CCW Client Policies
Client Employee Policies
Table of Contents
Introduction / Page 2Policy #1 / Admissions / Page 3
Policy # 2 / Per Diems / Page 4
Policy # 3 / Suspension/Dismissal / Page5
Policy # 4 / Re-Admission / Page6
Policy #5 / Appeal / Page7
Policy #6 / Part Time Employment / Page 8
Policy #7 / Hours of Work / Page9
Policy #8 / Stipend / Page9
Policy #9 / Doctor and/or Dentist Appointments / Page9
Policy #10 / Reporting Absences / Page10
Policy # 11 / Meals/Snacks/Lunches / Page10
Policy # 12 / Smoke Free / Page11
Policy # 13 / Scent Free / Page 11
Policy # 14 / Fire Exits/Protocols / Page11
Policy # 15 / Technology / Page11
Policy # 16 / Change in Status / Page12
Policy # 17 / Vacation and Holidays / Page12
Policy # 18 / Sick Leave / Page 13
Policy # 19 / Leave of Absences / Page14
Policy # 20 / Bereavement / Page 14
Policy #21 / Dress and General Appearance / Page 15
Policy #22 / Workshop Closure / Page 16
Policy # 23 / Damage to Property / Page 17
Policy # 24 / Theft / Page 17
Policy # 25 / Alcohol and Drug Usage / Page 17
Policy # 26 / Removal of Incident Reports / Page 17
Policy # 27 / Gift Giving / Page 18
Policy #28 / Internal Investigation of Complaints / Page 18
Policy #29 / Client Employee Absenteeism / Page20
Policy #30 / Individual Vocational Plan / Page21
Policy #31 / Professional Conduct Guidelines/Expectations / Page23
Policy #32 / Behavior / Page24
Policy #33 / Medication / Page 25
Policy #34 / On-Going Medical Needs / Page 26
Colchester Community Workshops (CCW)
Client Employee Policies
Approved January 2010, Amended and Approved June 29, 2010;
Amended and Approved May 2012; Amended and Approved March 2013
1.0Colchester Community Workshops is a Vocational Day Program.
2.0This program provides services for our client employees who are defined as citizens with intellectual disabilitiesalthough individual exceptions may apply.
3.0These policies are for the information of the client employees in the programs offered by CCW and, where applicable, their parents/guardians/caregivers.
4.0The mission of CCW, in association with its community, is to ‘create opportunities for adults with special needs through learning, vocational skills development and personal growth in a caring and stimulating environment’.
5.0Ways in which we assist in achieving this goal are to assess current skill levels, teach work habits, skills and attitudes, provide social and life skills training and realistic employment experiences to the optimal level of independence that each client employee is capable of reaching.
Policy #1:
Admissions Policy
1.0All applicants shall be 18 years of age by September 1st of the admission year. Potential client employees must have reached their 18th birthday before their application will be accepted for consideration.
2.0While it is recognized all applicants will have some accommodated needs, the needs should not be such that the applicant could not meet the vocational and social expectations of the workshops. The standard ratio of supervision is one staff to eight client employees.
3.0Client employees must be able to arrange their own transportation.
3.1CCW is not responsible for, and staff supervision is not provided for, clients dropped off for work prior to 8:30 am or remain on CCW property after 3:30 pm.
4.0Applicants, typically, will not be hired if they are in an acute phase of their illness, as determined by an appropriate health careprofessional.
5.0 CCW will maintain a wait list that will be reviewed regularly and applicants will be accepted for assessment based on the date of application. Upon completion of theassessment, permanent placement will be determined according to individual needs and program availability.
6.0 Upon being contacted for assessment by CCW, the applicant will accept the opportunity for assessment at a mutually agreeable start date. If the applicant is unable to accept the vacancy at the time and still wishes consideration of a placement at a later date, their name will go to the bottom of the CCW wait list.
(Revised December 1, 2016)
1.0All applicants are required to submit an application package to the Operations Manager.
