A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology
by José Ángel García Landa
(University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)
(Scottish novelist, poet and scholar; st. law at Edinburgh U, bar 1792; m Margaret Charlotte Charpentier 1797; successful poet, printer with James Ballantyne; contributor to Edinburgh Review; built Abbotsford mansion; promoted Tory Quarterly Review; refused Laureateship 1813; pub. historical novels anonymously as "the author of Waverley" until 1827; baronet 1820; bankrupt with Ballantyne 1826; struggled to pay debts; world-wide influence on historical novelists and nationalist romance writers)
Scott, Walter (Sir). The Chase, and William and Helen. Poems. Versions of the German poems of G. A. Bürger "Der wilde Jäger" and "Lenore". 1796.
_____. Goetz of Berlichtingen. Poem. From the German of Goethe. 1799.
_____. The Eve of St John. Poem. 1800.
_____. "The Fire-King." "Glenfilas." Stories. In Tales of Wonder. Ed. Matthew Gregory Lewis. 1801.
_____, trans. "The Wild Huntsman." Poem. By G. A. Bürger.
_____. "Fleetwood by William Godwin." Edinburgh Review 6 (1805). In Sir Walter Scott on Novelists and Fiction. 193-204.
_____. The Lay of the Last Minstrel. Poem. 1805.
_____. Ballads and Lyrical Pieces. 1806.
_____. "Life of Dryden." In The Works of John Dryden. 18 vols. 1808.
_____. "Lochinvar." Poem. 1808. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Gen. ed. M. H. Abrams with Stephen Greenblatt. Vol. 2. New York: Norton, 1999. 413-15.*
_____. Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field. Poem. 1808.
_____. Memoirs. 1808-10. Rev. 1826.
_____. "John de Lancaster by Richard Cumberland." Quarterly Review 1 (1809). In Sir Walter Scott on Novelists and Fiction. 214-24.
_____. "Fatal Revenge by Dennis Murphy [Maturin]." Quarterly Review 3 (1810). In Sir Walter Scott on Novelists and Fiction. 204-14.
_____. The Lady of the Lake. Poem. 1810.
_____. Biographical Memoir of John Leyden, M. D. Edinburgh Annual Register (1811).
_____. Introd. to The Castle of Otranto. By Horace Walpole. Edinburgh, 1811.
_____. Introd. to The Castle of Otranto. By Horace Walpole. Preface by C. Spurgeon. (King's Classics). London: Chatto, 1907.
_____. The Vision of Don Roderick. Poem. 1811.
_____. Rokeby. Poem. 1813.
_____. Rokeby: A Poem. 4th ed. Edinburgh: Ballantyne, 1813.
_____. The Bridal of Triermain, or The Valley of St. John. Poem. 1813.
_____. "The Eyrbiggia Saga." Illustrations of Northern Antiquities. 1814.
_____. Articles "Chivalry" and "Drama." Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1814.
_____ . "Life of J. Swift." In The Works of Jonathan Swift. 19 vols. 1814.
_____. Waverley, or 'Tis Sixty Years Since. Novel. 4 vols. Edinburgh: Ballantyne, 1814.
_____. Waverley. In Waverley Novels. Vol. I. Waverley Edinburgh: Cadell & Company, 1829.
_____. Waverley. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. Waverley. Ed. Andrew Hook. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
_____. Waverley. Ed. Claire Lamont. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1981.
_____. Waverley. New York: Penguin, 1983.
_____. Waverley. Audiobook. Books Should Be Free
_____. Waverley. Barcelona, Librería-Imprenta de Oliva, 1836. (Anonymous trans.).
_____. Waverley ó Hace sesenta años. Trans. Francisco Gutiérrez-Brito e Isidoro López Lapuya. 1910.
_____. Waverley ó Hace sesenta años. Trans. Francisco Gutiérrez-Brito e Isidoro López Lapuya Introd. Joé Enrique García González. (Biblioteca de Traducciones Españolas). Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, Instituto Cervantes. 2008.
_____. "Waverley de Walter Scott traducido por la Librería-Imprenta de Oliva (6 vols, 1836)." Ed. José Enrique García González. (Archivo digitalizado y edición traductológica de textos literarios y ensayísticos traducidos al español, HUM2004-00721FILO). Universidad de Málaga. 2007.
