Quality Improvement Process (QIP)
Strategies to Improve Outcomes for Students with Disabilities
Purpose: The Quality Improvement Process (QIP) is based on the identification of significant district or building issues that are believed to impact the attainment of positive outcomes for students with disabilities. It is a dynamic process that relies on the information/evidence that is collected and analyzed throughout the review by the review team to reach conclusions about how the district’s/building’s systems, practices and resources are affecting the attainment of desired outcomes for students with disabilities. The QIP represents the district’s commitment to improve outcomes for students with disabilities and to progress toward the indicated State Performance Plan (SPP) target.
Process: Following the identification of the compliance issues and corrective actions, the review team will engage in a planning process aimed at improving targeted outcomes for students with disabilities.
Phase 1 (the planning phase) – The QIP template (see pages 95-98) will be used by the review team to capture the district’s plan to resolve major challenges the district faces in improving outcomes for students with disabilities.
Elements of the planning phase include:
· The SPP Indicator that will be targeted.
· The Current Status of the district (As Is) in achieving the SPP Indicator. Here is where the SPP baseline data is placed.
· An Expanded Current Status which will capture the current district practices, procedures or current needs related to Literacy/Instruction, Special Education Programs/Service Delivery and/or Behavior Interventions and Instructional supports that are affecting improved student outcomes.
· The Measurable Goal(s) which are designed to address the needs identified under the Expanded Current Status.
· The strategic Activities that will be conducted to achieve the Goals.
· The date when the activities will be completed.
· The Anticipated Outcomes that are expected to change the system’s practice/capacity and/or change student outcomes because of the activities that have been initiated.
· Identification of the individual responsible for tracking the Outcomes. Information is captured on the QIP cover sheet (page 95), which identifies the district and partner information.
This approach is not designed to create a separate improvement plan, but to identify the areas that the district needs to address and the steps it will take to remedy the weaknesses in key areas specific to the State Performance Plan that are impacting on the success of students with disabilities. Therefore, the appropriate district/building plans should be modified to incorporate the key elements that are at the core of the QIP.
In an effort to encourage and support development and implementation of improvement activities, VESID has made IDEA discretionary funds available, dependent upon approval by the Division of the Budget and availability of funds, to districts participating in the focused review process. The FS-20 is the application the district uses to apply for these improvement funds. The RA will be responsible for reviewing and approving the FS-20 and any subsequent amendments. The FS-20 application is a separate document.
Phase 2 (the reporting of progress phase) – During Phase 2, the focus for both the district and SEQA/SETRC shifts to assessing the effectiveness of implementation of the activities. The purpose of Phase 2 is to determine if the anticipated outcomes have been achieved. Pages 96-97 will be used during the report phase. It is expected that SETRC, the review team or designees, the individual responsible for tracking the outcomes and other regional network partners, as appropriate, will meet to discuss the status of the implementation steps and the actual outcomes that have been achieved. This data/information will be recorded under the Actual Outcomes column of the QIP, which appears on page 97. SETRC will be required to conduct a mid-point and final report of progress for all focused review districts during Phase 2. At the end of Phase 2, the team will be required to determine the extent the district has achieved the measurable goal and to record that data/information on the Actual Status of the Measurable Goals line of the QIP (see page 96). In addition to following up on the actual outcomes that have been achieved, the RA is also responsible during Phase 2 to track the district’s expenditure of grant funds. In those cases where the district does not expect to expend its grant allocation, steps should be taken to reduce the grant award. In those cases where barriers are impacting on anticipated progress or when it is anticipated that outcomes are unable to be achieved, the team will record this information on a separate page of the QIP and plan next steps. Under these circumstances, the RA, review team, SETRC and regional network partners will revise the QIP, as appropriate.
IDEA Effective Instructional Practices Focused Review Page 1
July 25, 2007 Quality Improvement Process (QIP)
Quality Improvement Process (QIP)Strategies to Improve Outcomes for Students with Disabilities
District and Partner Information
District/Building Name:
Auburn Enlarged City School District
/ SETRC Project:Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES
/ SEQA Region:Central Region
/ Effective Dates for QIP: 3/07 – 3/08Contact Person: Laura Owen / SETRC PDS Responsible for QIP: Kimberly Savage / District Person Responsible for QIP: Laura Owen / School Year:
2007- 2008
Type of Submission: (check one)
Initial Development of QIP Mid-point Report of Progress – Final Report of Progress –
List Participants and their Title*
Bud Buckhout-SETRC / Brian Piscotti-General Education Teacher
Sharon Campanella-General Education Teacher / Kimberly Savage – BOCES Special Education Supervisor
Deborah Carey-West Middle School Principal / Karen Scholl-Regional Associate
Jeremy Dodds-District Science/Math Coordinator
Kathleen Murphy-Special Education Teacher
Laura Owen – Director of Special Education
Ann Payne-Special Education Teacher /SETRC
*Duplicate this page to record participants involved in the initial development of the QIP or Report of Progress
School Superintendent’s Signature:
IDEA Effective Instructional Practices Focused Review Page 3
October 13, 2006 Quality Improvement Process (QIP) Template
Quality Improvement ProcessState Performance Plan (SPP) Indicator(s) (Reason for district designation):
Graduation Rate Drop Out Rate ELA 4 ELA 8 Math 8
Current Status (Baseline data or starting point for district):*SEE ATTACHED DATA (Attachment 1 District Data Summary Report)
Expanded Current Status (Analysis of need by impact area resulting from a focused review or causal analysis):
1. Literacy/Instruction / 2. Special Education Programs/
Service Delivery / 3. Behavior Interventions and Instructional Supports
The majority of SWD at the middle school level receive ELA instruction in the general education setting.
