The concept of the international cooperation of the Kharkiv institute of banking of the University of banking of the National bank of Ukraine:
Instituteintegrationinto the global systemof economic education, trainingof financial-creditsphere in accordanceto international educational standards, development of youth throughorganizing of internationalcourses programs.
The main directions of the international activities:
- conducting the joint researchactivities with the foreign specialists, the joint publication of transactions;
- conducting the jointeducational work together with the foreign specialists, organization of joint educational modulesandcourses;
- organization and participation ininternational conferences, seminars, olympiads, information and methodologicalseminars;
- internshipof lecturers inleading universities, banks and other financialinstitutions,commercial companiesof foreign countries;
- providing the cultural exchange with the foreign colleagues in the international projects;
- experienceexchange about organization of educational process;
- organization ofinternship and practices for studentsin foreign universities, financial and credit institutions, enterprises and commercial structures;
- organization of training students in the foreign universities through participation in international programs;
- realization of projects of international funds;
- support of the student club "International" on cooperation with student organizations at the international level.
The results of international cooperation are:
- Introduction of distance learning system from consulting firm «Design for learning International» (Great Britain);
- Partnership with group of companies “System Integration” to prepare instructors for teaching in an environment Learning Space;
- Involving bankers and foreign experts into the educational process, seminars and courses of training;
- Internship of lecturers and students in the educational institutions of foreign countries, participation of lecturers in the international scientific programs;
- Providing of educational process by special educational and scientific literature.
The prior direction of the Institute’s international relations is searching for partners abroad, who we can really build future relations with and cooperate in mutually beneficial ways.
Kharkiv Institute of banking of the University of banking of the National bank of Ukraine maintain the scientific, business and culture relations with following foreign partners:
- Fachhochschule der Deutschen Bundesbank(Hachenburg, Germany)
- Cracow University of Economics (Cracow, Poland)
- The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Lublin, Poland)
- Banking Institute/College of Banking (Prague, Czechia)
- Swiss Senior Expert Corps Swisscontact(Zurich, Switzerland)
- BalticInternationalAcademy(Riga, Latvia)
- FinancialUniversity under the Government of the Russian Federation(Moscow,Russian Federation)
- International Banking Institute (Sankt-Petersburg, Russian Federation)
- BelgorodStateUniversity(Belgorod, Russian Federation)
- The All-Russian Distance Institute of Finance and Economics (Kursk, Russian Federation)
- PolesskyStateUniversity(Pinsk, Republic of Belarus)
- BrestStateTechnicalUniversity(Brest, Republic of Belarus)
After the results of the joint project of Kharkiv Institute of banking of the University of banking of the National bank of Ukraine (city of Kyiv) with Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation “Swisscontact” “International experience and training of specialists for banking area of Ukraine" our Institute was awarded with the diploma for successful realization of the project.
If you are interested in partnership with us –
we invite you for cooperation!
Concerning the information in English about Kharkiv Institute of banking of the University of banking of the National bank of Ukraine, please contact Stroeva Viktoria (specialist for international relations):
phone: + 38 057 338 56 72