You are kindly requested to only fill in (i.e. score from 0 to 5)each of the blank cells under ‘Net Benefits’ and ‘Implementation Risks’(please carefully read the separate instructions sheet)

Adaptation option / NET BENEFITS / IMPLEMENTATION RISKS / Score / Rank
Net economic benefits / Net
Environmental benefits / Net
social benefits / Weighted sum score / Financial / Social / Institutional / Technical / Technological / Weighted sum score
Points / 0 to 5 / 0 to 5 / 0 to 5 / 0 to 5 / 0 to 5 / 0 to 5 / 0 to 5 / 0 to 5 / 0 to 5 / 0 to 5
Category - Knowledge management for adaptation
open and re-use data
Create ecosystem data interoperability between authorities and other actors
Open data for public use
Improve communication and understanding of ecosystem processes and climate change as pressure
Establish communication and develop tools for informed prioritization of research and practical action
Set up interdisciplinary teams and centers of excellence
Stimulate participative science
Restore, enhance and use local biodiversity knowledge
Collect folk customs and traditional knowledge
Import local knowledge
Maximize the use of citizen science
Promote ecosystem thinking among volunteers
Enable volunteer sharing
Category–Enhance environmental governance
Align strategic planning and implementation legislation
Develop and adopt the new Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and a new Green Infrastructure strategy regarding ecosystem based management, conservation and climate change adaptation
Review and amend legislation and secondary legislation in the environment sector and related sectors to reflect the new Biodiversity Strategy and Green Infrastructure Strategy
Link decision-making, resource and funding to efficient assessment of improved ecosystem conditions
Operationalize ecosystem based monitoring and strategic/environment impact assessment
Adjust sectoral legislation to climate legislations
Revise the CCMA and sectoral strategies/legislation to include the provisions of the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
Adjust regional and local adaptation strategies to the amended CCMA and the strategic documents and legislation on BD&ES
link emissions statistics to new environmental account
Create carbon environmental accounts
Link fossil fuel carbon accounts and environmental accounts
Educate for ecosystem thinking
Implement new training programmes on all educational levels and in informal/non-formal education
Create specialized education courses for administrations responsible for implementing CCA and BD legislation
Develop skills for ecosystem communication and awareness raising
Category –Create space for biodiversity and ecosystems
Reclaim space from grey infrastructure
Restore river meanders to diminish the speed of flow, reduce erosion and eliminate the need for dykes
Use green infrastructure (constructed wetlands) for water purification
Create urban green spaces, i.e. green roofs, semi-grassed alleys, etc.
Create refugiums, reduce fragmentation
Develop green belts in cropland or grassland landscapes
Maintain (semi)natural urban and peri-urban green space
Category –Increase climate change resilience by reducing anthropogenic pressures not related to climate change
Reduce pollution and disturbance
Reduce over-exploitation
Category – Use the “invisible ecosystems” for adaptation and human benefit
Use genetic resources for resilience
Use local instead of imported sorts and breeds, possibly crossed with wild relatives for added resilience
Use local healing plants from natural ecosystems
Cultural ecosystem services for recreation and education
Develop cultural ecosystem services for recreation and education
Table. Template for Prioritisation screening summary