_____. "On Contemporary Fiction." Introd. to Waverley. In Sir Walter Scott on Novelists and Fiction. 431-5.
_____. "Historical Sketches." Edinburgh Annual Register. (1814-15).
_____. Guy Mannering, or, The Astrologer. Novel. 1815.
_____. Guy Mannering. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. The Lord of the Isles. Poem. 1815.
_____. The Field of Waterloo. Poem. 1815.
_____. "Emma " Quarterly Review 14 (1815-16). In Sir Walter Scott on Novelists and Fiction. Ed. Ioan Williams. London: Routledge, 1968. 2254-37.*
_____. The Antiquary. Novel. 1816.
_____. The Antiquary. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. The Antiquary. Ed. W. M. Parker. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1966.
_____. "Jock of Hazeldean." Poem. 1816. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Gen. ed. M. H. Abrams with Stephen Greenblatt. Vol. 2. New York: Norton, 1999. 415.*
_____. Tales of My Landlord: First Series (The Black Dwarf and Old Mortality). Novels. 1816.
_____. Old Mortality. Boston: Fields, Osgood, 1869.
_____. Old Mortality. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. Old Mortality. Ed. W. M. Parker. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1968.
_____. Old Mortality. Ed. Peter Davidson and Jane Stevenson. Oxford: Oxford UP.
_____. Old Mortality. Online at ebooks@Adelaide, 2008,
_____. Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk. 1816.
_____. Harold the Dauntless. Poem. 1817.
_____. Lalla Rookh. Poem. 1817.
_____. Review of his Tales of My Landlord. 1817. In The Miscellaneous Prose Works. Edinburgh, 1835. Vol. 19.
_____. Review of Tales of My Landlord. (Scott). Quarterly Review 16 (1817). In Sir Walter Scott on Novelists and Fiction. 237-60.
_____. Rob Roy. Novel. 1817.
_____. Rob Roy. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. Rob Roy. Introd. W. M. Parker. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1966.
_____. Rob Roy. London: Dent, 1986.
_____. Rob Roy. Ed. Ian Duncan. (World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.
_____. Rob Roy. Trans. Hipólito García. Barcelona: Planeta, 1995.*
_____. "Proud Maisie." Poem. 1818. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Gen. ed. M. H. Abrams with Stephen Greenblatt. Vol. 2. New York: Norton, 1999. 415-16.*
_____. "Remarks on Frankenstein: Or, The Modern Prometheus." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 2.12 (March 1818): 613-20.
_____. "Remarks on Frankenstein: Or, The Modern Prometheus." In Sir Walter Scott on Novelists and Fiction. Ed. Ioan Williams. London: Routledge, 1968. 260-73.*
_____ . Tales of My Landlord: Second Series (The Heart of Midlothian). Novel. 1818.
_____. The Heart of Midlothian. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. The Heart of Midlothian. 2 vols. Boston: Estes and Lauriat, 1893.
_____. The Heart of Midlothian. Ed. Claire Lamont. Oxford: Oxford UP.
_____. From The Heart of Mid-Lothian. Chapters III and IV. In The Arnold Anthology of British and Irish Literature in English. Ed. Robert Clark and Thomas Healy. London: Arnold, 1997. 768-80.*
_____. From The Heart of Midlothian. (Ch. 1). 1818. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Gen. ed. M. H. Abrams with Stephen Greenblatt. Vol. 2. New York: Norton, 1999. 402-13.*
_____. El corazón de Mid-Lothian. Ed. Román Alvarez. Trans. Fernando Toda. Madrid: Cátedra, 1988.
_____. "Women... [by Maturin]." Edinburgh Review 30 (1818). In Sir Walter Scott on Novelists and Fiction. 273-98.
_____. Provincial Antiquities of Scotland. 1819-26.
_____. Regalia of Scotland. 1819.
_____. Tales of My Landlord: Third Series. (The Bride of Lammermoor and A Legend of Montrose). Novels. 1819.
_____. The Bride of Lammermoor. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1886.
_____. (Sir Walter Scott, Bart.). The Bride of Lammermoor. London and Glasgow: Collins Clear-Type Press, n.d. [1920s?].*
_____. The Bride of Lammermoor. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. The Bride of Lammermoor. Ed. Fiona Robertson. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1991.
