President's Cabinet
Associated Students of Foothill College
Monday, October 6th, 2014 12:00 PM
Council Chambers
II. Josh Rosales President
Rebecca Akerstrand Secretary
Evelynn Chun Student Trustee
Ariel Pan VP of Marketing
Marwa Nawabi VP of Activities
Nadia Rusli VP of Finance
Dexter Lim VP of Organizations
Lara Bergmann VP of Senate
Andy Choi VP of Administration
½ absence
Andy Choi VP of Administration
Lara Bergmann VP of Senate
Pierre Okoko VP of Athletics
Minutes from September 30th.
This agenda items is for any person who wishes to speak on an item not on the agenda or for the public to make announcements about activities on campus or in the surrounding communities. Please limit your comments to five minutes or less.
- Evelynn: Invites to the Board of Trustees meeting at 6pm, everyone is more than welcome to join.
All Items Info./Disc./Act.
5.1 Appointment process.
Under this line we will discuss the appointment process.
- Josh: We want consistency so that we can remain as neutral as possible.
- Marwa: The position should not be tabled, because if somebody is prepared and applying, it is not fair to the person who is applying (Marwa)
- Ariel: We have to stop the favoritism. Especially with people whom we know, because we have to be open to new people.
- Josh: This Fall 2014 it was less favoritism than the last quarters.
- Daphne: Tabeling can be appropriate if we want to discuss outside the Campus Council meeting to make it easier to take a decision.
5.2 Letter to ASFC
Under this line we will discuss the letter that was sent to Pat regarding the Parliamentarian position for the president’s board.
- Josh: The person who applied for the Parliamentarian position, felt excluded because of the decision to table his application
- Josh: Also he felt like Daphne Small talked without a term, which was not the situation.
- In his letter he writes that he will create a Student Oversight Committee to review all aspects of ASFC Operations on a weekly basis.
- Evelynn: After receiving this letter, we have to realize the importance of consistency.
- Josh: We want to make it more efficient to students to apply for different positions.
All Items Info./Disc./Act.
6.1 Presidents Board J. Rosales
Update of this week's goals from the ASFC President
- Board Meetings are now on Fridays at 11pm.
- Food Bank: We made a schedule but Lauren had her own plans so Josh has to meet with Daphne and Lauren to figure out what to do.
- $14/ per Polo and Josh wants to order 50 of them for the conference and general use.
- Daphne: The clothing policy for CCCSSAA is more College wear. However, they dress up on the evening based on what Daphne has seen.
(Nawabi, Bergmann) Josh entertains a motion to purchase polo’s for the Conference up to $700 coming out of Student Rep Fee.
Motion Approved
6.2 Organizations Board D. Lim
Update of this week's goals from the Vice President of Organizations
- Club day: Dexter ordered wraps/burritos and vegetarian choices. He ordered tables for the senate board and athletics board.
- Quarter long goal: OBD in general, Dexter wants to be there for his board and make the clubs to go smoothly.
6.3 Finance Board N. Rusli
Update of this week's goals from the Vice President of Finance
- Athletics Board and UN’s club has made fund requests and therefore, Nadia encourages the VP’s to spend money wisely.
- Tomorrow at the Budget meeting, Nadia will present the Event Analysis.
- Goal: Update the fund-request form, which also will be available online.
- Quarterly year goal: Review events, starting from now.
6.4 Activities Board M. Nawabi
Update of this week's goals from the Vice President of Activities
- Meeting tomorrow, where they will discuss about the Halloween event with the ambassadors program. Also, we will be helping out with Club Day.
- Ariel and Marwa: Food-truck/picnic event is planned and on the agenda. Might push it up for the spring quarter.
- Evelynn: De Anza has been very successful doing a Food-Truck event every Friday.
- Goal for the week: Helping out with Club Day and the ambassador project.
6.5 Administration Board A. Choi
Update of this week's goals from the Vice President of Administration
- Have a new system ASFC Rewarding System. A point list where the VP’s can reward the board members. The ranking and the winner will be between 1-5 highest score at the end of every quarter. There will also be appealing reports where Board members also can ask; why they only received x points etc. The aim is to make more motions to the ASFC members; also they will participate more in their position but also in the activities outside.
- Daphne: Before we had a system to vote for an appointed officer to be the “months member” and the person would have a movie ticket. Daphne suggests that we keep it simple in order to save time.
- Josh: suggests that we should work in Org Sync.
- Weeks Goal is to clean up in the office.
6.6 Senate Board L. Bergmann
Update of this week's goals from the Vice President of Senate
- Still working on Political Awareness day. Food/drinks ordered: 150 corn dogs and 150 kids size Jamba juice.
- Posters are ordered from Smart Shop.
- Dexter: Make sure to check with the senators regarding how long they will stay at Foothill College.
6.7 Marketing Board A. Pan
Update of this week's goals from the Vice President of Marketing
- No writing on the posters like the poster behind the Secretary’s desk. We will make a new one because we need to add a few positions; Technology manager, Office manager and Agents for president’s Board.
- Talk to Pat to see if food truck could happen.
- This week: Mix every board for the collecting points challenge after Council Campus 16th of October.
6.8 Athletics Board P. Okoko
Update of this week's goals from the Vice President of Athletics
- Board meetings at Mondays at 2pm. We are talking about advertising games through Instagram, Facebook and social media. Also, have a booth to promote the games. Need to get Brad into the coaches meetings. The footprints editor, Casper, has suggestions to help the athletics board. Also, flyers will be made to promote the football games.
- Daphne: We needs to set up a delegates meeting after Campus Council meeting, for the CCCSAA conference.
- Andy Choi: Proposal for pointing systems.
X. ADJOURNMENT 1.06pm meeting.
Prepared by,
Rebecca Akerstrand
ASFC Secretary