Oh HI there!
Oh you look like you need to go for a walk, come with me.
Oh I should introduce myself before we beckon this “intimate journey”.
I don’t think anyone wants to go on a walk with a stranger.
So my names Joanne and I’m a third year student at La Trobe this year.
I’m studying Rehabilitation Counseling which is under the Bachelor of Health Science.
I’ll tell you a few things about me before I start!
I’m a towering 5 foot 2
I have about four less teeth than the average human.
And this is my favourite place to be – my garden. So, sometimes when Melbourne isn’t being bipolar with its weather, I can come here and do my homework!
We’ve got a couple of little friends here in our backyard.
Actually my dads obsessed with them. And whilst I’ve asked him to get some dogs…he refuses!
So, we’ve got two chickens, two pigeons that look like doves and we’ve also got two budgies.
I’m actually of Cambodian and Chinese decents. I know that some people get that mixed up and think I’m actually Vietnamese or Japanese or Taiwanese and the list goes on.
I actually visited Cambodia just before Christmas and it was fo a Volunteer trip and it was my very first time going. I
I volunteered with Reach Out Volunteers and La Trobe actually helped me go over there and I got to work with underprivileged kids and abused Elephants. We got to built a house for some of the poorest kids in a little town just outside of Siem Reap and we went to Modulkuri which almost like a jungle where we got to wash the elephants, scrub them, take care of them and feed them banana trees as well as help to preserve some of the, some of the land where they were growing the bananas.
I actually went as part of the short exchange program with La Trobe and it was fantastic because I also got the volunteer hours I worked to contribute to the La Trobe award program which I’m apart of.
So its pretty much a program where your volunteering gets recognised.
If you want to take a look I’ll put some links below if you’re interested.
Well I hope you’ve learnt a little about me and I can really sense that our relationship is blossoming and this is going to be a beautiful friendship.
Please subscribe to me cos I don’t have enough friends like you!
I’ll catch you on the flip side! Mwah* Bye!