Albany FFA Officer Application

Due to Mr. Rupp by Friday, January29th2016

***Review Albany FFA Officer Handbook Located on the FFA Website***

Personal Information:

Name: ______Grade: ______Cell #: ______

Address: ______

Parent/Guardian Names: ______

Agriculture class planned for the upcoming year: ______

Leadership Experience: Type responses to the questions below and add to the application. Explain at length your experiences and remember details matter.

1.)Have you served as an officer of the Albany FFA Chapter previously? Yes or No

2.)Years in FFA: ______Offices held or committees chaired:

3.)Have you held a leadership position in another organization? Yes or No

If yes, what office did you hold and what organization was it for?

4.)Please list as many of the Albany FFA activities as possible that you have been involved in during your years of membership.

5.)Please list any and all activities that you have been involved with in and out of school that have lead to your development into a responsible young adult other than FFA.

6.)As an FFA member you have an opportunity to experience many different activities. Explain your most important meaningful experience as an Albany FFA member.

7.)Describe a time when you worked in a team setting to reach a common goal?

8.)What leadership qualities do you have that qualifies you for an officer position in the Albany FFA Chapter?

9.)As an Albany FFA Officer, what are some of the personal goals you would like to accomplish in the next year?

10.) Why do you think you should be an officer of the Albany FFA Chapter?

11.) If elected to office, what activities do you feel are important to build membership

of the Albany FFA Chapter?

12.) Being an effective FFA Officer is a large time commitment, are you willing to make

FFA a priority in your life. Knowing that it may mean making a sacrifice in other

area’s is that something you’re willing to do? Please explain.

12.) What would be your first choice for an officer position if selected to be an officer and

why???? Your response to this question in no way guarantees yourselection to be

this officer, but is designed to get you thinking about positions of interest.

13.) What would be your second choice for an officer position if selected to be an officer

and why???? Your response to this question in no way guarantees yourselection to

be this officer, but is designed to get you thinking about positions of interest.

Albany FFA Officer Application

Signature Page of Support for ______

Offices: Rank the offices in order from the office you would like to have the most to the office you would like to have the least.

  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

Nomination Form: You will be required to get the signatures below in order to be considered for a chapter officer position.


(Active Member Name) (Signature) (Date)


(Active Member Name) (Signature) (Date)


(Active Member Name) (Signature) (Date)


(Active Member Name) (Signature) (Date)


(Alumni Member Name) (Signature) (Date)


(Alumni Member Name) (Signature) (Date)


(Teacher Name) (Signature) (Date)


(Teacher Name) (Signature) (Date)


(Teacher Name) (Signature) (Date)

Albany FFA Officer Contract

Membership is a privilege with accompanying responsibilities.I, ______wish to be an officer candidate for the Albany FFA Chapter. I understand that to be an officer I must meet certain responsibilities and agree to the following criteria.

I will conduct myself at all times in order to be a credit to our organization, association, chapter, school and community by:

  1. I will have an SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience Project) in place prior to applying for office. (list)


  1. I will maintain at least a “B” average in my Agriscience classes and “C” average overall.
  2. I will attend the (SLW) FFA leadership workshop in the fall. (Usually in September)
  3. I will attend MFE or ALD if not attended in the past.
  4. I will learn all of the parts of the ceremonies for my elected office by the July meeting.
  5. I will attend the officer training and planning retreat in the summer.
  6. I will fulfill all responsibilities of the office if elected.
  7. Attend all general FFA meetings, tentatively scheduled for the 1st Monday of each month at 7:00 in room 135.
  8. I will enroll in at least one Agriscience class next year and try to have 2 semesters of Agri-science.
  9. I will wear an FFA jacket or other appropriate attire at all times when representing the Albany FFA.
  10. I understand and accept that my involvement in drugs, alcohol, or tobacco will be grounds for immediate

dismissal from my office.

  1. I will abide by and follow the FFA Code of Ethics.
  2. Each elected officer will compete in a speaking contest in the district contest.

(Prepared Speech, Extemporaneous, Job Interview, Parliamentary Procedure, Quiz Bowl or Discussion)

  1. I also understand that if I fail to do certain items I will receive the points listed and when the

point total equals 10 I will be removed from office.

a. Failure to maintain a “B” average in Agriscience classes.10

b. Receive an F in any class – 5pts/class/Quarter??

c. Failure to attend the fall FFA Leadership workshop. ** 7

d. Failure to learn my parts for official ceremonies. 5

e. Failure to attend the summer training and planning workshop. ** 7

f. Missing an officer or group meeting – 3pts/meeting. **??

g. Violation of co-curricular code-1st offense. 5

h. Violation of co-curricular code-2nd offense. 10

I. Use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco.10

J. Office referral for any reason (Conduct Unbecoming FFA Officer) 3

**this will only be in effect to officers who don’t give prior notice to Mr. Rupp with a legitimate excuse.

I have read and understand the above and following information included and acknowledge this through my signature below.

FFA member: ______Date: ______

Parent: ______Date: ______

Advisor: ______Date: ______

FFA Mission:

The National FFA Organization is dedicated to making a positive difference in the

lives of young people by developing their potential forpremier leadership, personal

growth and career successthrough agricultural education.

All officer candidates will introduce themselves at the FFA meeting and speak about their commitment to the FFA.

2015-2016 FFA Officer Application

Please include the following:

______1.) Albany FFA Officer Application

______2.) Albany FFA Contract

______3.) Signature Sheet

DUE TO Mr. Rupp January 29, 2016