V-Scanner Instructions
Many Radio Shack and GRE scanners have a special feature called V-Scanners, as in ‘virtual scanners’.
This feature is extra memory that allows you to save a complete programming setup or configuration, with frequencies, talk groups, lockouts, and all the other settings you use to customize your scanner the way you want it.
After saving your current setup, you can load another setup into your working memory, use it, and then switch to another setup whenever you wish.
V-scanners are like file folders
Imagine a set of file folders, each one containing a complete scanner setup, easily accessible to you. You can get the setup from each folder, load it into your working memory, which you use to scan and monitor, change it in any way you like, and then even save it back into a V-scanner file in your radio with any changes you have made. If you do not resave it, it will still be stored in the V-scanner memory in its original form.
Imagine you are on your computer, or at your desk, working with a file (working memory). You also have other file folders, but you’re only working with one at a time. You put the one you are working with back in the file (save it to a V-scanner), and then get another (load a V-scanner into working memory). (If you have not made any changes, you don’t need to save it.) Only one setup (or V-scanner) can be in your working memory at a time.
Any changes you make to your current working memory will be saved to the V-scanner when you store it.
Your scanner may have 10 or 20 V-scanner files, each identified by a descriptive name and a number. It is probably preloaded at the factory with setups for other states and regions, but you can overwrite these preloads if you need storage, and don’t think you will need them. You could also load one of these preloads into working memory if you travel to the area it covers.
You can access these V-scanners by pressing FUNC, followed by PGM. On the PRO-96 press PGM, FUNC, PGM. You can then Load, Store, or Erase a V-Scanner. The scanner will ask you if you really want to do this, to prevent accidentally erasing data. After you do this, return to your working memory by pressing SCAN.
© Denver Radio/Curt Mann
phone 720 248-SCAN (7226)