2.0The Operations Manager will set up an interview with the applicant and have all of the screening and paperwork completed. Referring persons may be asked to attend this meeting.
3.0All applicants accepted by the Admissions Committee will be invited to participate in a paid, sixty five (65) hourassessment period in the workshop to assess whether it is the appropriate service for them.
4.0The data from the sixty five (65) hour assessment will be forwarded to the Operations Managerto determine if they will be accepted for the six month probationary period. If there are challenges in meeting the individual’s needs, the assessment will be referred to the Admissions Committee for a decision.
4.1If there are no challenges during the assessment period, the client will proceed to the six (6) month probationary period. If challenges arise during the probationary period, they will be brought forward to the Admissions/Discharge Committee for review. If deemed appropriate, the placement may be ended at any time at the discretion of the Admissions/Discharge Committee.
5.0After the completion of the six (6) month probationary period and based on the two-week assessment followed by monthly assessments for the first three months, a decision regarding acceptance of the client for a permanent placement will be made. This will be communicated by the Operations Manager to the individual and the Admission Committee. At this time, an IVP will be putin place. Once the applicant has successfully completed the six (6) month probationary period, the development of an annual Individual Program Plan (IVP) will be completed.
6.0The client and the Admissions Committee will receive the results of the probationary evaluations.
7.0If it is felt that CCW would not be the placement of choice, alternative suggestions will be given whenever possible.
8.0Any applicant who is denied admission to CCW by the Admissions Committee has the right to appeal. (See Appeal Process). They may re-apply after one year.
Policy 2:
Per Diem Policy:
Colchester Community Workshop is committed to providing a valuable service to clients with intellectual disabilities within ColchesterCounty. CCW recognizes that in order to sustain such programming, the organization must charge a per diem for each individual.
1.0For those applicants who are funded through Department of Community Services, the Operations Manager will forward a “Request for Approval of Per Diem” form to the individual’s assigned DCS worker for approval.
2.0 Those individuals who are not funded through Department of Community Services will be direct billed on a monthly basis at the regular per diem rate.
3.0In the event that payment of a per diem would result in undue hardship to an individual or the individual’s family, that person may apply in writing to the Operations Manager for a waiver of said per diem. (Full disclosure of their circumstances and finances would be required.)
4.0Upon review of the requested documentation, the Operations Manager will determine if there appears to be undue hardship and if so, the request to waive the per diem will be forwarded to the Admissions/Discharge Committee for review.
5.0The Admissions/Discharge Committee will review all pertinent material and maintains the right to request additional information as necessary. The Committee will make their decision to approve or deny the request within fourteen (14) calendar days of the receipt of all requested documentation.
6.0The applicant has the right to appeal the decision and must do so in writing to the Executive Director within seven (7) working days of the written decision by Admissions/Discharge Committee.
Policy #3:
Suspension/Dismissal Policy
CCW supports a system of progressive discipline except in the instance of
Criticaloffences whereby CCW maintains the right to dismiss immediately the client
employee. It is recognized that this is an accommodated workplace and management
may exerciseflexibility in individual cases.
1.0Reasons for suspension and/or dismissal may include the following:
1.1Refusal or inability to comply, on a regular basis, with principles and philosophies, policies and procedures of CCW as outlined in the client employee policies.
1.2The on-going need for a smaller ratio ofsupervision than the agency standards permit or the placement program can provide.
1.3Refusal or inability to meet the requirement of the training and orientation period.
1.4Inability on the part of CCW to provide the resources required to meet the client employee’s needs.
1.5Situations in which the safety of the individual or others is at risk.
1.6Absenteeism as outlined in the Employee Absenteeism Policy.
1.7Critical Offences as outlined in the Internal Investigation of Complaints Policy.
If any of the indicators for discharge exist, the following procedure should occur:
1.0Staff must inform Operations Manager or Designatethat the incident is occurring.
