Coaches, as the date nears for the regional meet, please look over this document as it should answer most of your questions.

Pine Tree High School Pirate Center - 1005 W. Fairmont Street
Longview, Texas 75604

Wednesday: March 1st
Early weigh in – Pine Tree High School Pirate Center 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.

Thursday: March 2nd

Weigh In – 1:30-3:30Coaches meeting – 3:40

Judges meeting – 3:50 p.m.

Lifting Begins – 4:00 (I want lifting to start as soon as all information is put in the computer and the platforms are ready to start)


Meet Director – Rodrick Portley

Regional Director – Rodrick Portley

Head Judge – Karen McNew


$35.00 per lifter – Checks should be made out to Pine Tree ISD Athletic Dept. Please bring your check with you to the meet. ENTRY FEE MUST BE PAID AT THE TIME OF CHECK IN, THERE WILL BE NO CHARGING AND DO NOT MAIL CHECKS IN. Bring an extra check or cash for an alternate lifter if needed.


Everyone - $5.00


A concession stand will be available. A hospitality room will be provided for coaches.

There will be meal deals at the concession stand for $6.00 Meal checks can also be made out to Pine Tree ISD Athletic Dept. I will need a total number of meal tickets needed by Feb. 28th so that we can make sure we order enough food.

(Please make Entry Fee and Meal Ticket checks separate.)


We will be selling Regional Championship T-Shirts before and during the meet. We are using Fine Design T Shirt Company this year. What makes this company different from the rest? Lifters and parents will have to opportunity to customize their own shirt and have it printed right there on the spot. They have more than just standard t shirts as well; so prices will vary.

Copies of the eligibility and release forms must be turned in prior to the competition. The forms can be found in the Documents section of the THSWPA website at


February 18th is the last date to qualify for regional competition. Meet results from the last qualifying date should be sent to me by midnight that night or the results will not be accepted. Meets taking place during the week of the last qualifying date must consist of at least four different schools with at least 25 total girl lifters.


Weight declarations must be made for your athletes by Monday, February 20th 2017 at 4 p.m. If you do not make a declaration by that time, any lifter in question will be placed in the heavier weight class.


Lifters who rank in the top twelve totals for their weight class in each division will qualify for the regional meet. If a classification is not represented at the regional meet, the lifter with the highest total from that classification will be added to meet. (Ex. If there is no 5A lifter in the top twelve of the 114.5 weight class the next highest 5A lifter will be added.)


The final list of Regional qualifiers will be posted on our website on Monday, February 27th by 5pm. If you have a qualified lifter that is not going to participate at the regional meet, it is your responsibility to communicate that to me by Tuesday, February 28thso that I can notify an alternate. Your school will be charged for any lifter that does not show if I am not notified.


We are lifting 12 at the regional meet this year. I encourage you to bring lifters that were close to qualifying. There may be a few spots open up on the day of the meet due to extenuating circumstances.


THSWPA is giving out 18 scholarship of $500ea. There will be one scholarship given to each division in each region. Go to to download the document. All nominees must meet the requirements and nominations should be submitted during registration at the regional meet.


There are three ways for a lifter to advance to state:

  1. Finish 1st or 2nd place in your weight class
  2. By top 2 rule by classification. (Ex. At regionals the top 2 finishers in a weight class are 5A, the top two 6a girls, regardless of place, would go to state to represent their region as 6A representatives).
  3. Lift an automatic state qualifying total.


The state meet will be held at the Extraco Center in Waco. 4A/5A schools will compete on Friday, March 17th, 2016. Early Weigh in March 16th. 1A, 2A, 3A and 6A Schools will compete on Saturday, March 18th, 2016. Early Weigh in March 17th. For more information go to the our website under 2017 State Meet Itinerary.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Rodrick Portley


Cell Phone: 903-452-7477