Emerging Technology
Mrs. Dressler
Douglass High School
910 East 1st Street
Douglass, KS 67039
Phone: 316-747-3310
Cell Phone: 316-347-5394
Course Description
Students learn the core concepts of information technology and its rapidly expanding role in solving problems and influencing decision making. The course focuses on emerging technologies through discussion and demonstrations utilizing technology-based instructional material. Topics include the functions and applications of computer systems, hardware components, software basics, electronic databases, communication networks, computer graphics and security. Independent exploratory learning projects are required.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Seek and identify sources of information on new technology.
- Identify solutions and problems that go beyond the expected and obvious.
- Be able to explain why it is important for IT professionals to keep abreast of evolving technologies.
- Be able to discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and prospects of current emerging technologies.
- Demonstrate the research skills necessary to identify and evaluate emerging technologies
- Discuss in depth a chosen emerging technology, based on independent research.
- Explain about the change process.
- Develop a plan for anticipating change.
- Address each of the following areas to varying degrees based on available information:
a. anticipated employment,
b. drivers and constraints,
c. size and location of market,
d. connection(s) to existing technologies,
e. ability and ease of replication,
f. physical and capital costs,
g. industry and education partnerships to be leveraged,
h. national best practices,
i. illustrate qualifications and recommendations, aims and approaches for Technological innovation
j. Innovation system modeling
k. Technology monitoring, forecasting and assessment
l. Electronic monitoring and text mining for technology management
m. Trend analysis methods & Scenarios
n. Impact assessment
o. Risk analysis
p. Action (policy) analysis
q. Technology road mapping
r. Communication and implementation of innovation forecasts
Grading ScaleLetter Grade / Percentage
A / 90-100%
B / 80-89%
C / 70-79%
D / 60-69%
F / < 59 %
Resources Used
This course will use student computers with Microsoft Office 2013 and the internet.
Materials required
You will be required to keep an organized folder on your computer and an organized notebook for any paper documents. Your foldershould be brought to each class period.
Course Outline
Below is a general outline of the content of the course.
Unit 1: Digital Literacy & Digital Ethics
Unit 2: Sharing a World of Information
Unit 3: Digital Research
Unit 4: The World at our Fingertips Web 2.0 and Beyond
Unit 5: New Technologies in Various Fields
Unit 6: Cloud Computing
Unit 7: Web Design & Graphics
Unit 8: Mobile Learning
Unit 9: What’s new in Google
Classroom Policies
The Do’s - R & R – Respect & Responsibility
Treat instructor, classmates, and equipment with respect.
Come prepared to class with folder, pencil/pen, paper and flash drive.
Restroom breaks or hall passes will be provided on a limited basis and can be denied.
No Cell Phone Use in the Classroom; phones are to be turned off and on the desk.
No Food or Drinks will be allowed in the classroom. If you enter with food or drink you will be asked to put it in the back for consumption after class.
Don’t tip back in your chair.
Keep your hands off of others’ belongings, including school computers.
Computers are to be used for educational purposes only; this does not include watching YouTube videos, playing computer games or randomly wasting time on the internet.
Late Work Policy
If there is a specific deadline for an assignment it will clearly be assigned. Therefore,if a student is going to be absent they should notify the teacher as soon as possible so they may be notified of any deadlines. Students are expected to use time before/after school to make-up class work.
If a student does not make prior arrangements with the instructor and fails to turn individual work in a timely manner (1 week past the last in-class work day), a 50% deduction penalty may be applied.
Class work will be accepted up until the end of the nine weeks with the penalty. Assignments will not be accepted after that nine weeks has passed.
Tardy Policy
See DHS Student Handbook
Classroom Procedures
- When you enter the classroom always check the whiteboard for the day’s schedule.
- Immediately log-in to your computer, unless instructed otherwise.
- You will receive 5 points per week based on participation and work ethic. The following will lead to a loss of those points which cannot be made up:
- Coming to class unprepared
- Use of your cell phone in class
- Being tardy
- Using the computer for non-educational uses
- Behaving in a manner that disrupts learning for other students
- Focusing more attention on the computer than the instructor during lectures.
- Assignments will be turned in on the due date as designated through Email, class website, or in the appropriate basket.
Extended Day
See DHS Student Handbook
If you feel you would benefit from additional assistance, make arrangements with Mrs. Dressler to meet before or after school.
Note to parents
I am excited to begin another year at DHS. I am looking forward to seeing the students again. I am requiring the students to bring home the syllabus to review with you our classroom policies and procedures. In addition, I would like to inform you that Digital Media will be used in this class. At different times still pictures and video may be taken of the students to be used in their projects in the classroom. Students will also have the opportunity to use their own digital images for certain projects.
This is a unique class where the latest Web 2.0 technologies will be utilized. Therefore, I would like to disclose that the students will have a lot of exposure to the internet. We will be creating usernames and a generic email to have access to many of these tools. However, their personal information will be kept private and they will always be monitored.
My goal is to provide the most comfortable, safe, and quality educational environment that I can. It is also important to me to keep an open line of communication with my student’s parents/guardians. Please feel free to contact me if you ever feel the need to speak with me about an issue, problem, or to check on your student’s progress.
School Phone: 316-747-3310
Cell Phone: 316-347-5394
Room: (by appointment according to DHS procedures): HS114
Thank you for your time! Please sign below to let me know that you have read this letter and understand the procedures for our class. By signing the form you are agreeing to allow your student to use digital tools, personal digital images and be captured in still pictures and in video for classroom use, as well as participate in the Web 2.0 technology.If you are accessing this syllabus electronically, please type your name into the Google form provided on my web page.
Parent Signature: Date: