Great Salkeld Parish Council
Clerk: Rachel Lytollis (01228) 670451
Ordinary meeting of Great Salkeld Parish Council held in Great Salkeld Village Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 4th July, 2016.
PRESENT: Cllr Carrick, County Cllr Carrick, Cllr Pink, Liza Pink-Dangerfield, Cllr Mounsey, Cllr Robinson, Cllr Thompson, District Cllr Nicolson & Cllr Wilkinson
OPEN MEETING- For discussion of matters of general interest
· There were no members of the public present. Responding to comments made by a councillor following a recent meeting, the Chair said that he hoped that in future, members of the public would make any points that they have and then allow councillors to discuss them without interruption. He said that one councillor had reported feeling pushed into making decisions at a previous meeting when they didn’t feel that it was appropriate. Other councillors reported that they had not felt like that.
1. Declarations of interests- Planning application 16/0547- Cllr Robinson
2. To receive apologies- Cllr Martin (working) & Cllr Lott (working)
3. To resolve to accept the minutes of last meeting, Tuesday 6th June, 2016, as a true record
It was resolved to accept the minutes of the last meeting, Tuesday 6th June, 2016, as a true record with the following amendments (proposed by Cllr Thompson, seconded by Cllr Mounsey, unanimous vote):
· Councillors present: Cllr Lott (missing from the list)
· Cllr Lott requested that the minutes be amended to reflect the fact the bench was fixed in place and she needed to move it to her home to carry out the repairs. Cllr Mounsey agreed to see if it could be moved.
· Item 7- Cllr Kevin Beatty (not Ken Beatty as stated)
· Defibrillator- Sentence ‘Other costs would be signage (£47 covered by Cumbria County Council)’ amended to ‘Other costs would be signage (£47)’.
4. To discuss any update on drawing up an Emergency Plan for the parish
It was noted that it had been agreed at the last meeting that the Emergency Planning document should not be long and involved but simply formalise the existing process. Cllr Thompson and Cllr Lott had agreed to meet, speak to other organisations (such as the PCC, Café Crack and the Sports Committee) within the village and devise a simple plan that is inclusive, identifying those within the community that aren’t already known as vulnerable individuals. It was agreed to bring it back to a parish council in the autumn.
5. To discuss any update on the provision of a defibrillator in the parish
Cllr Thompson reported that the Village Hall Committee have agreed to fund provision of a cabinet. She asked County Cllr Carrick whether it had been established if there is a grant available. She said that a £1500 community grant has been approved to contribute towards the cost of three cabinets including one for Great Salkeld. The British Heart Foundation have approved 3 defibrillators for villages including Great Salkeld. It is expected that the cost of the cabinet, installation and signage will be in the order of £1041. The cabinet costs £894 (less any grant contribution) and the parish council will organise installation of the defibrillator, pay for signage and any maintenance. Cllr Thompson agreed to take the project forward, sending an email to ask that organisers let the parish council know final costing as it has now been confirmed that a grant has been received (which was applied for on the basis that it be used to cover the installation costs of three parishes including Great Salkeld).
6. To receive a report from County Councillor Carrick
· Cumbria County Council- A consultation is to begin on 11/07/16 into the opening hours of Penrith Library. Sunday opening has been suspended recently as there have been staffing problems. It was noted that a survey carried out recently showed that there was little Sunday usage. The consultation is looking at various options including permanent Sunday closure and also changing the closing time to either 6pm or 5pm on a Monday and Tuesday instead of the current 7pm. Details of the consultation can be seen on the Cumbria County Council website.
· Edenside Residential Care Home in Appleby (the home was flooded in December with residents moving to Greengarth in Penrith)- A consultation is underway (from 01.07.16 to 31.08.16). A risk assessment has now been carried out and the consultation is to consider what should happen to residents now.
· Railway- On Thursday 7th July, Network Rail, various organisations and friends of the line will be in and around Lazonby between 3-7 pm to answer any problems/ queries.
7. To receive a report from Lazonby District Councillor Nicolson
· Public examination to consider the Local Plan- 19th- 21st July in Penrith between 10am and 4.30 pm, Information is available on the district council website.
· The annual accounts for 2015/16 are now available for inspection (these show an unexpected surplus of £800K +).
· Planning application for a solar farm at Bowscar- The application has been allowed on appeal. It was suggested that the Clerk contact the company to ensure that they receive any payments due.
8. To discuss matters arising from the previous minutes/ action points noted- None
9. To receive a report on any crimes in the Parish- None noted
10. To discuss any Highways matters arising
· Speeding- Cllr Wilkinson and Cllr Pink reported that they went out with the speed camera at North Dykes on Saturday. The top speed recorded was 39 mph (in a 30 mph zone), then 36 mph and quite a number below the speed limit (30mph/ wet conditions). Cllr Pink reported that they need some more sheets to record the vehicle information, along with those using mobile phones and not wearing seat belts. It was agreed to go out once a month at various times of the day/ days of the week. It was reported that some other volunteers are keen to help out.
