Terms and Definitions

(Last updated 6/26/2008)

Affiliation / Designates the type of business ororganization. Valid types may include:Commercial, NonProfit, Edu, State/LocalGov, FedGov, Foreign, etc. In the user profile flat file, this is the field that contains "gov", "com","edu" etc.
Ancillary / Include Ancillary Data displays all products (productflag=1, 2, 3 or 4),
Exclude Ancillary Data displays only Data Products (productflag=1),
1= Data Product file
2= Instrument Ancillary file
3= System/Spacecraft file
4= External data
Ancillary Data / Measurements from other sources or sensors used to calibrate remote sensing data.
Archive / The transfer of ingested data onto a permanent storage device. Archive data is a summary of all granules, products, or files that have been archived into the Data Provider’s system.
Bottom 10 Products / The 10 least distributed Data Provider products.
Daily File Processing / Each flat file processed is audited at each step with the total number of records and the number of failed records.
Data Provider Internal User / A user (human or machine) that transfers data inside the Data Providers network space for the purpose of backups, internal testing, hardware migration, temporary staging of standard products, etc.
Data Provider Status / Information for the Data Provider on files processed, errors encountered, files received, missing files, etc.
Data Provider UserType / Designates a Data Provider defined user type. If this field is populated Data Providers must provide definitions for each type specified.
DataSource / The name of the system, subsystem, file, table or other identifying information where the logs/flat files/metadata was created (e.g. ECSDataPool, Giovanni-A, Giovanni-B, LAADS).
Discipline / The scientific area of application such as Ocean, Atmosphere, Land, Cryosphere, Volcanic, Solar, Raw Data, and Radiance.
Distribution / The transfer of archived data to users who request them.
EMSStatus / EMSStatus is a normalized value for the distribution completion code (raw status) as supplied by the Data Provider.
EndDate / The end date of the range of data to be used in the report.
ESDIS user / EMS access and privileges limited to internal ESDIS users.
Filename / The 3 part naming convention required of all distribution and flat files supplied to EMS. This is described in Section 4.2.3 of the EMS ICD.
Filetype / The type of file (e.g., HTTP, FTP, Metadata, Mapping, Firewall, Ingest, Archive, User Profile).
FTP pull / An FTP session in which the user retrieves (or "pulls") data to his or her own computer.
FTP push / An FTP session in which data are automatically transferred (or "pushed") to a user-specified computer and directory path.
Granule / The smallest unit of data inventoried and distributed to users; typically, a granule is a single data file, though some granules may include multiple files.
Ingest / The process for receiving and archiving products, granules or files from external data providers.
Instrument / An integrated collection of hardware containing one or more sensors and associated controls designed to produce data on an environment.
Instrument Level Privileges / EMS access and privileges limited to specific instrument data for use by Science Investigator-ledProcessing Systems (SIPS) scientists.
Interval / Report time groupings: Total, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly.
Host / A user’s email address, IP address or machine hostname.
Level / The level of processing for a product, such as 0, 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4.
Metadata / Information about remote sensing data that may include such things as time of acquisition, size, geographic coordinates, quality assessment, and other information that is important for a user of the data to know.
Mindate / The minimum date in the Missing Files report that is the date of the first file received for that rootFileName.
Missing Files / Flatfiles that were but not received, but expected by EMS based on the PushFrequency specified by the provider in their Data File Manifest entries.
Mission / An operation intended to carry out specific program objectives that use space and/or ground based measurement systems to provide scientific measurements (i.e. platforms, satellites, field experiments, aerial measurements etc.
Mission Level Privileges / EMS access and privileges limited to specific mission data for use by Science Investigator-ledProcessing Systems (SIPS) scientists.
Order / A request for delivery of a data product.
Product / Data product or dataset identifier. For ECS products it is the shortName and for non-ECS products it is the productID.
Product Level Privileges / EMS access and privileges limited to specific product data for use by Science Investigator-ledProcessing Systems (SIPS) scientists.
Production User / A user who is involved in the creation of standard data products and formally associated with a SIPS or other organization responsible for creation of these products.
Provider / A Data Provider sending distribution logs and related flat file information to the EMS.
Provider General User / EMS access and privileges granted to Data Provider metrics staff.
Provider Power User / EMS access and privileges limited to Data Provider management and engineering staff.
Public User / A user who uses products obtained from the data providers for scientific or other uses. If a Data Provider does not assign user categories EMS automatically assigns all distributions to this category.
Push Frequency / How often a file is sent to EMS, in days.
QA/Testing User / A user who is involved in operational testing and quality assurance of standard data products and/or ancillary data.
RawStatus / The completion code for a distribution as supplied by the provider.
Request / An ECS term indicating a part of an order.
requestPath / The actual file distributed.
rootFileName / Part of a Flatfile name that includes the Provider, Filetype, and DataSource and identifies the type and source of data contained in the file.
Science Team User / A user formally associated with a defined EOS Science Team using data for objectives of the respective Science Team. If a Science Team user acts in dual capacities (e.g. as a Science Team User and a Public User) the user must use different credentials to access data or the user will be assigned to the Science Team User category.
SearchTerm / File name, directory, path, ESDT, Data Provider internal product IDs or other information that uniquely identifies a data product as it appears in an EMS Data file.
StartDate / The start date of the range of data to be used in the report.
Status / In the Distribution reports: the file transfer status such as successful, unsuccessful or ALL. In the Missing Files report: the status of files by rootFileName such as Missing, Overdue or Nominal.
Top 10 Products / The 10 least distributed Data Provider products.
Transtatus / Another name for Raw Status or the Data Providers distribution completion code.
Unknown Products/Data / Products in the data for which EMS has not received information such as mission, instrument, level and discipline.
Unknown SearchTerms / A file name, directory path, ESDT, Data Provider internal product ID, or other information that uniquely identifies a data product that has not been mapped to a distributed file (request path).
User / IP address/host receiving data.
Usertype / User designation type:
1=Production User
2=Science Team User
3=QA/Testing User
4=Data Provider Internal User
5=Public User.
Version / The algorithm version used to generate a granule, product or file.