- Proposals for Symposia/Conferences, Congresses or Workshops to be sponsored or co-sponsored by IMACS may be addressed to the President of IMACS, or to IMACS Secretariat (, ).
- Before topics and dates for a proposed event are finalized, the Secretariat will, when appropriate, coordinate with IMACS Technical Committees and other scientific societies to verify if there may be any conflict (decisions to go ahead with a proposed conference is generally reached reasonably quickly).
- when IMACS is the main sponsor:
When appropriate, co-sponsorship or cooperation by other scientific societies may be requested. In such cases, the responsibility for the organization and for publication remains with the main sponsor (IMACS).
The co-sponsors are generally giving publicity to the event among their membership. Moreover, they may be asked to bring contributions to the scientific program (by organizing sessions) and/or to contribute names for the International Program Committee.
Requests for co-sponsorships or cooperation are initiated by the IMACS Secretariat, after the final time, place, etc... for a conference have been decided.
- when IMACS is not the main sponsor:
IMACS occasionally serves as CO-SPONSOR of Conferences for which there may be other co-sponsors, or when the main sponsor is some other scientific body. The general conditions described in the present guidelines continue to apply, with appropriate adjustments to take care of the special circumstances.
- In the case of World Congresses, the Congress Organizing Committee is to be approved by the IMACS Board of Directors. The IMACS Board is also responsible, for World Congresses, for the selection or approval of plenary keynote speakers and other significant speakers of the event.
- PUBLICATIONS: The following procedures are available:
- If enough lead time is allowed, soft cover copies of PROCEEDINGS may be produced (by IMACS or by the local organizers) in time for distribution to the attendees at the conference. This material bears the mention "Copyright IMACS" (possibly on the first page of each paper). Typing instructions may be obtained from the IMACS Secretariat to insure proceedings which are uniform in appearance. Note should be taken, however, that in view of the current economics of publications, HARD COPY PROCEEDINGS ARE NO MORE RECOMMENDED.
- The recommended alternative to PROCEEDINGS ON PAPER is the production of PROCEEDINGS ON CD-ROM. These are produced from electronic text (LaTex or Word are preferred) of the original manuscripts (as is the case for paper Proceedings). They may be produced locally, or by using the publication services of IMACS.
- In most cases, it is recommended that a hard copy BOOK OF ABSTRACTS be given to the participants at the conference.
- For IMACS Sponsored events, Copyright for PROCEEDINGS and other conference related publications rests with IMACS.
- It is important, for BOOK of ABSTRACTS as well as for PROCEDEENGS, that the name of the author(s) be followed by a complete address, affiliation, telephone number(s), e-mail… (These documents are to become address books for future contact between participants)
- JOURNAL SPECIAL ISSUES: In addition to (or instead of) Proceedings, "Special Issues" of one of the IMACS journals – APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS, MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION or the JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ACOUSTICS -- devoted to the symposium/conference may be published. These are as a rule typeset by the Publisher (North Holland/Elsevier or World Scientific Publishing Company), when possible from an electronic supplied by the author(s). Such special issues contain, in principle, only selected papers of the conference. They are to be coordinated by a Guest Editor (or Editors) who is (or are) in principle the Chair of the Conference, or someone responsible for the scientific program, such as Session Organizers. In those cases where a Special Issue has been agreed upon, organizers are to indicate their choice of the Guest Editor(s) as soon as possible to the IMACS Secretariat.
- It is the responsibility of the Guest Editor(s) to coordinate the selection of papers for such journal "Special Issues" to inform the selected authors, asking them to expand or re-write their paper as regular journal articles (they are not, in principle, to be simply reprints of parts of the Conference Proceedings). And the Guest Editor(s) is (are) responsible for the review of the manuscripts. "Special Issues" are to be between 150 and 350 journal pages in length (with possible exceptions ). When assembled, the Guest Editor is to send/ forward all the manuscripts of the Special Issue -together with an Editorial Introduction- to the IMACS Secretariat or one of the Journal Editor(s)-In-Chief for final review and forwarding to the Publisher. In all cases, final approval will be made by the Editor(s)-In-Chief of the corresponding Journal.
- IMACS Series in Computational and Applied Mathematics: This series of books is published by IMACS to allow Conference Proceedings to appear in a regular, archival series of publications that can be announced to and ordered by Libraries. In order to have a Volume in the series published, the Conference Organizers must supply IMACS with Camera Ready material, and include the cost of one copy in the registration fee (on the order of $50) so that each participant receives a copy (either at, or after the Conference by mail).
