Dear Parent/Guardian,

Your student is taking Spanish 1 at the high school.

One LOTE credit is required for graduation from Batavia High School. If your student failed the final exam in Spanish 8 at BMS but passed the course, they have the option of retesting at the end of the 1st semester. If they pass the retest they will earn their LOTE credit and be exempted from the 2nd semester of the Spanish 1.

Here is a summary of course requirements and elements that will determine your student’s grade for this course.

Please sign, date and return the bottom half of the second page of this letter. It is your student’s first homework assignment and is due next class.


1. A notebook or folder and pen or pencil that will be used daily in class. A three ring binder might be helpful because students will need to retain their returned homework assignments, quizzes and tests along with other documents for at least 10 weeks.

2. A Chromebook supplied by the school district; this will also be used daily in class. The Chromebook will also be returned to the teacher at the end of the course. Loss of or damage to the Chromebook result in the student and parent being billed for their replacement.

3. Use of online translators is not permitted for completion of certain assignments. If I believe that a student has used a translator for these assignments, I will require them to re do the assignment under my supervision or take a”0” for the assignment.


1. CLASSROOM PARTICIPATION: This will include oral and listening participation, appropriate classroom behavior and daily class preparation with needed materials. Students will receive a weekly grade out of 10 points for their participation. The criteria for this component is included on a separate page.

2. QUIZZES AND TESTS: Quizzes and unit tests will be graded on a point system; a percentage will also be given for student’s reference. Quizzes and tests missed due to LEGAL absences become the responsibility of the student to arrange a make up session with the teacher. Current school policy allows for ten class days from the date of the quiz or test for this.

This course includes a written midterm exam and a written final exam. The midterm and final exams will be of the same format as the Regional Proficiency Exam.

3. CLASS WORK: Each classwork assignment will be graded, usually on the basis of 5 points per assignment. Classwork assignments will be checked and graded during class. Full credit will be earned when the assignment is correct and complete on the date due . Classwork missed due to LEGAL absences may be made up as per school policy (see above.) Classwork is usually assigned daily.

The course grade for this class will be determined by the student’s four quarter grade and their midterm and final exams averaged together and the total divided by 5.


While it is true that technology is certainly here to stay and has become for many an indispensable tool, there are times when cell phone use in the classroom is appropriate and times when it is not. With that in mind, I expect cell phones to be SILENCED AND STORED during class. Failure to do so will result in a disciplinary referral and the confiscation of the cell phone.


Students who arrive late to class without a pass from another teacher or staff member will be allowed to enter the classroom, however….

  1. the first time they are late they will owe me the number of minutes they were late X2 after school that same day.
  2. if the student doesn’t show up after school that same day, they will owe me the number of minutes late X4 after school the next day and I will call home.
  3. if the student doesn’t show up after school a second time, I write a disciplinary referral to the vice principal and call home.
  4. given that the majority of my students are new to BHS, there will be a grace period of one week following the first day of school before this policy takes effect.


10 points: You are always prepared with materials and assignments. You also make a very active effort to supply answers, ask questions and actively participate in every and all classroom activities.

9 points: You are always prepared with materials and assignments. Additionally, you will make an active effort to supply answers, ask questions and actively participate in every and all classroom activities.

8 points: You are always prepared with materials and assignments. You will also make an effort to supply answers, ask questions and sometimes participate in classroom activities.

7 points: You are usually prepared with materials and assignments. You make an occasional effort to participate in classroom activities.

6 points: You are not often prepared with materials and assignments. You will rarely make and effort to participate in classroom activities.

5 points and below: You are usually not prepared with materials and assignments. You make no effort to participate in class activities.

*I keep track of when/how students participate via a “dot system”. There is not a specific number of dots students must earn weekly; because of block scheduling or testing times some weeks have more classes and opportunities to participate than others.


1.  Students may want to keep a hoodie or a sweater in their locker for those colder days when sitting still in class for a while may be uncomfortable.

2.  Please encourage your student, especially if they are new to BHS, to get involved. Many activities are free for the joining; auditions or tryouts are not always needed. There are so many clubs, sports, and just plain fun things to do at BHS that they will not lack for options or for friends to enjoy them with!

3.  Below is a chart of how/where students can find the required accent marks or punctuation in written Spanish if they prefer to write assignments by computer:

Foreign language accent marks can be obtained by holding down the ALT key and typing the corresponding number from the number pad on the keyboard. The number lock must be active. Use the code below. (Please note that there are variations among various fonts.)

You may also click on Insert in the toolbar. Select Symbol. Scroll down until you find the appropriate letter and accent mark.

130 = é 160 = á 161 = í 162 = ó 163 = ú 164 = ñ

165 = Ñ 168 = ¿ 173 =¡

Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me by e-mail at

or by phone at 343-2480 extension 2000.


I understand the requirements, method of grading and the student’s responsibilities in Mrs. Johnson’s Spanish 1 class.


Student signature Parent/Guardian signature


Date Date