September 27, 2005 10:00 AM
PADEP Stormwater Manual Oversight Committee
Rachel Carson Building First Floor Conference Room
I. PADEP Announcements
Several announcements were made by DEP. The first is that Ken Reisinger had taken a new position as Director of the Bureau of Waste Management and would no longer be on the Committee working with the Manual. The second is that the contract with Cahill Associates, Inc. had expired and the Manual will be finished with DEP staff and the help of the Oversight Committee. There was a question concerning who would provide technical guidance for the completion of the manual. The technical expertise will come from Committee members and DEP staff in various areas of the Department. The minutes were approved with one typographical correction.
II. Presentation on WINTR20 as applied to Manual Control Guidance
Geoff Cerrelli of NRCS gave a PowerPoint presentation of a portion of the presentation he was preparing for the Professional Engineers in Private Practice at 3 locations the following week. He input data from an example site using the CG-1 and CG-2 guidelines from the Manual and developed output for various scenarios. One of his findings was that when the storage volume is compromised before a storm, the effectiveness of the control guidelines is reduced. His conclusion was that this would also probably happen in the natural pre-developed condition.
III. Draft BMP Manual Discussion
The revised copy of the manual was handed out and a discussion about the changes was held. The main sections that were revised significantly were Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and Appendix C. These changes were discussed in detail. Some discussion among the group followed. DEP concluded the discussion by saying that all comments should be submitted to PADEP by end of October to be included in the official Draft Manual that will be released in December. Any comments not received in time for this revision will be considered during the official comment period in the early part on 2006.
IV. Public Q & A
Meeting concluded with several comments from the audience.
Member Attendees
Terry Bentley Ken Murin
Joan Blaustein Tim Murphy
Scott Brown Jim Pillsbury
Frank Browne Ed Ritzer
Al Brulo Thad Stevens
Warren Cohn Dennis Stum
Paul DeBarry Robert Traver
Tim Edinger Maya VanRossum
Paul Zeigler