C/o Maumee Bay Resort

1750Park Rd. #2 Oregon, Ohio 43618




MaumeeBayState Park Saturday, 10a.m. - 8p.m. Sunday10a.m. – 6 p.m.

Waterfront/ Business Application Information

Please Note: Since this is a ToledoHarbor Light Nautical Festival –Waterfront/Nautical Items are required as part of the display..

Toledo harbor Light Items are encouraged. Businesses are considered on a case by case basis

Eligibility – (Except for Sponsors)Nautical Items 75% of display. May be waived

Cost -The cost for a 20’x20’ area is $75.00 on or before May 30, $100 after June 1

Sales Tax - Sales Tax must be charged as required by law

Check In - Check in is from 9:00a.m. to 10:00a.mExhibits - Each exhibitor will provide all furnishings. Exhibitor assumes full responsibility for

loss or damage to his person or property. Display may remain for three day period -,

owner assumes are responsibility. Display must remain for hours listed

Location: Maumee Bay State Park near Lodge & Amphitheatre – sites with Lake Erie view

Parking - There will be parking away from the exhibit area.

Please send this application to: ToledoHarbor Light Society, c/o MaumeeBay Resort, 1750 park Rd. #2 Oregon, Ohio 43618. Questions, call 691-3273 or 691-3788.

Nautical Business Application(Please Print):

Business Name______

Contact Person ______

Address ______

Phone (w)______(H)______E-mail______

Amount Enclosed______No. of Spaces:______

Please Describe Your Exhibit______


Exhibit Fest Rules: I hereby indemnify the Toledo Harbor Light Society, Maumee Bay State Park and Maumee Bay Resort and their employees, servants, and all festival using landowners from any and all claims arising from booth and festival functions.


Fee must be enclosed.. Make check payable to Toledo Harbor Light Society Detach and mail to : Toledo Harbor Light Society, c/o Maumee Bay Resort, 1750 Park Road #2, Oregon, Ohio 43618 Thank You - look forward to seeing your display at the festival.


C/o Maumee Bay Resort

1750Park Rd. #2 Oregon, Ohio 43618




MaumeeBayState Park Saturday, 10a.m. - 8p.m. Sunday10a.m. – 6 p.m.

Dear Business Waterfront Display:

The Toledo Lighthouse Festival features waterfront music with the Bonkers singing Beachboys Music, the Toledo School for Performing Arts playing Steel Drums both days, Lee Murdock singing The Lady of Old Maumee Bay – on his new Great Lakes Album, A Magician and Clown both days, Jimmy Buffet/ tropical music. Thousands will attend the 6th Annual Toledo Lighthouse Festival – the regions/ Great Lakes best waterfront lighthouse festival. At the festival people sit under trees, listen to music, stroll along the walkway watching people making sand castles, visit the nautical and unique arts and crafts, enjoy a perch sandwich, sample and vote for your favorite clam chowder made locally including schools, and indulge on Toft’s Ice Cream & more.

This is a celebration & fundraiser for the Historic 1904 Toledo Lighthouse. The Lighthouse is located about five miles off the shores of MaumeeBayState Park and is visible on most days. The six story 4000 square foot buff brick Romanesque lighthouse design includes a steel roof built like a ship’s upside down hull.

The festival is listed in area wide and lighthouse event calendars. Local listings will start the month before the festival. Ads begin the week before the festival. Attendance at the festival continues to grow. Artists/Crafters in 2008 gave very high marks to the festival.

To keep with the ‘spirit of the festival’, all business displays must have waterfront related items to display/sell. The business display areas artists/crafters area is located off the shores of the inland lake with a view of the Maumee Bay/Lake Erie beach. All exhibits are outside near parking and festival activities. You can pull up a vehicle to unload. Toledo Harbor Lighthouse items are encouraged. Preregistration is required. There is security Saturday evening, but exhibitor responsibility lies with the crafter.

The business displays are carefully screened to maintain the integrity and feel of this waterfront festival. I hope that you will join us with a waterfront business display. If you have any questions, please

call 419-691-3788.


Sandy Bihn

Business Chairman