Fontana Unified School District
Q Parent Connection
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Q Parent Connection is a web-based tool that allows parents to be more in touch with their child’s education. Using a confidential PIN number and password, parents are able to view attendance, missing assignments, report cards, class schedules, test history and more. The Q Parent Connection effectively allows parents to be up-to-date on their child’s performance in school and gives you one more tool to help your student succeed.
May 21, 2015
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To receive a Q Parent Connection PIN and Password:
1. Read the “User Agreement for Q Parent Connection”
2. Sign and Print your name, and date
3. Complete the Parent/Guardian Information Section
4. Complete the Student Information Section
5. Return the Completed form to the School Office and present a valid ID in person upon submitting
After your form is received and the information is entered into the Q system, an email will be automatically generated and sent to the email address provided with your pin and password. This is a temporary password and should be changed after logging in by selecting the “My Account” link in the top right corner of the Q Parent Connection site.
User Agreement for Q Parent Connection
I acknowledge that access to my child/children’s demographic and academic information is available online through the Q Parent Connection website, which can be found at This website is intended to provide demographic and academic information about my child/children. Although efforts are made to maintain and update the information in this website, Fontana Unified School District does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on this website.
To access my child/children’s information online, I will be provided with a confidential PIN and password. I understand that it is my personal responsibility to safeguard the confidential PIN and password provided to me. I also understand that the privacy of my child/children's school information may be at risk if my PIN and password are lost or shared with others. Moreover, it is my sole responsibility to change my password at the Q Parent Connection website if I believe others have or may have access to my PIN and password. I will notify my child/children's school if I need assistance to change my password.
The District makes no warranties of any kind; either expressed or implied that the functions or the services provided by or through the Q Parent Connection website will be error-free or without defects. Moreover, the District is not responsible for any viruses, content or dispute resulting from any access to the Q Parent Connection website. The District is also not responsible or liable for any damages that may be suffered by me or any other person who gains access to the Q Parent Connection website, including but not limited to, loss of data, interruption of service, or exposure to inappropriate material or people.
“I have read and agree to abide by and support the expectations of FUSD’s User Agreement for Q Parent Connection. I understand that for security purposes the District reserves the right to change user passwords or deny parent/guardian access at anytime. By signing this agreement I, as parent/guardian, release FUSD from any and all liability for damages arising out of the unauthorized access to my parent/guardian account. I assume full responsibility in notifying the District of any changes to the student and/or parent/guardian information. As a security precaution, I agree that I will not share my password or allow anyone other than myself to use the account including my own child/children. FUSD is not liable for any harm or injury that a user may suffer as a consequence of any inaccurate information the user may obtain through Q Parent Connection. By entering into this User Agreement, the user agrees to be bound by this release of liability and waives any and all rights to assert claims, which may arise due to use of these electronic services.”
Parent/Guardian Signature / Print Parent/Guardian Name / DateParent/Guardian Signature / Print Parent/Guardian Name / Date
Parent/Guardian Information (must be completed in full)
* A separate email address must be provided for each parent/guardian requesting an account.
Parent/Guardian Name:Address:
Home Phone: / Work Phone: / Cell Phone:
Email Address:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Home Phone: / Work Phone: / Cell Phone:
Email Address:
Student (s) Attending FUSD School Sites
Full Name (Print Clearly) / Grade / School
For Office Use Only
Verified By: / School Site: / Date:
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