2.0The Operations Manager or Designate will meet with the client(s) and family member, staff and/or unpaid advocate if requestedto discuss the situation.
3.0The Operations Manager or Designate will report the situation to the Admissions Committee for their information and discussion.
4.0A plan of action will be established to deal with the incident. The types of plans which may be established include, but are not limited to, part-time placement, assistance from health care professionals, temporary suspension or leave of absence, and individual counseling.
5.0If the time frame for the plan of action and its contents are felt to be appropriate and no change is made because the client is either unwilling or unable to make the change then discharge from CCW may be necessary.
6.0All suspensions must be accompanied by a letter to the client employee or legal guardian stating the reasons for, and the length of time of, the suspension. If requested by the client employee, a copy will be sent to a parent, guardian, unpaid advocate and/or service provider.
7.0Client employees may appeal a suspension or dismissal through the Appeal Process as described in the Client Policy Guidelines.
Policy #4:
Re-Admission Policy
Individuals may apply in writing any time, except in the case of dismissal. This policy is
designed for individuals who have attended CCW in the past and are considering
re-application. All re-applicants shall be reviewed by the Admissions/Discharge
1.0A case-conference may be held to discuss the re-application.
2.0Documentation may be requested during the re-application process.
3.0If accepted, the individual will be required to complete a six month probationary period.
4.0In the case of dismissal:
4.1Applicants must wait one year before re-applying to CCW.
4.2Documentation may be requested during the re-application process.
5.0All applicants accepted for re-admission will have their names placed at the bottom of the wait list according to date of application. Exceptions may be made, upon written request for consideration, by the Admisions/Discharge Committee..
(Revised December 1, 2016)
Policy #5:
Appeal Policy
Individuals may appeal a decision of the Admissions/Discharge Committee
1.0Appeals may be submitted as a result of any of the following circumstances:
1.1Refusal of admission/re-admission.
1.2Refusal of permanent/part-time status.
1.3Suspension or dismissal.
2.0A letter should be written to the Executive Director or designate within seven (7) workingdays of the written dismissal stating the reason for the appeal.
3.0The Executive Director or designate will then investigate and discuss his/her findings with the Admissions/Discharge Committee.
4.0The Executive Director or designate, in consultation with the Admission/Discharge Committee will respond within fourteen (14) workingdays of receiving the letter of appeal.
4.1The result of the appeal will be communicated to the individual filing the appeal by registered mail.
5.0If the decision of the Admissions Committee is not acceptable to the applicant, the applicant may then appeal in writing to the Board of Directors within fourteen (14) working days of receiving the registered letter.
6.0The Board of Directors, or an appeal committee designated by the board, will respond within fourteen (14) workingdays of the receipt of the appeal. That decision will be final.
Policy #6:
Part Time Employment Policy
Part time employment/service is defined as anyone attending the workshop
a minimum of fifteen (15)up to and including twenty-one (21) hours per week. Part-time employment is based on individual client needs.
CCW will provide part time employment options for client employees. Part time
employment is granted on an individual basis.
1.0 When a client employee requests part time employment/service, or if it is recommendation of Operations Manager that a client employee would be better served by receiving part time employment, the following procedures will be followed:
1.1The Operations Manager will arrange a case conference with the client employee and applicable caregivers.
1.2The Operations Manager, in consultation with the client employee and all applicable caregivers, will determine if there is a viable need for the client employees to work on a part time basis. Each situation/request will be addressed on an individual basis.
1.3Employees who request part item employment/service due to extenuating medical/mental health concerns must provide CCW with thorough supporting documentation from a physician and/or psychiatrist.
1.4The Operations Manager, in consultation with the client employee and all applicable caregivers, will establish a part time work schedule.
2.0When a permanentclient employee who is working on a part time basis feels they would prefer full time status, the Operations Manager will arrange another meeting with appropriate supports as designated by the client employee to explore this request. If it is deemed to be a suitable/viable request than the part item employee will receive priority for the next appropriate full time vacancy.
