2014-2015 LCMS Program Review/Coordinated School HealthCommittee
Tara Haslett, Committee Chair, LCMS Music & Dance Teacher (A&H Program Review)
Jan Strickland, 7th grade ELA teacher (Writing PR)
Michele Powell, 8th grade ELA teacher (Writing PR)
Lisa Huddleston, Principal and Program Review secretary
Stacy Walker & Tara Haslett (A&H program review – drama)
Nancy Smith (A&H program review – visual art)
Alescia Wilson (Practical Living/Career Studies Program Review – PE & Health Teacher)
Brett Heppner (Practical Living/Career Studies Program Review- Careers)
Robin Belt (PLCS PR – Consumerism)
Meeting Schedule
We meet the FOURTH TUESDAY of each month from 3:15-4:30 PM in the LCMS Cardinal Room.
Also, MONTHLY in subcommittees by program or as requested in PLCs.
We set the agenda for the next meeting at the close of each meeting (see “Future Topics” section of minutes)
Emailed to all staff (includes agenda for next meeting & invitation for attendance at Open Meeting or email of input if individual cannot attend); copies of our minutes on OneDrive
Committee Responsibilities & Duties
This committee oversees the needs of our A&H, PLCS, and Writing programs.
All meetings are open to any interested stakeholders. Feel free to attend and provide input as you wish!!!
If you would like to join this committee, please contact the committee vice chair.
If you would like to receive our agenda or minutes by email, please let the committee secretary know.
If you would to receive our agenda or minutes by hard copy, please inform the committee chair.
*Committee membership is NOT required for you to attend, provide input, receive minutes or agenda.
Lisa Huddleston, etc. attends the meeting of multiple ACs every month and brings back program suggestions to the entire PR committee.
Chair: leads meetings, helps sec set agenda, sends mtg inv to members, attends SBDM, ensures communication/duties/OneDrive uploads, etc.Vice-Chair: chairs if needed, memb templ compl & upload OneDrive, recruits stakeholder members-Students&Parents, informs media of meetings at least one week prior, logs vol hrs at end of each activity/mtg., etc.
Secretary: compiles agenda/e-mails to all staff & those who req mini one week prior, records and submits mins to all at most 3 days after, mins in SBDM packet & Uploaded to OneDrive, etc.
MEDIA to notify (email): Livingston Ledger ( or ), The Lake News (),
Paducah Sun ( or ), Crittenden Press ( ,
, or ), WK Star (), etc.