Larimer County Republic Party 2016 Resolutions
Resolution numbers coordinate with "candidate" numbers on ballot sheet. "Candidate 1" on ballot sheet refers to resolution 1 below;"Candidate 2" refers to resolution 2, and so forth.
1.Repeal the 16th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States
Whereas:the current federal tax system is widely considered unfair, complex, wasteful, confusing and costly; and
Whereas:there is ample evidence of mismanagement and corruption within the IRS, therefore,
Be it resolved:that Republicans initiate the process to repeal the 16th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and remove the power of congress to lay and collect taxes on income.
2.Abolish the IRS
Whereas:the current federal tax system is widely considered unfair, complex, wasteful, confusing and costly; and
Whereas:there is ample evidence of mismanagement and corruption within the IRS,
Be it resolved:that Republicans pass H.R. 25, the Fair Tax Bill, which will abolish the Internal Revenue Service, repeal the current U. S. Tax Code, and enact a National Sales Tax to be administered primarily by the States.
3.Education: Overhaul History and Government curriculum for K-12 Education
Whereas:the founding principles of the United States are based upon and drawn from several important historic documents; and
Whereas:school children of Colorado should understand the sacrifice that has been made for their God-given liberty so that a strong Constitutional Republic in the United States may be secured for future generations,
Be it resolved:that the Colorado Republican Committee call upon the state legislature to introduce, hold hearings, and favorably act on bills requiring the changing and teaching of the history and government sections of the curricula in grades K – 12,and that grades five through 12 include significant sections on The Charter of Liberties, The Magna Carta, The Mayflower Compact, The Declaration of Independence, The United States Constitution, The Federalist Papers, The United States Bill of Rights, The Pledge of Allegiance, and the United States National Anthem; and that curriculum assessment tests shall include questions on these subjects; and that the Pledge of Allegiance be recited each school day morning with a United States flag present before them.
4.Education: Reject Common Core and return control of education to the States
Whereas:the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution reserves the control of education to the States and the people and is not an enumerated power delegated to the Federal government in Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution; and
Whereas:Common Core is a takeover of K-12 education by the Federal Government and Corporations which includes plans to violate student privacy by collecting and sharing massive amounts of student-level data through PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) and SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium) in an effort to nationalize standards which will lead to the centralization of education under the control of unelected and unaccountable people; and
Whereas:there is no evidence that standards and assessment is improving student achievement and that said assessment is excessive, expensive, and unproductive; therefore,
Be it resolved:that the Republican National Committee REJECTS Common Core, the standards set by PARCC and SBAC, the assessment of those standards, the gathering and sharing of all personally identifiable student and teacher data except at the local school district or state level, and that the United States Department of Education be reduced in size, scope, and influence, and eliminate the use of federal funds to influence state and local educational decisions.
5.Health Care: Repeal "Obamacare" and Oppose Colorado Care (Amendment 69)
Whereas:"Obamacare" has restricted health care options and caused significant increases in health insurance premiums, deductibles and co-pays; caused there to be fewer health care plans available; limited doctor choice; and caused Colorado to push for a "Single-Payer" Health Care System; and
Whereas:both Medicare and Medicaid are unsustainable; and
Whereas:the best health care decisions are made between the patient and their doctor,
Be it resolved:that the Republicans oppose Colorado amendment 69, and that nationally they repeal "Obamacare" and replace it with Health Empowerment Accounts (HEAs) that give people, not government bureaucrats, control of where, how and with whom they spend their health care dollars, and also support the creation of high deductible / major medical insurance options that cover regular doctor visits and more challenging health circumstances.
6.2nd Amendment: Gun Controls
Whereas:our founding fathers recognized our God-given right to keep and bear arms in the Bill of Rights; and that the Colorado Constitution also recognizes that right; and
Whereas:any gun controls which infringe on the ability of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms have no place in a free society; therefore,
Be it resolved:that we urge all Republican candidates and elected officials to repeal the Magazine Ban, the Brady Registration System, and all gun controls which infringe on the right of all peaceable and law abiding individual citizens to keep and bear arms of their choice without any degree of restraint.
7.Government: Decrease Government Regulation
Whereas:the number of government regulations has increased significantly over the past several years and the ability of large and small businesses to operate profitably is impaired by the requirements of these regulations resulting in a low growth economy and low employment rates; therefore,
Be it resolved:that the Larimer County Republican Party will encourage legislation that promotes a decrease in unnecessary government regulation to assist in promotion of economic growth.
8.Government: Return to Smaller Government
Whereas:the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and our system of government is built upon a separation of powers and
Whereas:the three branches of government have strayed from their original charges resulting in an out of control bureaucracy; therefore,
Be it resolved:that the Larimer County Republican Party will encourage a return to a smaller government more in keeping with the original intent of our founding fathers.
