Jack Lavin
BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate in Information and Creative Technology
Unit 11: Computer Networking
Assignment 4: Reviewing a Network
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Reviewing the Network for ‘First Music’
The purpose of this document is to display an accurate review on the newly implemented network for the musical business, ‘First Music’. I will cover the user requirements and explain the network’s overall performance.
The original user requirements documented in assignment two are below:
User Requirements:
- Machines using the network must be able to access the printer.
- Every computer connected to the network must have permission to view and access other files (such as basic files permissions). For administrators, this will differ, giving them full control as an example.
- In addition to the requirement above, users must have their own folder with full access rights.
- All computers should be able to log onto a computer with a username and a password.
The network we built for ‘first music’ had to follow the user requirements displayed above that were originally documented in the design. As the network was built, all requirements for the client were met. The printer was functional and performed effectively after we enabled the ‘network discovery’ feature since we were able to print copies of our written documents with the Inkjet printing device.
After completing this process we formed a homegroup and shared files with different permissions. I was able to access individual folders with the settings as ‘read-only’, ‘read and write’ and ‘full control’ checked in the properties.
We created individual users for each computer. I created files with their own, complete access rights for each account on the business computer.
Lastly, I gave each account a username and a password (slightly altered, but similar). The password was stored in an encrypted file.
Suitability for ‘First Music’:
The original purpose was to form together an operational network for the distribution and sales of new and used music for customers willing to purchase content. Did we meet this purpose, however?
The network we built was able to sustain a fair connection causing no problems that may hinder progress for ‘first music’ in the future. All user requirements were reached with no issues at hand.
The network was able to:
- Share and distribute folders, files and other content on the same network.
- Use the Inkjet printer to print certain documents.
- Contact each other using the command line by typing in ‘ping (IPv4 address)’.
- Download software onto the device with no connection problems.
I believe the practically built network met the original and intended purpose, as we were able to effectively communicate over a small office network.
The first music manager himself answered the questions I directed towards him. The questions I asked related to the overall performance of the new network.
- Do you think the network is suitable for your business?
“I found the network to be acceptable enough, in all honesty. No major dysfunctions were found and I am obliged to use this network in the future for the advancement of this company.” – ‘First Music’ Manager.
- Is the new network more advanced than your older one?
“Absolutely. Our old network was slow, less secure and went down at the worst moments. We have had no problems with newly built network.” – ‘First Music’ Manager.
- What are the differences?
"The old network? We could barely even open the file explorer. Our new network fixed that problem. Faster connection, more secure and able to communicate with other client computers.” – ‘First Music’ Manager.
- What else would you add to improve the network further?
“The Network was as good as it is, but I think we may need a server in later time… our business is expanding and it’s vital that we have one.”– ‘First Music’ Manager.
- Did the printer work? Were you able to print documents and files?
“We did indeed. We actually had a couple of confidential files that have been scheduled for printing for a long period of time. After we discovered the Inkjet printer on one of our client computers, we printed these documents off. It was satisfying, to say the least!” – ‘First Music’ Manager.
- How were you able to communicate with each other?
“We installed communication software called “DLAN” with a USB device. The software was installed onto each client computer and we were able to connect to a chatroom, where we exchanged content.” – ‘First Music’ Manager.
- Can you share files through the LAN (homegroup)?
“Yes, we had no problems with that. All clients connected with each other in the homegroup.” – ‘First Music’ Manager.
- How was the remote desktop connection?
“We had some trouble establishing a connection at first, but in the end we accomplished it with our professional team.” – ‘First Music’ Manager.
- Were you able to ping the other client(s)?
“We used the windows command line to effectively ping our IP addresses. They would time-out occasionally, but it wasn’t a substantial problem.” – ‘First Music’ Manager.
- Can you edit other files with certain permissions?
“We had trouble editing the files on the homegroup.” – ‘First Music’ Manager
Test: / Procedure: / Predicted Result: / Actual Result: / Actions after result:Check the CAT5 cable (network) / Check the cable using a cable tester / Pins connected perfectly / The cable was functional.
Check the machine loads properly / Boot machine / Loads windows 10 / Windows 10 reset and working.
Check IP configuration on the machine / Check the LAN configuration / The DHCP settings SHOULD be DHCP / DHCP settings configured.
Check the WorkGroup is running / Check on the control panel / Default settings should be the WorkGroup / Joined the WorkGroup with no issues.
Check the IP address, allocated by the DHCP / CMD prompt – ipconfig / IP address given to the machine / IPv4 = (command line).
Ping another machine / CMD Prompt –
Ping ‘ipaddress’ of Gateway / The packets are all sent, with no packet loss / Received 4 packets and 0% loss.
Create other accounts, giving each account a varied password / The User can see their login icon and login successfully / All users have access / Multiple accounts created with full control.
Logging into other accounts on the same desktop / Add another account to the desktop and try access it / The user is able to log into that account, with no problems. / Process was working, able to switch accounts.
Folders with the correct access rights / Apply the Access Rights to the correct folders / A different user account (Not Admin) opens the folders and edits them both, one saves (read-write) and the other (read) does not save. / Process complete and functional. Another client was able to access my documents.
Check the shared folders and see if they can access them / Users access the shared folders / The users are able to access the shared folders
Test: / Procedure: / Predicted Result: / Definite Result:
Folder with access rights. / Right click the folder > select properties > security > check/adjust permissions. / Able to view or share the contents inside the folder with the correct permissions. / Multiple documents created in a folder with altered rights.
Connectivity check. / Open the command prompt and type in ‘ping’. / All software and programs can be accessed. / No connectivity issues were found – good connection.
Login details. / Store login data with an encrypted file with high-security file permissions. / You should be able to login if the method is carried out. / Various accounts created with login information, three clients and one administrator.
Testing the printer’s capability (connection). / Test the printer’s signal strength by carrying out one of its normal procedures (printing off a document). / The printer should print out the document(s) successfully with little to no problems displayed. / The connection between the printer & the client was fine, but the printed document was black and white. Subsequently, the printer had no colour.
Communication between other clients. / Import USB device > download software “DLAN” > connect to the chatroom / Clients should be able to contact each other effectively. / All clients connected to the network were able to communicate with minimal issues.
Remote desktop connection between two clients. / Open cmd > ipconfig and find IP > input the client’s IP address into remote access input > both agree to access / The client must be able to assume control over the other device. / Remote desktop connection was established after long configuration of connectivity and permission.