School Improvement Committee: Rubric for Communicating Orally
Exemplary / Effective / Expanding / (Emerging)Summary/Analysis/
Synthesis / Student clearly and concisely summarizes and analyzes information and synthesizes this with related concepts and prior learning. / Student summarizes and analyzes the information and ideas in the assignment. / Student summarizes information in a mechanical way. / Student does not accurately summarize information
Invention (Finding Ideas) / Student brings his/her own ideas and possibilities into the assignment in a unique, insightful, and original way. / Student interacts in a complete but unoriginal way with the ideas involved in the assignment. / Student demonstrates limited or partially inaccurate interaction with the ideas involved in the assignment. / Student responds to ideas in a manner that is inappropriate or unrelated to the requirements of the assignment.
Arrangement (Organization) / Student builds ideas logically and clearly by determining his/her own direction and flow in complementing the ideas she/he is attempting to display. / Student partitions and divides response to the assignment in a clear and logical way, with transitions among ideas. / Student orders and organizes in a way that is inappropriate to the purpose of the assignment. / Student orders and organizes the assignment and his/her response to it in a way that confuses understanding.
Style (Language Use Specific to the Subject Matter) / Student’s use of language is precise and specific in relation to the needs of the assignment and subject matter. / Student’s use of language is appropriate to the assignment and subject matter. / Student’s use of language is not fully connected to the requirements of the assignment or the subject matter; may be vague or generalized. / Student’s use of language is unrelated to the purpose and subject matter of the assignment.
Delivery / Student is professional, captivating, expressive; modulates his/her voice in order to draw attention to what is being said. Maintains consistent eye contact. / Student is poised, calm; enunciates clearly and is conversational in approach, Shows eye contact. / Student lacks poise and control, is stiff or mechanical; may mumble. Avoids eye contact. / Student does not respond audibly or with understandable enunciation. Eye contact is absent.
Visual Material / Visual material is integral to oral message, artistic, and creative / Visual material complements the verbal message in a clear and pleasing fashion. / Visual material does not complement the verbal message and is not pleasing. / Visual material is unrelated and/or distracting.