Initiation of an Internship
EDEL 690
- You may enroll in EDEL 690 only after completing 6 hours of EDEL coursework.
- Decide areas in which you want to complete a practicum. You are required to complete field placement in three of the four areas (elementary, middle, high, and central office.) Many students complete four.
- Know that an Internship consists of 120 clock hours of on-site supervision. You will, therefore, complete a minimum of 360 clock hours or a maximum of 480 clock hours.
- Decide who might be an appropriate on-site supervisor to oversee your experience. Orchestrate a quality experience for yourself.
- Ask that person if s/he will be your on-site supervisor during a given semester. Sit down with that person and go over the expectations. You will have to do this each semester for which you are enrolled in EDEL 690.
- Complete an “Application to Complete an Internship” form and get it to Dr. Flora BEFORE you register for the EDEL 690 course.
- Register for the EDEL 690 course.
- Begin logging hours at your school site for your Internship.
- Follow all procedure for completing an Internship practicum. (See “Completion of anInternship-EDEL 690” handout.)
- Turn in all assignments by the due date in order to receive a grade.
Completion of an Internship
EDEL 690
- Attend 2 seminars each semester that you are enrolled in EDEL 690. You should attend one seminar early in the semester and one seminar later in the semester. There are typically 4 seminars taught each semester, usually on Saturday mornings. Generally, one seminar is taught on campus with an additional seminar taught at each cohort site.
We believe that it is important that cohort members get to know on-
campus students and student sin other cohorts. This is often accomplished during seminars.
Seminars are being established on-line and will be available soon.
- Complete your log each semester. Have your on-site mentor sign it. Turn it in with materials at the end.
- Submit via WebCt 4 one-page emails to your university supervisor spaced out appropriately during the semester. In the subject box for each email, label the email appropriately using the model listed below:
Elem Practicum, Email #1, or
Middle Practicum, Email #4, or
High School Practicum, Email #3, or
Central Office Practicum, Email #2.
- Complete a three to four page reflection about the overall Internship experience which is to be turned in at the end of the placement.
- Have your on-site mentor (on-site supervisor) complete a letter of recommendation for you at the end of your experience. (At the end of your Internship, you may want to write the body of the letter for your on-site mentor detailing all that you did, excluding the part about how well you did it, and give it to your on-site mentor as a way of supporting his/her completing this letter for you.)
- Make sure that everything is turned in by the due date.
At the completion of your field work, you will receive a “P” grade for the 2 hour EDEL 690. Should everything not be turned in by the due date, you will receive an “IP” (In Progress) grade which will be changed when all of your materials are turned in. “IP” grades need to be completed during the following semester.