Module Status / Revised / Date of Official Approval / September 2009
SITS Module Code / COM1044-N(SCM Code JPR)
Module Descriptor / This module will introduce students to the Java programming language, event driven systems and the principles of object oriented (OO) software development.
This module will make use of problem-based learning, and assessment will be by 100% In-Course-Assessment.
Key Words (10 max) / Java, programming, objects, events, OO, GUI, API, extreme programming, XP.
Module Owner / Contact the Admin Office for the latest information about which members of staff are lecturing / tutoring this module.
Staff changes are possible right up until the start of teaching.
Mark Truran
Module Leader / Mark Truran
Module Tutor(s) / Elizabeth Norval, Annette Marshall
Module Type / Standard / Credits (UoT CAMS) / 40
Max length of
modules in weeks / 30 / Level / 4 - Undergraduate Yr1
Total Learning Hours / 400 / Period of Delivery / All Year
Delivery Pattern
(average hours per week) / Lecture / e.g. 1 hr x 1 / 1hr x 2
Tutorial / Seminar / e.g. 1 hr x 1
Science Laboratory / e.g. 1 hr x 1
IT Laboratory / e.g. 1 hr x 1 / 2hr x 1
Studio / e.g. 1 hr x 1
Practice / e.g. 1 hr x 1
Open Distance Learning / e.g. 1 hr x 1
If delivery is not in hours per week please state actual delivery that requires timetabling
Delivery Sites / UoT Campus / Mode of Delivery / Standard
Maximum no. of students on module / 999 / Minimum no. of students on module / 20
Summative Assessment
The % ages listed must add up to 100 / Assessment (%) / 100 / Type / In Course Assessment
Assessment (%) / Type / Exam
Assessment Marking Scheme / Standard UoT Undergraduate (40%)
Assignment Submission / School of Computing
Available as Open/Distance Learning / No
Assignment Re-submission possible / No
Roll On / Roll Off / No
Compensatable / Yes
(Include module title and code) / None
(Include module title and code) / None
Other Requirements / Forbidden combination with Programming (VIS1038-N) or Web Programming (MUL1031-N).
Module Aims
This module aims to:
- Provide students with knowledge of fundamental object oriented concepts including classes, objects, methods, inheritance, polymorphism and encapsulation.
- Provide students with the practical skills required to implement complex graphical user interfaces (GUIs) using the Java programming language.
- Provide students with familiarity with a professional source code editor and an integrated development environment (IDE).
Indicative Content
This module will examine the following topics:
- Basic Java syntax (class declarations, reserved words, variables, identifiers etc.).
- Object oriented concepts (classes, objects, methods, inheritance, polymorphism etc.)
- The agile / extreme approach to software construction.
- Software development using a source code editor and an IDE.
- Software design techniques (unified modelling language (UML), pseudocode etc.)
- The Swing GUI library (containers, components, layout, event handling etc.)
- Input and output (file handling, the Scanner class etc.).
- Exceptions and Exception handling.
- The Java Collections framework.
- Software documentation using the Javadoc tool.
- Software evaluation techniques (formal test cases etc.)
Teaching Resources
A lecture room with the specified source code editor / IDE and java software development kit (SDK).
A programming laboratory with projection facilities, the specified source code editor / IDE and java software development kit (SDK).
Learning Strategy
Students will be introduced to theoretical concepts through practical demonstrations in lectures. Laboratory sessions will develop the student's understanding of these concepts through problem based learning. A significant proportion of this learning in this module will be student centred. Students will be expected to engage in 4 -5 hours individual, self-led activity per week. This activity will be supported and encouraged through the University�s online learning environment.
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge & Understanding
On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic OO concepts including classes, objects, methods and encapsulation.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of further OO concepts including inheritance, abstraction and polymorphism.
Cognitive & Intellectual Skills
On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to:
3. Build an efficient Java solution to a simple problem specification.
4. Select the appropriate Java API classes for a given task.
Practical & Professional Skills
On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to:
5. Implement a simplegraphical user interfaceusing the Java programming language.
6. Test a software application using a set of test cases.
7. Implement robust exception handling strategies using the Java programming language.
Key Transferable Skills
On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to:
8. Produce software documentation using source code comments.
9.Produce software documentatio using the JavaDoc tool and reflect upon the effectiveness of their work.
Assessment Strategy
Assessment will be via one individual in-course assessment (ICA) with three elements. These elements will be submitted in November, January and May respectively.
Element one will be worth 20% of the overall mark for the module and will assess learning outcomes 1 and 3.
Element two will be worth 30% of the overall mark for the module and will assess learning outcomes 5, 6 and 8.
Element three will be worth 50% of the overall mark for the module and will assess learning outcomes 2, 4, 7 and 9.
The ICA as a whole will be presented to students as an ongoing portfolio of work.
The School operates a standard procedure for providing (at least) a minimum level of feedback to students in line with Minimum Standards.
Assessment Criteria
Assessment criteria will be supplied with the assignment brief.
Indicative Resources
Bell , D. & Parr, M. (2006) Java for students. 5th ed. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Deitel, P.J. & Deitel, H.M. (2007) Java: how to program. 7th ed. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Liang, Y.D. (2008) Introduction to Java Programming: Comprehensive. 7th ed. Harlow: Prentice Hall
Martin, R.C. (2002) Agile Software Development. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Suitable open source Java IDE such as Eclipse or Netbeans:
Latest version of the Java development kit:
Virtual learning environment (VLE):
Sun Java tutorial:
The School of Computing endeavours to make all of its modules inclusive and does its best to adopt accessible and inclusive practices but we are aware that we cannot anticipate every possible special needs or requirements. There may be elements of this module (resources, assessment, learning and teaching methods, etc) that may present difficulties for students with special needs.
You are strongly advised to check the module details carefully and discuss any potential problems with the School's Disability Co-ordinator so that your particular needs can be accommodated wherever possible. Further advice is available from the University Student Services staff.
Last Updated : 18 June 2010