Short Story Rubric Name: ______Date: ______

Not Yet / 2
Developing / 3
At Level / 4
Above Level / 5
Writing Process
(5 marks) / ·  Missing drafts and/or badly organized
·  Needs more details
·  Minimal effort / ·  May be missing a draft, or not provide enough detail
·  Only enough effort “to get by” put in / ·  Outline, rough, and good copies provided
·  Peer edited (?)
·  Thoughtful process / ·  Detailed outline, rough, and good copies
·  Self/Peer Edited
·  Evidence of thoughtful process / ·  Detailed outline, rough, and good copies
·  Self and Peer Edited
·  Evidence of much time and thought in process
Voice and
(10 marks) / ·  Writer does not create interaction with reader
·  Lacks descriptive details
·  Little to no creativity and POV / ·  Story sometimes believable
·  Needs more creative details
·  Author tried to use imagination
·  Sense of voice /POV weak / ·  Story is believable, sets a tone
·  Reader feels interaction with the writer (i.e. characters, etc)
·  Reflects point of view, audience, and purpose / ·  Story includes creative details
·  Creates a strong sense of voice
·  Entire story reflects point of view
·  Well written for audience and purpose / ·  Story details and descriptors are vivid
·  Writing reflects a strong commitment to story
·  Very creative, interesting POV
(5 marks) / ·  Somewhat/not on topic
·  No transitions
·  Difficult to follow
·  Missing one or more elements of a short story / ·  Generally on topic
·  Transitions need work
·  Somewhat difficult to follow
·  May be missing elements of a short story / ·  Clear beginning, middle, end
·  Clear transitions
·  Piece is written in proper short story format / ·  Strong beginning, middle, end
·  Strong transitions
·  Proper format
·  All elements of short story used to best of ability / ·  Well –focused and on topic
·  Excellent beginning, middle, end, transitions, format
·  Excellent use of short story elements
(5 marks) / ·  Various grammar or spelling mistakes / ·  Two or more grammar or spelling mistakes / ·  Mostly correct grammar and spelling / ·  One or no grammar or spelling mistakes / ·  Proper use of grammar and spelling

Total: /25