Data analysis of specific ELA skills is present, however, rarely is student specific data collected and used to drive instruction. / A small percentage of SWD receive pull out services, as well as specialized reading instruction using the Wilson Reading Program.
The majority of SWD receive special education services to support them in the area of ELA. / CST teams and process are consistently implemented in both middle schools. Concerns have been expressed about the success of 6th grade students as they attempt to manage increased demands for accountability and independence at the middle school level..
Measurable Goal #1
Increase the number of SWD achieving a level 3 on the 8th grade ELA and Math state assessments by 10% as compared to the 2005 assessments. / Actual Status of Measurable Goal as of [1]
Measurable Goal #2 / Actual Status of Measurable Goal as of 1
Measurable Goal #3 / Actual Status of Measurable Goal as of 1
Measurable Goal #4
/ Actual Status of Measurable Goal as of 1
Type of Submission: (check one)
Initial Development of QIP Mid-point Report of Progress – Final Report of Progress –
Impact Area
1. Literacy/Instruction 2. Special Education Programs/Service Delivery 3. Behavioral Interventions and Instructional SupportsMeasurable Goal # 1 of 1
Increase the number of SWD achieving a level 3 on the 8th grade ELA and Math state assessments by 5% as compared to the 2005 assessments.
Impact Area # / Activity Supporting Measurable Goal and Fiscal/Network Resources / Finish By / Measurable and Observable
Anticipated Outcomes / Actual Outcomes[1]
Fiscal or Network Resources to be Used / Change to System Practice/Capacity / Change to Student Outcome
1 / 1a) Create committee of administrators and teachers to examine data ELA/Math.
1b) Complete item analysis of ELA and Math 8, looking for evidence of common skill or processing deficits between the two content areas.
1c) Bring in information gathered through Cooperative Assessment of Student Learning (CASL) in each of the buildings. Results of CASL and any item analysis will be shared with SWDs.
1d) Identify specific instructional strengths and needs of teaching staff and share with staff at faculty meetings.
1e) Review best practices and use of research based interventions to address the identified needs. Develop a rubric to assist staff and students in measuring progress with respect to identified skills. / 9/07 / Use assessment (ELA/Math state assessments) and samples of student work to design instruction.
Evidence of use of initial item analysis to design instruction monitored through classroom and teacher observation and lesson plans. / Increased student awareness of the skills that need to be addressed each marking period as measured by teacher/self evaluation using skill rubric.
Students’ self assessment more closely reflects true ability as evidenced by a comparison of
teacher/student rubric .
District Admin.
3 / 2) Provide training to support implementation of the 3 highest prioritized best practices. Include training in the use of CASL as a tool to measure the effective delivery of best practices.
The district will create and implement, in 2007-08, a plan for transitioning students from elementary to middle school.
3a) Form team to create elementary to middle school transition plan;set times/dates to meet. Assess transition needs. / 1/08 and ongoing
District staff
District admin. and staff
3/08 / ELA/Math teachers will be trained in the implementation of identified best practices.
Evidenced by completion of identified activities and documents. / Student skills will increase as measured by work samples collected during CASL.
Increase course passing rates (by marking period) by 5% for the 8th grade.
Improve success of 5th grade students transitioning to MS as evidenced by:
Maintaining 5th grade attendance in 6th grade (calculate district wide).
Decreasing discipline referrals for 6th cohort.
3b) Assess transition needs:
-create needs assessment for current and past students
-survey parents to identify needs and concerns
-survey staff to identify needs and concerns
3c) Review current plans and practices to identify effective measures already in place.
3d) Create and share draft plan, gather feedback/revise as appropriate.
3e) Implement plan. All elementary schools will follow a consistent procedure for moving students from 5th to 6th grade in the spring of 08.
Ongoing assessment will occur to measure effectiveness and determine necessary revisions. / Increase course passing rates (by marking period) by 5% for incoming 6th graders.
Quality Improvement Process
Report of Progress
Measurable Goal # ___ of ___
Impact Area
1. Literacy/Instruction 2. Special Education Programs/Service Delivery 3. Behavioral Interventions and Instructional Supports
Barrier to Impact Area / Next Steps and/or Strategies to Address Barriers
IDEA Effective Instructional Practices Focused Review Page 8
October 13, 2006 Quality Improvement Process (QIP) Template
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October 13, 2006 Quality Improvement Process (QIP) Template
IDEA Effective Instructional Practices Focused Review Page 10
October 13, 2006 Quality Improvement Process (QIP) Template
[1] Do not fill out until report of progress
[1] Do not fill out until report of progress