October 2017
Paulette Karolczak, Director
Preschool Scholarship Fund
Holly and I have been monitoring the preschool scholarships closely as the money gets closer to running out. We are down to the last few thousand dollars to distribute. I know have the first month’s bill submitted for approved preschool scholarship children.
Community Groups
Clay County Citizen’s Awareness Council (Clay CAC) – This group met October 2. The Child Health Specialty Clinic in Spencer presented on their service to help families with special needs children through resource support and child health psychiatry services. The council’s Guardian Angel Fund, which offers financial support for needs not met anywhere else, is growing low. Finding additional funding through mini-grants and hosting a Pizza Ranch Tip night in December were discussed. This group discussed the combining of Community Based Child Abuse Prevention program (CBCAP) dollars, originally run through CPPC, and Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Programs (ICAPP) dollars, originally run through Iowa Child Abuse Prevention councils. This council voted to give administrative duties of this grant money to the CPPC Council.
Decategorization (DCAT) – This board met on October 5. This group approved a revision of the Transportation Program gas cards. Gas cards will be distributed to social service agencies in the future to allow for easier access by agency staff. The board also approved to give mini-grants up to $500 to libraries that apply throughout the four counties for youth programming.
Child and Parent Council (CHAPCO) - This child abuse council met October 9. This council also discussed the CBCAP and ICAPP merger and voted to remain independent as a county for their grant application. Best Care advertised their October 7th car seat event, Kaden’s Kloset announced their Foster/Adoptive parent trainings/support group on the 3rd Thursday of each month with Time Out Nursery providing day care, Parent Connect classes by the Cherish Center will be held in Dickinson the 1st Thursday each month and in Spencer the 3rd Thursday, Time Out Nursery is busy with 35 families involved. I shared ECI LR FY18 Strategies and the opportunity for a faith representative on the Board.
Family Life Awareness (FLAC) – I attended this child abuse council meeting along with Holly on October 10 to hear and contribute to the CBCAP and ICAPP discussions. This council chose to postpone their vote until a November 14 meeting in order to research a few options. A decision needs to be submitted by November 15. This group further discussed details leading to a child abuse prevention conference they hope to sponsor next spring. Thanksgiving Boxes by Love INC were advertised, heating assistance through UDMO is available starting November 1, applications for Adopt a Family are being accepted through November 10, Coats for Kids will be held November 4 at the Sheldon Police Department, Public Health is offering free immunizations, and Shakira shared the update on the CPPC gas card distribution to agencies.
Priority One (Dickinson County) –The Drug Free Communities Grant committee continuesto move forward. The Bedell Y will be the fiscal agent for the grant. A member of the committee is recommended to attend the December 5 & 6 conference in Des Moines. A Drug Takeback event is planned for October 28 at the Spirit Lake HyVee, the Bedell Y Kinship mentoring program is in danger of having their program limited to only group events due to insurance concerns about adults being alone with children, the Y Reading Buddies program is in need of adult volunteers in Lake Park, Lakes Regional Hospital is offering flu shots and there will be a health Fair on October 28, Cherish Center has two teen moms with babies due soon and ISU Extension has a STEM Fest coming up and is hiring a new Human Science Coordinator.
Additional Information
I continue to pass on valuable resources to our many community partners around the four county area. A few examples are: the Mobile Food Pantry done at The Seventh-day Adventist Church, the English as a Second Language classes being held at the Hartley Library, the Sheldon free Unity Meal, the Resiliency event held at the Clay County Fair, Kaden’s Kloset trainings and Parents Connect flyers for new classes.
I have also been diligently inviting new community partners to our community meetings in each county to increase collaboration efforts. This has involved sharing council mission statements and sharing email and phone contacts with the presidents of each council.
Holly and I have begun meeting weekly for Tuesday work days to increase communication and collaboration efforts on our part. We have particularly been working on achieving quality quarterly reports.
Thursday, November 26 I will travel to Denison for the bi-monthly NW ECI Directors’ meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Paulette Karolczak, ECI LR Director