· County Cllr Carrick spoke about the issue of speeding at North Dykes and in particular the siting of the 30 mph signs. The County Council has confirmed that speed limit signs need to be located in accordance with Department for Transport guidance and also the forward visibility requirements laid out in the traffic signs manual. On that basis the signs are in the correct location but the additional sign next to the campsite will be removed. There is still some concern about the speed of vehicles in the vicinity.
· County Cllr Carrick reported that the sign at the bottom of Aikburn is to be refurbished and the one missing from the bottom of Wain Gate is to be replaced. The Bowscar sign is also to be reinstated this financial year. She reported that the current Eden Lacy sign is temporary sign and a permanent replacement has been ordered.
· Luham Lane- bushes have grown up, making it difficult for horses to get up on the bridleway. It was reported that the County council are responsible and County Cllr Carrick agreed to take it forward.
11. To receive planning applications made & receive any update on recent applications
· 16/0547- Birchfield, Green Lane, Great Salkeld CA11 9LW- It was noted that the work to the tree will need the landowner’s permission. It was agreed to ask Rob Simm to liaise with the landowner and feedback anything relevant to the parish council.
· 16/0520- Mr & Mrs Sutton, Stoney Green, North Dykes, Great Salkeld CA11 9ND- Clerk to contact councillors when the plans are received.
12. To notify the Council of planning decisions received
· District Cllr Nicolson reported that following an appeal, the application to site a solar farm at West Brownrigg quarry has been approved.
13. To discuss matters relating to ‘Environment’
Update on village maintenance programme
· Noticeboards- At the last meeting it was agreed that Cllr Martin speak to Nick Western to ask if the noticeboard have been painted yet. Cllr Martin taking it forward.
· Identification board at the Dub- Cllr Wilkinson said that he had spoken to Mr Boyd at Eden Graphics. It was noted that a wooden board with the graphics should be in place within the next fortnight.
· Benches- Cllr Mounsey reported that he had delivered the bench to Cllr Lott’s house for repair. It was noted that the bench on Green Lane has been repaired.
· Tenancy of Otteriggs- Clerk to send Clare Metcalfe a new contract and request a cheque for the rent due.
· Boon Day- It was reported that a number of parishioners came along to help. The volunteers tidied kerbstones, removing weeds etc. It was noted that some footpaths need spraying. Cllr Thompson reported that Matthew is spraying weeds on Green Lane when needed.
14. To discuss matters relating to ‘Communication’
· Minutes and agendas
Cllr Pink reported that she had spoken to C.A.L.C. regarding legal requirements and good practice with regards to publishing agendas and minutes. It was agreed to put a list of meeting dates on the village noticeboard to ensure that legal requirements are fulfilled. It was noted that agendas and minutes are available to view on the parish council website and on the village noticeboard.
· It was noted that Mr Frank Hope has transferred the money for the laptop.
· Cllr Mounsey reported that he had spoken to a local resident who had advised that they could put together a new website for £120- £150. On top of this would be the renewal of the domain name (same price). It was agreed to invite them to the meeting in September to discuss its structure and detail and liaise with other organisations in the village.
· Land and Assets register- It was suggested that the replacement cost of the play equipment would be in the order of £40 000. Councillors asked whether the swing seats have been replaced- it was agreed to check. Councillors asked what areas of common land are in the village- these include an area of land on the lane from Wetheral House to the Nunwick Hall boundary, land around the parish fishing site (strip of land and 49m of river bank), the village hall and the playing field (both held in trust, with the parish council being custodian trustees) and the Dub.
15. To receive a report by Village Hall Committee
Cllr Thompson reported that the AGM was held last week and she passed a copy of the report to the Clerk. It was noted that finances are in a healthy state and the recent annual report has been approved by the Charities Commission.
It was noted that the metal rail along the side of the building is to be replaced shortly.
16. To receive a report by Parish Field Trustee
· Games- Liza Pink Dangerfield reported that she had sent a survey by email to young people in the village asking them to consider which game designs they would like. The proposed budget for the games was agreed to be in the order of £500. Liza reported that the results showed that the Rocket Hopscotch (£175) was most popular (shown on the website), they also liked the Compass (£270) and Cat and Mouse (£495). It was proposed to install ‘Cat and Mouse’ and ‘Rocket Hopscotch’ (proposed by Cllr Thompson, seconded by Cllr Mounsey, unanimous vote). It was agreed that the Clerk contact the company and ask them to go ahead.
· It was reported that the bike rack has now been repaired.
· Cllr Thompson reported that R.O.S.P.A. are to inspect the site shortly.
17. To receive a report on Finance
Fishing monies- £50 cash received and checked by councillors.
18. To consider correspondence received – Covered under other points.
19. To consider payments due
It was resolved to make the following payments (proposed by Cllr Wilkinson, seconded by Cllr Mounsey, unanimous vote):
Clerk’s Expenses £25.16 (Chq No: 100319)
20. Items to be raised at the next meeting
· Website
· Winter highways
· Litter picking and snow gear
· Autumn Boon
21. Date of the next meeting- 7.30 pm on Monday 5th September, 2016, in Great Salkeld Reading Room
Signed: R.E. Lytollis
Clerk to Great Salkeld Parish Council Dated: 04.07.16