9.Criminal Justice: Independent Citizen Grand Juries
Whereas:the founders of the United States of America understood the corruptible nature of mankind would lead to tyrannical rule by those in positions of power and therefore created a legal means to remove such corrupt rulers from power by instituting citizen Grand Juries and
Whereas:the Supreme Court has affirmed as recently as 1991 and 2013 that the citizens have this right to form independent Grand Juries, free of government control. Therefore,
Be it resolved:that the Larimer County Republican Party will support all Independent Citizen Grand Juries and will support their actions and defend them against all attempts by government officials or agencies to silence, coerce, attack, or disband them and will support their actions to make a corrupted government accountable to the people.
10.Immigration Reduction
Whereas:immigration, both legal and illegal, totals the most it ever has in our nation’s history, accounting for two-thirds of our population growth, and
Whereas:the United States has long been completely settled, has not increased its territory in over a century, and has a society and economy based on abundant room and resources for its citizens, and
Whereas:immigration is a major contributor to poverty, lowered wages, poor school performance, high spending on social programs, housing affordability, and congestion,
Be it resolved: that the Larimer County Republican Party advocates an immigration policy that puts the interests of US citizens ahead of those of foreigners by limiting total annual immigration (legal plus illegal) to 300,000 persons selected by their value to and compatibility with the United States, mandates all employers verify the eligibility of their hires, implements a biometric visa entry/exit system, denies all but emergency government benefits to those who cannot prove legal residency, and never gives citizenship to those who entered illegally or overstayed their visa.
11.Elections: Caucus Presidential Preference Poll
Whereas:Colorado moved its caucus to early enough in the year to influence the nomination of our party’s presidential candidate, and
Whereas:voters expect to be able to exercise that influence, and
Whereas:presidential elections increase voter involvement to the benefit of the Party,
Be it resolved:that the Larimer County Republican Party will petition the Colorado State Republican Party to conduct a presidential preference poll at caucuses in presidential election years and to publicize to party members well in advance of the caucus the process by which national delegates will be allocated to presidential candidates.
12.Elections: Colorado Change from Caucus to Primary
Whereas:the U.S. voting system should be clear and transparent to all participating citizens, and
Whereas:the caucus system is confusing, time-consuming, and discourages active participation especially among young and minority voters, and,
Whereas:the State of Colorado was, in the recent presidential nomination process, completely ignored by all national Republican candidates, resulting in Colorado Republicans having no vote in the early selection process for a Republican Presidential candidate,
Be it resolved:the Larimer County Republican Party propose and support legislation to change the presidential voting system from a caucus to a primary.
13.Defense: Monitor Nuclear Weapons Materials
Whereas:other countries and terrorist groups beyond recognized Nuclear Weapons States have acquired or are attempting to acquire nuclear weapons for harmful purposes and such materials and nuclear proliferation are of concern to all of humanity; therefore,
Be it resolved:that Larimer County Republican Party and the Republican Party as a whole encourage legislation to carefully monitor and limit the spread of nuclear weapons materials.
14.Defense: Repeal Iran Nuclear Arms Deal
Whereas:Article II, Section 2, Clause2 of the United States Constitution provides “The President…shall have power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur…” On September 10, 2015, President Obama’s Iran Nuclear Arms Deal was accepted by Congress with less than two-thirds vote by the Senate. Therefore,
Be it resolved:that the Republican Party support legislation to repeal the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015, affirming that any Nuclear Arms Agreement with any foreign country shall have to be approved by two-thirds vote of the United States Senate.
15.Economy: Abolish Federal Reserve Banking System
Whereas:there has been a ten-fold increase in inflation in the past generation, out of control government spending, failed monetary policies of an arbitrary federal reserve board flooding the marketplace with fiat money, leading American citizens into a state of national servitude, loss of real and personal property, and a loss of economic prosperity; therefore,
Be it resolved:that the Larimer County Republican Party supports a return to sound monetary policy based on a gold standard with public and measurable money creation standards, rational and conservative limitations on the federal banks fractional reserve credit system and the eventual abolishment of the privately owned “federal” reserve banking system.
Whereas:the Middle East is a strategic area of the world where the United States needs an ally, and
Whereas:Israel has been a faithful ally and friend since 1948; therefore,
Be it resolved:that the Republican Party of Larimer County supports Israel in everything they do, whether their policies be domestic or international.
17. Defund Planned Parenthood
Whereas:our Founding Fathers recognized the right to life in the Declaration of Independence; and
Whereas:annually, nearly 16,000 unborn babies in Colorado have their lives violently snuffed out by the barbaric practice of abortion, which is a practice that cannot be tolerated in a civilized society; and
Whereas:Planned Parenthood is well known for activities that end life, devalue life, and have been proven to be in the business of selling fetal body parts which is against federal law, then
Be it resolved:that the Republican Party of Larimer County adhere to the right to life principle as outlined in our Declaration of Independence by supporting Pro-Life candidates and policies and to place a ban on tax payer fundingfor Planned Parenthood.
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