Serials Client – Subscriptions


Creating the subscription

A subscription record is required for every copy of the title ordered by the library. Each subscription could be for a different sub-library, item status, collection etc, and may also be received from a different vendor with different subscription dates. Each subscription may also have a different routing list (or set of lists) linked to it.

Although every subscription record will have its own set of item and routing list records, all subscriptions for a single title will be linked to the same publication schedule form (and through this to the same bibliographic record).

The subscription record for a title is created (or opened if it already exists) by selecting the ‘Window|Subscription window’ application menu option:

…or by clicking on the icon. When you activate it the Subscription List is displayed.

The Subscription List form

In this example, two subscriptions have been created.

This screen shows each subscription to a particular serial. Each subscription has an identifying sequence number, shows the beginning and ending dates of the subscription (as defined in the subscription record, NOT the order form in the Acquisitions client) and the sub-library that will receive the subscription. In addition, the column heading ‘D’ states whether the item should be delivered directly to a user.

The following buttons are available:


To change the dates or sub-library of a subscription, highlight the subscription and click ‘Modify’. The ‘Subscription Information Form’ will be displayed.


To add a new subscription to the list, click ‘Add’. The ‘Subscription Information Form’ will be displayed.


You may add a new subscription by copying an existing subscription's details. To do so, highlight the subscription whose information you wish to copy, then click ‘Duplicate’. The ‘Subscription Information Form’ will be displayed which will already be filled in with information copied from the highlighted subscription. You may then edit the form so that the information will be appropriate for the new subscription.

Please note that the ‘item status’, ‘Note’, ‘Circulation note’ and ‘Send claims’ information is not carried over to the ‘clone’.


To delete a subscription from the list, highlight the subscription and click ‘Delete’. Please note that you cannot delete a subscription if associated item records exist.


To view the subscription details in read-only mode, click on the button labelled ‘View’.

The Subscription Information Form

The Subscription Information Form is displayed whenever you click on the button labeled ‘Add’, ‘Modify’, or ‘Duplicate’ in the Subscription List form, and is used to define an individual subscription of a serial. It also defines how the items should be treated when the library receives the issues.

The form consists of two tabbed pages, which are displayed when you click on the appropriate tab.

Subscription info (1)

When you click the tab labelled ‘Subscription info (1)’, the following screen is displayed:

The fields have the following purpose:

Sub-libraryMandatory. This specifies which sub-library will ‘own’ received issues of this subscription.

From dateMandatory. The date from which this subscription becomes valid. The date entered here must be earlier than the ‘To date’, otherwise an error will be reported. You will only be able to ‘Open’ and ‘Arrive’ issues that fall between the ‘From’ and ‘To’ dates.

To dateMandatory. The date up to which this subscription remains valid. The date entered here must be later than the ‘From date’, otherwise an error will be reported. You will only be able to ‘Open’ and ‘Arrive’ issues that fall between the ‘From’ and ‘To’ dates.

Item statusMandatory. The item status that will be automatically assigned to issues received on this subscription.

CollectionOptional. The collection to which received issues of this subscription will be assigned.

Location typeOptional. The method your library will use to arrange this item on the shelf.

LocationOptional. The shelf location to which issues received from this subscription should be assigned. The location entered here will be assigned to every item record created for the subscription. Depending on how your system administrator has set up the Serials module, you may assign a location by typing in text, choosing from a drop-down menu, filling in a form, or activating an automatic counter by typing ‘?’ and the code for the counter. When a counter is activated, the system will automatically assign a location as soon as you click the ‘Update’ button.

Second location typeOptional. See the notes for ‘Location type’.

Second locationOptional. See the notes for ‘Location’.

Vendor codeMandatory. The code for the vendor that supplies this subscription of the serial. The system will look at the vendor record and automatically insert the default delivery type and delivery delay (for the first claim only) based on the contents of this field.

