Badges Covered: Be Aware, Cookout, Happy Hiker, Team Together, Which Way, Happy Hiker
Cranberry Cowgirls, Blue Bandits, Purple Prospectors/Purple Pioneers/Violet Vultures, Green Gunslingers, / turquoise trail blazers? /Aqua sky
Friday Night
5:00 pm / Leaders Arrive – Tarp tents sort food and settle in(bring pizza for moms and kids)
-Tarp the platforms as well with one large tarp from tent building and have girls set up on them, helps with the draft.
7:00 pm / Kids Arrive and set up tents — leaders need to supervise to ensure girls will be warm.
7:30 pm / Safety Instruction orientation
8:00 pm / Bedroll hat craft
Way finding hike using glowing stones
9:00 pm / Mug up and campfire – Marci leads
Purple Help bring out mug-up
Cheese Bread, Hot Chocolate
Cranberries Help with Cleanup
10:30 pm / Brush teeth etc
leaders - ensure all girls go to the bathroom and put on warm dry cloths including underwear
to keep warm at Naka Naka fill the platforms up with girls so they can share their body hear – it’s colder with only a few in each tent.
-Also tuck under the end of there sleeping bags so they have less air to heat up – most brownies are not long enough to fill the sleeping bags.
-toques or hoodies just for bed (don’t wear during the day)
-keep heat down in shelter before bed, just enough to keep chill off
Sat Morning
7:00 am / Those crazy kids will start waking up — we can have some quiet games for them in the building7:30 am / Quite Time / Meal Prep / Set Tables / Quite Time / Quite Time
Breakfast burritos using Eggs in a bag (ziplock freezer bags, eggs, peppers, tomatoes, cheese etc.)
sausages, salsa, sour cream, milk + orange juice, instant oatmeal
8:30 pm / Sweep Dining Hall / Quite Time / Quite Time / Wash Dishes / Clear dishes wipe tables
Morning Stations 9-12 – 20 mins - Have sandy apples at safety station
Fire Pit/ Inside Building / Field / Inside Building / Outside Building
Match Lighting Station / Knot Station / Shelter Station / Safety Station
What to do when you are lost Station / Buddy Burners + fire starters
Light candles put them out with squirt guns
Need tea lights / Learn basic knots (thea pick what you want) need regular string ? / • Help build a simple shelter using poles and a tarp. You can invite some Pathfinders or Guides to help. / • Poisonous plants and how to avoid them.
• insect bites and how to treat them.
• prevent sunstroke, sunburn, frostbite and hypothermia.
• care of your feet. How do you keep them dry? What do you do if they get wet?
12:00 / LunchChicken noodle soup + Juice + Buddy burner grill cheese sandwiches (we need to have a bunch of possible ingredients available)
Each team needs to make an extra sandwich for judging
Awards for (most nutritious, best tasting, best browning, best presentation, all 4 food groups, cheesiest, stretches cheese, crunchiest, most filling, totally unique, out of the box) – any more ideas?
Afternoon Stations 1-4:30 (30 mins each)
Fire Pit / Field / Outside Building / Inside Building / Inside BuildingCampfire Station / Tent Station / Camp Cooking Station / Be Prepared Kit Station / Craft Station
• Learn how to set up and light a campfire with an adult.
• Know how oxygen, heat and fuel are used to create a fire.
• make an Edible camp fire or smores / Put up a tent in a small group
Learn about setting up a tent.
• Visit a camping supply store. Look at different types of tents and sleeping bags? / Make rice crispies
• Know how many minutes it takes to boil water to make it safe for drinking.
• how it safely light a camp stove
Bear cache info Learn how to store food safely and out of reach of
animals and insects / • a whistle
• a large orange garbage bag for emergency shelter
• water in a leak proof container
• dried fruit snacks for energy
• cleaning wipes
• band-aids
• paper and pencil
• safety pins
• tissues
• numbers for emergencies. / Western Tote Bags
Saturday Dinner
4:30 pm / Quite Time / Quite Time / Meal Prep / Set Tables / Quite Time5:00 pm / Hamburgers, corn on the cob, potato wedges, ketchup, sour cream to dip potatoes.
5:30 pm / Clear dishes wipe tables / Sweep Dining Hall / Quite Time / Quite Time / Wash Dishes
6:00 pm / Hunt for Prospector Patty’s Treasure (compass and maps) – we need a prize for the end
Learn the eight compass points and play a game
Using a compass
Learn how to identify directions in daylight without a compass, by pointing the little hand of your watch towards the sun so 12 o’clock faces south
7:30 pm / Team Building Games building stool that can support a team member
8:00 pm / Crafts - Lydia
8:30 pm / Mug up and campfire – Marci leads
Blue Bandits Help bring out mug-up
Hot Chocolate, S’mores, leftovers
Lucky Lemons Help with Cleanup
10:30 pm / Brush teeth etc
leaders - ensure all girls go to the bathroom and put on warm dry cloths including underwear
Sunday Morning
7:00 am / Those crazy kids will start waking up — we can have some quiet games for them in the building7:30 am / Breakfast
Cereal, or yogurt + fruit milk, juice
8:30 am / Wash Dishes / Clear dishes wipe tables / Bedrolls / Bedrolls / Bedrolls
9:00 am / Bedrolls / Bedrolls / Sweep Dining Hall / Clean Latrines / Clean Kitchen
9:30 / Get gear to covered pick-up area and sweep out tents
10:30 / Reflections