. & projects officials of RSP for improving procurement of various mechanical spares & equipments and other allied industrial products manufactured or produced by MSMEs of Rourkela.
Even though these deptts. agree for the benefits of procuring materials at their door step but have complain towards inordinate delay in supplies which not only put the deptts. under pressure during emergency/ break down but also restrict them for creating further enquiries for those items in the subsequent years due to pending supplies which eventually reduces indenting volume. Please ensure your delivery and book orders as per your capability and with justified rates to keep the spirit of local units high before RSP management and allow us to fight for you in various meetings.
Now it is a good news for Rourkela units that after successful commissioning of 4.5 million ton by RSP,CEO & other heads of Deptts. confirmed that the procurement volume will definitely rise for MSMES as in Bhilai for which we must make our infrastructure adequate from now onwards to meet the quality & delivery schedules of these items.
Further, it is my earnest request to all our members to ensure workable approach for pricing while booking orders from any project consultants or engineering companies otherwise it will be very difficult for us to raise the prices in future & all our efforts on Buyer Seller meet will go fruitless.
Members I have already requested some of the companies for Buyer Seller meets/ interaction sessions to benefit our members at Rourkela ,shortly, intimations of these meetings shall be forwarded in advance enabling you to participate and explore business opportunity with these companies.
Lastly to commomerate the 50th year of our existence at Rourkela we have planned to organize a Tech. Fair between 25th-28th April'13 covering various business organizations / industries and a few Govt. bodies promoting industries . Letters have been forwarded to all concerned Govt. Deptts. ( State & Central ),Ministry and to all prospective sponsorers for the event. Thus we would also request you to kindly promote this Tech. Fair among various industries and traders you are associated with to make this a success at Rourkela .
We have already received quotes from various event management groups for creating infrastructure for the exibition .However, after getting initial confirmation from major sponsorers we will be in a position to decide whether the Tech. Fair can be organized as per the scheduled dates or should be shifted by few months some where in the winters.
The details & further course of action shall be discussed in General Body meeting after ground work is completed.Please go through our e-mails and respond us timely and also suggest us so that we can further improve in our workings .
Pradosh Ranjan Mishra,9437041204
DSSIA(S)/12-13/51 Dated : 2/1/2013 to All Members Sub : Minutes of the 54Th PLAC Meeting