Session Date / Topic / Student Contribution / Tasks for Following Session / For Presentation at Following Session
8 March / Learning characteristics of gifted learners
Introduction to identification (informal/subjective) / Introductions
Small group discussion on possible identification methods appropriate to age/school level / Select and describe 2 students for case studies
Begin collecting information using informal and subjective means e.g. background, observations, checklists, from family, other professionals, etc / Results of data collection, observations, etc
Reflections on effectiveness of different data collection processes
29 March / Procedures for identifying gifted learners (including objective/formal) / Presentation of case study information
Discussion of identification processes used
Small-group discussion on possible measures/instruments for further identification and assessment of case-study students / Collect more information for case studies using and/or developing objective identification and assessment measures
Collect information from any other available formal and objective assessments e.g. IQ tests, achievement tests, exams, etc / Results of data collection
Reflections on findings
Reflections re effectiveness of subjective and objective measures
April / Definitions and models of giftedness and talent
Mid-course Evaluation Survey / Presentation of case study assessments
Discussion on findings
Small group discussion on practical implications of different models for teaching, school practice, etc / Consider case study information in light of different definitions and models, and write up brief notes for presentation at next session / Present reflections on relevance to case studies of different definitions and models
12 April / Types of knowledge leading to gifted learning / Present reflections on definitions and models in relation to case studies
Small group discussion on types of knowledge in relation to age/school level / Write up examples of different types of knowledge demonstrated by case study children
Make notes on family and cultural backgrounds of case study children for discussion next session / Present case study examples of different types of knowledge
Reflect on possible influences of family and cultural factors on case study and other gifted learners
26 April / The influence of culture and family on gifted learning / Report case study observations re types of knowledge
Discussion on influences of family and culture, re case studies and in general / Using course material and readings, reflect on relevance of theory and research in understanding case study students, and gifted learning in general. Make brief notes.
Critically reflect on your professional development as a teacher of gifted learners---what has been useful/not so useful? Make brief notes.
Reflect on the practical implications of what you know about gifted learning / Presentation of reflections on relevance of theory and research, own professional development, and practical implications for gifted learners in schools/centres
3 May / The implications for teaching, curriculum programming and school level organization
Writing up assignments, referencing, etc
Course Evaluation
Survey / Presentations and discussion on relevance of theory and research
Presentations and discussion on evaluations of professional development
Small and whole group discussions on practical implications / Writing up of assignment due on 17 May 2006