3 stappen systeem om een klacht af te handelen.
- apologize, verontschuldigen
- uitleggen, give a reason
- oplossen, promise action
mogelijke klachten in het examen:
1) bungalow is niet schoongemaakt
2) Dingen stuk of werken niet in de bungalow
3) bezoek aan het restaurant is slecht bevallen
R: Goodmorning, How may I help you?
G: well, the bungalow is notcleaned.
R: I’mvery sorry tohearthat madam. I do apologizeforanyinconveniences.
Thatshould’t have happened.
I’ll have housekeeping fix itwithin 30 minutes.
G: Sowhydidthis happen, do youknow?
R:Well, a lot of the staffwereillthis week, sothey must have forgotten.
G: Okay, there is oneotherthing,
There is no flatscreen tv and no fireplace in my bungalow.
R:Haveyoubooked the luxurylodge?
G:No, I haven’t
R:Only the luxurylodges have these. I’m sorry, madam.
R:Shall we fill in the complaint form, please?
klacht 2
R: Goodmorning/afternoon, How may I help you?
G: well, the waiter was veryrudeand the food was cold.
R: I’mvery sorry tohearthat madam. I do apologizeforanyinconveniences.
Thatshould’t have happened.
I can offer you a free dinnerand a bottle of wine.
G: Sowhydidthis happen, do youknow?
R: Well, the staff was illthis week, including the manager.Sotheywereunderstaffed.
I’llinform the F&B Manager.
G: Thankyouvery muchfor the free dinner.
R: Shall we fill in the complaint form, please?
Klacht 3
R: Goodmorning, How may I help you?
G: I don’t have any hot water to take a shower and the front door is stuck!
R: I’mvery sorry tohearthat madam. I do apologizeforanyinconveniences.
Thatshould’t have happened.
I’ll have maintenance fix itwithinonehour .
G: Sowhydidthis happen, do youknow?
R: Well, I think the hot water boiler is brokenand the problemwith the door has verylikelysomethingto do with the rain of the last threedays.
G: Thankyouvery much.
G: By the way, I can’tfind the remote control of the T.V.
R: Have youchecked in the drawerunderneath the TV?
G: No, notyet. I’ll do that right away.
R:Shall we fill in the complaint form, please?
vragen bij the complaint form.
Couldyoutell me yoursurname?
Canyouspellthat, please?
Canyoutell me yourinitials? Voorletters
Couldyoutell me yourbookingreferencenumber?
Couldyoutell me the name of the accommodationand the Place of the accommodationplease?