Order no.Optional. This field can be used to record the order number for this subscription (possibly the same order number as that used in the Acquisitions client). This number cannot be carried across from the Acquisitions client and has to be entered manually.

Vendor order no.Optional. The order number for this subscription (as assigned by the vendor). This number cannot be carried across from the Acquisitions client and has to be entered manually.

Delivery typeMandatory. The method by which the subscription is delivered to the library.

Subscription info (2)

When you click the tab labelled ‘Subscription info (2)’, the following screen is displayed:

The fields have the following purpose:

User IDOptional. If the subscription is being ordered for a particular user, the User ID should be entered here.

Deliver directlyOptional. If the subscription is being ordered for a particular user, placing a check mark in this box indicates that each issue should be sent directly to the user’s address by the vendor. Because the librarian will probably never see these issues, no item records are created by the system for these.

Print labelOptional. If a check mark is placed in this field, a label will be automatically printed for the item when the arrival of an issue is registered.

Send claimsOptional. Placing a check mark in this field causes claims to be generated automatically when the ‘Print claims’ function in the Web Services module is run. This box will generally be left un-checked for gift subscriptions.

First claimThe number of days that you expect it will take from an issue's scheduled publication date until your library receives the issue. If this date passes without receipt of the item, and the ‘Send claims’ field is check marked, a claim will be automatically generated when the ‘Print claims’ function in the Web Services module is run. By default, the system will automatically insert the delivery delay (corresponding to the delivery type) that was specified in the vendor record.

Second claimMandatory if ‘Send claims’ is check marked. If an issue has not arrived this number of days after the first claim was generated (and the ‘Send claims’ field is check marked), a second claim will be automatically generated when the ‘Print claims’ function in the Web Services module is run.

Third claimMandatory if ‘Send claims’ is check marked. If an issue has not arrived this number of days after the second claim was generated (and the ‘Send claims’ field is check marked), a third claim will be automatically generated when the ‘Print claims’ function in the Web Services module is run.

Fourth claimMandatory if ‘Send claims’ is check marked. If an issue has not arrived this number of days after the third claim was generated (and the ‘Send claims’ field is check marked), a fourth claim will be automatically generated when the ‘Print claims’ function in the Web Services module is run.

Discard routineNot yet implemented.

NoteOptional. A note can be entered here, which will only be displayed on this form.

Check-in noteOptional. If a note is entered here, it will display whenever the arrival of an issue is registered.

Item statisticOptional. This is a non-functional field that can be used for reporting purposes if required.


The following buttons are available in the Subscription information form:

UpdateWhen you are adding or modifying a subscription record, clicking on this button will cause your changes to be saved. It will also allocate a counter number in the ‘location’ field (if relevant). The form will then be closed. If there are any errors in your form, clicking on this button will have no effect other than to warn you of the errors and update the location field.

Set as defaultIf you click on this button, the system will record the information that is currently displayed in the Subscription Information form and use it as the basis for any new subscription records subsequently created.

PrintThis will print an information slip detailing vendor, item status, and claim delays etc., relating to this subscription.

RefreshClicking on the ‘Refresh’ button causes the system to check for and report any errors in the form, like the ‘Update’ button. However, unlike the ‘Update’ button, it does not save the changes or close the form.

Create newThis button is only displayed if you previously selected the button labelled ‘Modify’ on the Subscription List form. Use this option if you wish to reassign this subscription to another sub-library or vendor. Fill in the new sub-library, vendor and dates, and then click the ‘Create New’ button.

The original information about the original sub-library and vendor will be saved, and a new record will be opened with information about the new sub-library or vendor. This will permit you to continue to make claims to the original vendor (for the period during which the subscription used the original vendor). Note that both records will have the same sequence number because they refer to the same basic subscription.

To use this function properly, you should first modify the closing (‘To’) date of the original subscription and then set the opening (‘From’) date of the new subscription to be the same as the closing date of the original subscription.

Serials Training (12.2 ) for McGill University –
Serials Client - Subscriptions / Copyright 1999 by
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