PT 524Spring 2015

Homiletics/PreachingLab II


John D. Currid (601-559-8381cell)


In this course, the student will have the opportunity to hone his exegetical and preaching skills. The student preaching three sermons during the course of the semester will help to accomplish this objective. The student is required to preach (1) two expository sermons onOld Testament narrative passages, (2) an baptism sermon, and (3) a wedding homily.


The student is required to read Ralph Davis, The Word Became Fresh (Christian Focus, 2006) in its entirety. On the last day of class, the student will turn in a note card that indicates how many pages of the book the student has read.


  1. Class attendance is a requirement. Due to the nature of the course offering, absence is not permitted. Students are expected to be on time and prepared for each class session.
  1. The student will preach two sermons on a narrative passage from the Old Testament. The sermon texts will be assigned by the professor. The sermon must be done in an expository fashion. Time allotted for the sermon is 25 minutes. If the student goes over the time limit, his grade will suffer.
  1. The student will preach a baptism sermon. The student may choose his own text for this sermon. Time allotted for this sermon is 10 minutes.
  1. The student will preach a wedding homily. This is not a full-blown sermon, but one that would be used in a wedding ceremony. Be Scriptural, but get to the point of explaining the biblical purpose of marriage. The student will choose his own text. Time allotted for this sermon is 10 minutes.
  1. The student is required to submit the manuscript that is used in the delivery of one of the narrative sermons. It must be typed and a full manuscript.


The grade for the course will be based on the following:

  1. The professor will grade each of the four sermons based on a sermon evaluation form. (50%)
  2. The professor will grade the submitted manuscript of the narrative sermon. (25%)
  3. Students will submit peer evaluations of the four sermons. (25%)




2/12Wedding Homily

2/19Wedding Homily

2/26Wedding Homily

3/5Evangelistic Sermon

3/12Evangelistic Sermon

3/19Reading Week

3/26Evangelistic Sermon

4/2OT Narrative Sermon

4/9OT Narrative Sermon

4/16OT Narrative Sermon

4/23OT Narrative Sermon

4/30OT Narrative Sermon

Assigned texts for the OT Narrative Sermons will be given on the first day of class.