7 June 2017
Dear Prospective RVMYC Member,
Thank you for your enquiry regarding membership of the R.V.M.Y.C. There are four main classes of membership; Full, Country, Clubhouse & Family.
Procedure forFull or Country membership is as follows:
- You will need to complete the ‘Nomination for Membership’ and ‘Application for Membership’ forms,and return the forms,together with payment for $1100.00, being the nomination fee.
Procedure for Clubhouse & Family membershipis as follows:
- Simply complete and return the ‘Nomination for Membership’ and ‘Application for Membership’ forms.
Schedule of Fees
- Annual Full Membership fee$512.00
- Annual Country Membership fee$315.00
- Building Levy - (applicable to “Full & Clubhouse” only)$200.00
- Annual Clubhouse Membership fee$405.00
- Annual Family Membership fee$203.00
Upon receipt of the above forms and payment, a mutually convenient time will be arranged for an interview. At this interview, you will be given some details on the Club, some of the expectations of members and we will give you the opportunity to ask questions. Following the interview:
1)Full, Country, Clubhouse& Family‘Nominations for Membership’ will then be displayed on the Club notice board for 14 days as required by the Club’s Constitution.
2)Ordinary, Country, Clubhouse & Family nominations will then go to the next General Committee Meeting for approval.
3)After approval, you will be notified of the result and your membership card and key will be available for you to collect from the Administration office.
4)If you wish to apply for a marina berth, the Marina fee of $1260.00 is a one-off non-refundable fee and does not include any berthing fees. All boats will be inspected by the Marina Sub Committee for sea worthiness before any application for a berth will be considered. The Marina Sub Committee meets regularly to assess the needs of the boat owners to the most efficient use of the limited berths. Whilst the Marina Sub Committee does not guarantee a berth, they do try to meet all applications in order of the Marina Waiting List as soon as an appropriate berth becomes available.
I trust that this brief outline is adequate, however, any other enquiries can be directed to the Club Office. I look forward to receiving your application in the near future.
With kind regards,
Livio Andolfatto
Hon. Secretary