_____. The Legend of Montrose. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. Ivanhoe, a Romance. 1819.
_____. Ivanhoe. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. Ivanhoe. (Everyman). London: Dent, 1955.
_____. Ivanhoe. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.
_____. Ivanhoe. (Penguin Classics). Harmondsworth: Penguin.
_____. Ivanhoe. Ed. Ian Duncan. (World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP.
_____. Ivanhoe. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1994.
_____. Ivanhoe. Ware: Wordsworth.
_____. Ivanhoe. Children's adaptation by Robin .S. Wright. Illust. Christopher Bradbury. Trans. Pedro Peñalver. Madrid: Altea, 1980. Rpt. Altea, Taurus, Alfaguara, 1987.*
_____. Ivanhoe ó el cruzado. Barceloan; A. Bergnes de las Casas, 1933.
_____. Ivanhoe. Trans. Hipólito García. Barcelona: Planeta, 1991.
_____. Ivanhoe. Introd., trans., and notes by Antonio Lastra and Ángeles García Calderón. Madrid: Cátedra, 2013.
_____. "The Historical Novel." Dedicatory Epistle to Ivanhoe. 1817. In Sir Walter Scott on Novelists and Fiction. 435-9.
_____. The Monastery, A Romance. 1820.
_____. The Monastery. The Waverley Novels. Boston: Fields, Osgood, 1869.
_____. The Monastery. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. The Abbot. Novel. 1820.
_____. The Abbot. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. Account of the Coronation of George IV. 1821.
_____. Kenilworth: A Romance. 1821.
_____. Kenilworth. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson, c. 1930.
_____. The Pirate. Novel. 1821.
_____. The Pirate. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. "Prefatory Memoir" to The Expedition of Humphry Clinker, by Tobias Smollett. London: Ballantyne, 1821. Excerpt in Humphry Clinker. Ed. James L. Thorson. New York: Norton, 1983. 335-38.*
_____. "Samuel Richardson." In Scott, The Lives of the Novelists. London: Dent, n. d. 1-45.*
_____. "Tobias Smollett." In Scott, The Lives of the Novelists. London: Dent, n. d. 71-118.*
_____. "Oliver Goldsmith." In Scott, The Lives of the Novelists. London: Dent, n. d. 144-61.*
_____. "Clara Reeve." In Scott, The Lives of the Novelists. London: Dent, n. d. 204-11.*
_____. "Alain Rene Le Sage." In Scott, The Lives of the Novelists. London: Dent, n. d. 245-68.*
_____. "Robert Bage." In Scott, The Lives of the Novelists. London: Dent, n. d. 276-91.*
_____. "Henry Mackenzie." In Scott, The Lives of the Novelists. London: Dent, n. d. 291-303.*
_____. "Charlotte Smith." In Scott, The Lives of the Novelists. London: Dent, n. d. 303-35.*
_____. "Miss Austen's Novels." 1821. In The Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott. Bart. Vol. 18. London: Whittaker & Co., 1835.
_____. Lives of Eminent Novelists. Prefaces to Ballantyne's Novelists Library (1821-24). Collected by Galignani in 1825.
_____. Lives of Eminent Novelists and Dramatists. London: Frederick Warne, 1887.
_____. The Lives of the Novelists. Introd. George Saintsbury. (Everyman). London: Dent, 1910.*
_____. Lives of the Novelists. In Sir Walter Scott on Novelists and Fiction. Ed. Ioan Williams. London: Routledge, 1968. 15-190.
_____. Halidon Hill. Dramatic Sketch. 1822.
_____. The Fortunes of Nigel. Novel. 1822.
_____. The Fortunes of Nigel. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. "Under Interrogation." (Self-interview). Introd. to The Fortunes of Nigel. 1822. In Sir Walter Scott on Novelists and Fiction. 453-61.
_____. Peveril of the Peak. Novel. 1822.
_____. Peveril of the Peak. 3 vols. Boston: Estes and Lauriat, 1893.
_____. Peveril of the Peak. Boston: Fields, Osgood, 1869.
_____. Quentin Durward. Novel. 1823.
_____. Quentin Durward. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. Quentin Durward. Ed. Susan Manning. Oxford: Oxford UP.