Policy #7:
Hours of Work
Employees shall attend the workshop a minimum of fifteen (15) hours,
Monday to Friday. Client employees who have been identified as pre-retirement in
their IVP’s may work fewer than the required full-time hours but will still be
considered to be full-timeparticipants.
1.0Full time (32.5 hours per week).
2.0Part time (minimum of 15 hours per week).
Policy #8:
Client employees will receive a stipend on a bi-weekly basis. The stipend amount will
vary based on the number of hours worked.
Policy #9:
Doctor’s and/or Dentist Appointments
When possible, client employees will schedule these appointments after working hours. When this is not possible, client employees will give prior notice of these appointments. It is not accepted practice to be absent a full day for these appointments but exceptions may be made in individual circumstances
Policy #10:
Reporting Absences
In the case of client employee absence due to sickness, the absence shall be reported to CCW within the first half (1/2) hour of their regularly scheduled workday.
1.0When a client does not arrive for their scheduled work day and have not called to report their absence, the client’s primary instructor will immediately call the home of the client.
2.0Should the staff person involved not be able to contact the client employee, the staff will then attempt to contact family members or emergency contacts as identified on the client face sheet.
3.0If there is still no explanation for the client absence, the staff person will inform the Operations Manager to determine appropriate follow up, which may include but is not limited to, a visit to the client’s residence, contact of friends or acquaintances of the client and notification of absence to police.
4.0Upon investigation of the absence, the Operations Manager will determine if there was a reasonable cause for the client to fail to report his/her absence and if not, the client will be determined to have taken unapproved leave and will be deducted for the time absent.
Policy #11:
Meals are the responsibility of each client employee. When applicable, the client employee is also responsible for bringing their own eating utensils (i.e. forks, spoons, plates, cups, etc.). CCW does not have the option of cooking or preparing lunches beyond ‘warming’ in a microwave. We do not provide refrigeration of food due to security reasons.
Policy #12:
Smoke Free
CCW is committed to promoting a healthy work environment. Client employees are not permitted to smoke in the facility or within four (4) metres of doors and windows.
Policy #13:
Scent Free
CCW is committed to promoting a healthy work environment for all and recognizes that there are individuals for whom fragrances/scented products can compromise their health. Therefore, CCW promotes a scent free policy and encourages all to avoid wearing and using scented products in the workplace.
Policy #14:
Fire Exits/Protocol
All client employees must familiarize themselves with the fire regulations, pull stations and fire exits. It is the responsibility of the client employee to be aware of potential hazards in the workplace and to respond appropriately to such (i.e. no running).
Policy #15:
1.0Individual use of personal music devices and cell phones is not permitted during work hours.
2.0Computer use: CCW supports the client employee use of computers within our facility. Instructors may provide training in basic computer use during the course of the regular work day. Client employees may also access CCW computers for personal use during breaks, lunches and prior to the start of the work day.
2.1Client employees will have no expectation of privacy in any message, file or image or data created, sent, retrieved by use of CCW’s equipment and/or access. CCW has the right to monitor any and all aspects of their computer systems including, but not limited to, sites, instant messaging systems, chat groups or news groups visited by client employees. Such monitoring may occur at any time, without notice and without the user’s permission.
2.2 Certain activities will not be permitted when using the Internet or electronic communications. These activities include but are not limited to:
Accessing, downloading, printing or storing information with sexually explicit content, downloading or transmitting fraudulent, threatening, obscene, intimidating, defamatory, harassing, discriminatory or otherwise unlawful messages or images.
1.0A client employee failing to adhere to the above policy will be subject to disciplinary action which may include loss of computer privileges and/or suspension.
2.0In the event of criminal activity related to computer usage, the police will be notified.
Policy #16:
Change in Status
All client employees are to notify their Instructor in writing of any changes in name, address, telephone number or personal exemptions for Income Tax purposes and for permanent file.
Policy #17:
Vacation and Holidays