Board Meeting Minutes

PawneeCounty Courthouse (Lounge)

June 9, 2014

Board Members Present:

Mark WagnerWayne Gore Orley Morgan

Mary Beth HerrmannScott King Kathy Bowman

Ralph Lowrey Duane Dipman Jeremy McDonald

Board Members Absent:

Leonard MostromRichard Swartzkopf

Robert MitchellCary Rucker

Felix RevelloChuck Orth

Guests attending:Doyle Mayse of PNSO, Eileene Duryee & Kathy Weaver of PVCH

Mark Wagnercalled the meeting to order at 12:05p.m.

Board Business

Approval of Minutes:

The minutes from the February 10, 2014meeting were reviewed and approved as written.

Old Business:


New Business:

Eric Ivey with ITC Great Plains presented information on Electrical Transmission lines in Pawnee County and emergency response actions.

Mary Beth Herrmann presented information on ESF-8 of the EOP. She asked if anyone had new equipment or resources they have added or still need. Eileen with PVCH reported they had purchased an ambulatory and non-ambulatory decontamination shower. The hospital received an 800 MHz radio and they were planning for an inventory of equipment and new ways of packaging some of the stored medical materials. Mary Beth reported the regional coalition was possibly working on a project for 800 MHz radios for health departments and that her dept. would need training on the use of the radios. She also reported working on an inventory and updating of the health department stored emergency preparedness items. A list of the nursing resources for Pawnee County was obtained from the Kansas Board of Nursing.

Jeremy asked about the flood gates which the City of Larned had in storage and whether anyone knew about the location, exercising of them ect. Emergency manager advised he would try to find out about these gates. Sheriff office advised they had a security audit of the courthouse and several other entities present at the meeting were interested in something similar. Several entities mentioned the need for “active shooter” training. The sheriff office advised they had training and could put something together for the entities needing this training. It was mentioned that the Vigilant Guard full-scale exercise being held in August is not available for several of the entities to attend. Mark is planning on having a “bomb threat” table top exercise this fall which does include the hospital and health department along with other member organizations.

Mark discussed the ongoing Commodity Flow Study and Regional Mitigation Plan update.

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Public Comments

There were no public comments.

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the LEPC was scheduled for September 15, 2014.


The meeting adjourned at 12:55p.m.

Mark Wagner, Chairman

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