_____. Quintín Durward ó el escocés en la corte de Luis XI. Barcelona: A. Bergnes, 1834.
_____. Quintín Durward. Adapt. Lucila Cabrejas. (Colección Historias * Selección). Barcelona: Editorial Bruguera, 1967.*
_____. "Character of the Late Lord Byron." The Pamphleteer 24 (1824).
_____. "An Essay on Romance." Encyclopaedia Britannica supplement 1824. Rpt. in The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott. Vol. 4. Paris: Baudry's Eurpean Library, 1837.
_____. St. Ronan's Well. Novel. 1824.*
_____. St. Ronan's Well. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. "The Most Legitimate Plan." Introd. to St. Ronan's Well, 1832. In Sir Walter Scott on Novelists and Fiction. 428-30.
_____. Redgauntlet, A Tale of the Eighteenth Century. Novel. 1824. Ed. Katryn Sutherland. Oxford: Oxford UP.
_____. Redgauntlet. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. Redgauntlet. (World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP.
_____. Tales of the Crusaders (The Betrothed and The Talisman). 1825.
_____. The Betrothed. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. The Talisman. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. Thoughts on the Proposed Change of Currency from Malachi Malagrowther. 1826.
_____. "The Omen by John Galt." Blackwood's Magazine 20 (1826).
_____."The Omen" In The Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott. Bart. London: Whittaker & Co., 1835) (
_____. "The Omen by John Galt." Blackwood's Magazine 20 (1826). In Sir Walter Scott on Novelists and Fiction. Ed. Ioan Williams. London: Routledge, 1968. 298-312.
_____. Woodstock; or, The Cavalier. Novel. 1826.
_____. Woodstock or The Cavalier: A Tale of the Year Sixteen Hundred and Fifty-One. London: Nelson, n. d.*
_____. Woodstock, or The Cavalier. Online at Project Gutenberg.*
_____. "Character of Frederick, Duke of York." In An Account of the Death of Frederick, Duke of York. By J. Sykes. 1827.
_____ . Chronicles of the Canongate: First Series. (The Highland Widow, The Two Drovers and The Surgeon's Daughter). Novels. 1827.
_____. Chronicles of the Canongate. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. "Authorship [Introduction to Chronicles of the Canongate." 1827. In Sir Walter Scott on Novelists and Fiction. 409-27.
_____. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. Biography. 9 vols. 1827.
_____."On the Supernatural in Fictitious Composition, and Particularly on the Work of Ernest Theodore William Hoffmann." Foreign Quarterly Review 1 (1827).
_____. "Novels of Ernest Theodore Hoffmann." 1827. In The Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott. Bart. Vol. 18. London: Whitaker & Co., 1835.
_____."On the Supernatural in Fictitious Composition, and Particularly on the Work of Ernest Theodore William Hoffmann." In Sir Walter Scott on Novelists and Fiction. Ed. Ioan Williams. London: Routledge, 1968. 312-54.*
_____. The Tales of a Grandfather. 1827-30.
_____. My Aunt Margaret's Mirror, The Tapestried Chamber, and The Laird's Jock (in The Keepsake). 1828.
_____. "The Tapestried Chamber." In Great English Short Stories. Ed. Lewis Melville and Reginald Hargreaves. London: Harrap, 1931. 70-82.*
_____. Religious Discourses, by a Layman. 1828.
_____. "The Adventures of Hajji Baba . . .; The Kuzzilbash [by James Morier and James Baillie Frazer]." Quarterly Review 39 (1829). In Sir Walter Scott on Novelists and Fiction. 354-78.
_____. Chronicles of the Canongate: Second Series (St. Valentine's Day; or, The Fair Maid of Perth). Novel. 1828.
_____. The Fair Maid of Perth. Boston: Fields, Osgood, 1871.
_____. The Fair Maid of Perth. (Nelson Classics). London: Nelson.
_____. Anne of Geierstein; or, The Maiden of the Mist. Novel. 1829.
_____. Anne of Geirstein. Boston: Fields, Osgood, 1869.
_____. "General Preface." In Waverley Novels. Vol. I. Waverley Edinburgh: Cadell & Company, 1829.
_____. Waverley Novels. Vol. I. Waverley Edinburgh: Cadell & Company, 1829.
_____. The Waverley Novels. 25 vols. London, 1879.
_____. Waverley Novels. 32 vols. (Handy Volume Edition). Bradbury, n.d.
_____. The Waverley Novels. 25 vols. London: Black, 1892-4.
_____. The Waverley Novels. London: Nimmo, 1892-4.