/ AIS-AIMSG/4-SN/1520/05/11
Bordeaux, France 23 to 27 May 2011
Agenda Item / 3: / AIM information and data assembly, exchange, and promulgation3.1:
3.2: / AIXM
Digital NOTAM
(Presented by Paul Bosman and Gregory Pray)
SUMMARYThe group is invited to review and comment on the proposed way forward for the establishment of the AIXM Change Control Board (CCB).
1.1Amendment 36 to Annex 15 introduces the Recommended Practice to enable digital data exchange. The Recommendation relates to the use of automation and includes a note indicating that guidance material on an aeronautical conceptual and data exchange model for the development of databases and the establishment of data exchange services is contained in Doc 8126. Doc 8126 is being revised to include that guidance.
1.2During theThird Meeting of the AIS-AIMSG,the group was presented with AIS-AIMSG/3-SN/5 which outlined a proposal for a draft Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) change management process proposal developed by the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in consultation with the AIXM stakeholders.
1.3The group expressed support for the proposal and expressed its view that a change management process was urgently needed in view of the increasingly wide adoption of AIXM.
1.4Notwithstanding the support for a Configuration Control Board (CCB) expressed within the group, a number of issues were identified:
a)that in the document it was imperative to ensure that where the term “Secretariat” is used it is to be revised as “CCB Secretariat”;
b) there is a need to explain in explicit terms, the composition of the CCB Secretariat;
c)clarify the exact relationship between SARPs changes and consequent model development;
d)formulate a consolidated statement of CCB responsibilities and working arrangements into a possible charter; and
e)clarify that the objective of the change management process is to support the aeronautical information needs of the AIXM user community and larger aviation community through a disciplined, inclusive, and transparent approach to developing and approving new AIXM versions.
1.5The group concluded that an “initiation phase” should start with the next AIXM conference (May 2011) and that the initiation phase is also used to clarify the exact participation of the different stakeholder groups
2.1The initial Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) Change Management Process document was updated (see Appendix) in order to answer to the issues raised by the AIS-AIMSG members, as follows:
a)the term “Secretariat” was replaced with the term “CCB Secretariat” (in response to item 1.5.a);
b)a new section was included in the document (5.4) explaining in more detail the tasks and the composition of the secretariat (in response to item 1.5.b);
c)a statement was added with regard to the need to consider the ICAO SARPS changes as an important source of AIXM change proposals (in response to item 1.5.c); and
d)a statement about the objective of the change management process was added at the beginning of section 5 (in response to item 1.5.e).
2.2Concerning the drafting of a CCB charter, this will be extracted from the current CCB Process proposal document and will be presented for adoption at the first CCB meeting. Then, it will also be presented for endorsement by the AIS-AIMSG members, at the first meeting after the effective establishment of the AIXM CCB.
2.3Concerning the initial phase of the AIXM CCB establishment, this is now planned to start at the Conference hosted by FAA on 30 August – 01 September 2011 in Washington, DC, USA. Note that the conference was moved from May to end August due to internal FAA administrative constraints. The Conference will cover a broader ATM digital data and services scope, not only limited to AIXM.
2.4The following steps are proposed to take place for the effective launch of the AIXM CCB activities:
a)prior to the conference, EUROCONTROL and FAA will finalise the set-up of the AIXM Change Proposal and Tracking Tool (based on JIRA Hosted) environment that will support the CCB activities; a presentation will explaining the use of the tool;
b)during the Conference, a dedicated half-day session will be reserved for a kick-off meeting of the AIXM CCB, most likely on the 3rd day of the conference. If technically possible, the session will also be broadcast on the Internet, using Webex;
c)FAA and EUROCONTROL will present to the participants the objectives and the CCB process, as detailed in the AIXM Change Management Process document included in the Appendix. A CCB Charter proposal will be submitted to the participants, for comments by all AIXM Stakeholders;
d)FAA and EUROCONTROL will inform the AIXM Stakeholders about the initial composition of the CCB Secretariat and of the means (e-mail, phone, Web site) that can be used in order to contact the secretariat members;
e)all AIXM stakeholders will be invited (through a message on the AIXM Forum and through other marketing channels, such as the Eurocontrol AIM Newsletter) to submit requests to the CCB Secretariat for having access to the AIXM Change Proposal and Tracking Tool. All request coming from organisations or individuals that can claim a certain interest on the AIXM development will be accepted without discrimination and without any limitation on the number of people from a given organisations. This will enable all AIXM stakeholders to submit issues and comment on change proposals;
f)all organisations that, according to the principles laid down in the AIXM Change Management Process document, could become members of the formal AIXM CCB will be invited to express their interest through a letter to the CCB Secretariat. The CCB Secretariat will also actively seek participation from the different stakeholder categories listed in the CCB Process proposal;
g)the CCB Secretariat will establish and maintain the list of CCB Members. In case that the number of requests for CCB membership exceeds the number of available seats, the CCB Secretariat will discuss with the stakeholder group concerned in order to find a solution acceptable for everyone. Participation by rotation could be envisaged, for example; and
h)the initial phase of the CCB establishment will be concluded shortly before the next AIS-AIMSG Meeting of November 2011. All actions performed by the CCB Secretariat for the formal set-up of the CCB will be recorded and will be communicated by the CCB Secretariat by means of a Study Note to the next AISAIMSG meeting (November 2011). This will include the final list of CCB members, selected based on the principles laid down in the CCB Process document.
3.1The AIS-AIMSG is invited to discuss and comment on the resolution given to the issues raised at the previous meeting and on the proposed steps for the effective launch of the AIXM CCB activities.
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