- POST-CONFERENCE JOURNAL ARTICLES: As a rule, any paper that appears in the proceedings of an IMACS Conference/Symposium is considered as a possible article for one of the IMACS journals (either as described above under 5e- , or as individual articles. If selected by the appropriate committee or Editors, authors will receive a letter of invitation asking if they are willing to submit an updated, possibly longer version of their paper for inclusion in one of the IMACS journals. Those updated articles will be reviewed, although this process will in general be simplified since a first review has taken place before the paper was accepted for inclusion in the conference/symposium proceedings.
- The possibility of post-conference publication as regular journal articles is, when applicable, to be mentioned in the conference announcements and literature.
- "BEST PAPER" AWARD: It is recommended that a "best paper" award and/or diploma be given out at each or most IMACS sponsored events (or two awards: a regular "best paper" and a "junior best paper", the latter for a participant aged 30 or less). Description of the award together with a photograph of the recipient(s) shall be inserted in the IMACS Journal "Mathematics and Computers in Simulation".
- TIMING: Suggested timing of the different steps involved in organizing a Conference/Symposium are outlined in Appendix A. While there may be departures in specific cases, these timings (and list of specific steps that are to be taken) will serve as reference guidelines.
- PUBLICITY: IMACS publicizes the conferences that it sponsors in its journal (Mathematics and Computers in Simulation – North Holland/Elsevier) and by electronic distribution to its worldwide e-network. Publicity is also included in direct mailings to IMACS members, and by communication to the other FIACC secretariats. We also have a list of Journals and Societies to which such announcements are being mailed. The IMACS "Calendar of Events" is read worldwide, and provides high visibility to all IMACS sponsored conferences.
The financial terms outlines in this section apply to Events for which IMACS is the main sponsor, and taking place in hard currency countries. Special conditions may be negotiated if either of these conditions does not apply.
- Small no-interest loans may be made by IMACS as seed money to organizers of IMACS-sponsored events.
- As is the case with most Scientific Societies, IMACS-sponsored events are as a rule self-supporting. I.e., the expenses are essentially covered by the registration fees (in addition to possible Grants coming from outside sources, often Governmental Agencies. Those agencies have been generally favorable toward granting financial support to IMACS-sponsored Conferences).
- Part of the registration fee of IMACS-sponsored events is to be returned to IMACS to cover administrative, and publication expenses (together with the seed money loan, if applicable).The recommended amount is $30 per fully paid participant.
- Organizers are encouraged to offer special registration fees to students (possibly leaving out their participation in the Social Program, etc...).
- IMACS DISPLAY: IMACS, together with its publishers (Elsevier and World Scientific Publishing Co.) will supply to the organizers materials that may be displayed at the Conference (a special table is in general appropriate). This may include literature that describes IMACS, and registration forms for the new members. The contact for this is the IMACS Membership Secretariat: IMACS, – Brussels Free University, CP 165/84 , Ave. F. D. Roosevelt , 50, B-1050 Brussels - BELGIUM.
- Organizers of IMACS-sponsored events are encouraged to write, after the event has taken place, a narrative suitable for publication in the "News of IMACS" section of the journal MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION. Photographs taken during the event may be included. This material should be sent to : IMACS Secretariat,
Brussels Free University, CP 165/84 , Ave. F.D. Roosevelt, 50, B-1050 Brussels
- The complete list of participants (with IMACS affiliation, mailing address, e-mail, etc.) is to be communicated to the IMACS Secretariat after the event.
- The organizers of IMACS Sponsored Conferences are often part of an existing IMACS Technical Committee, or they have formed, for the purpose of the Conference, or after the conference, an "ad hoc" IMACS Technical Committee. In either case, the updated list of the existing or new Technical Committee is to be communicated to the IMACS Secretariat for inclusion in or revision of the IMACS TC' s list.
- It is often the case ( and it is recommended that a specialized Conference ends with a recommendation for a follow-up conference on the same topic. This should be communicated to the IMACS for follow-up publication in the “IMACS Calendar of Events”.
(IMACS Secretariat- July 2003)
Please print and complete this form and return it to the IMACS Secretariat to acknowledge receipt of and agreement with the “GUIDELINES” (#10.04).
Conference: (Short Title and Date) ______
(for the organizers) Name: ______
Signature: ______Date:______
Mail to : Adriana Raymackers
IMACS Secretariat
ULB, CP 165/84
Av. F. D. Roosevelt, 50
B-1050 Brussels