2013 CBUA Bulletin #1
This is a mass email to allCBUAUmpires . . . much of this information pertains to allCBUAumpires and some information pertains only to umpires working in certain conferences . . . please review all of the information in this email. Thanks.
First of all, immediately below is a communication from the NCAA and Arbiter Sports relative to 2013 Welcome Packets. Please note that allCBUA umpires who were registered by our October 1 deadline have had their $100 NCAA registration fee paid by theCBUA. According to the message below from the NCAA and Arbiter Sports your Rule Book,CCAManual andHonig's Gift Certificate will likely be arriving mid-to-late January. Please keep the information below for reference until your packet arrives. For those of you who registered after our October 1 deadline--your NCAA registrations and payment were forwarded to Arbiter earlier this week. As of today, all of ourCBUA umpires are paid and registered with the NCAA. Since the NCAA generally does not go live with their online rules test until all NCAA Meetings are completed at the end of January, everyone should have their Rule Book and Manual in time for the testing period. Of course, when information on the test, etc. becomes available, it will be shared with our membership. The message from the NCAA and Arbiter Sports follows . . .
Dear Officials:
We have been informed by the NCAA of a delay in the printing of the 2013-14 Baseball Rule Book. As a result, the shipment of NCAA Baseball Welcome Packets has been delayed. We hope to begin shipping Welcome Packets at the beginning of January, with the first shipments arriving in mid-January. They will be shipped according to the date of an official’s registration, beginning with those who registered on November 1. Once a Welcome Packet has been processed for shipment, officials will receive an email hat contains the package’s tracking number. This year’s Welcome Packet includes the 2013-14 NCAA Baseball Rule Book and a copy of the new 2013CCABaseball Umpires Manual. Also included with this year’s registration is a $20 coupon toHonig'sWhistle Stop. After registering with NCAA Baseball, officials will receive direct communication fromHonig'sregarding the details of this offer.
ArbiterSportsCustomer Support
As toCBUAadditionalbenefits, please note that you are responsible for your own umpire equipment and clothing, inclusive of shirt andCBUAhat. We do ask for hat and shirt size on our registration form, so that if you are selected for post seasonplay, we can help expedite getting those sizes toHonigs, the NCAA, etc. As to uniform, our guidelines are covered on ourCBUACentral Hub Page. We have a standardCBUAhat/uniform that we wear for most of our assignments--there are some exceptions for certain conferences that prefer a hat or patch representative of that conference be worn--individual assignors will share that information with assigned umpires.
As to assignments, as promised Icompleted the majority of D-I conference assignments by Thanksgiving and those have been published on Arbiter. The overall number of D-I conference assignments was less than in past years (the Big 12, Big East,Summit, Horizon, etc. all lost schools and had reductions in conference schedules). I worked within eachconference and based assignments primarily on three-year ranking averages within those respective conferences. Some umpires have seen a reduction in the number of D-I conferenceassignments or will receive assignments more as an alternate when the need arises.I've also attempted to offer some assignmentsto new deserving D-I prospects. Obviously, we have many more deserving candidates than we do assignment opportunities. I will continue with D-I non-con assigning and D-II and D-III assigning with the expectation that most of the initial assignments be completed by the end of the calendar year. All ofCBUA assignors at all levels are also completing assignments at this time.
We are continuing to update our assignors and compensation pages on our CBUACentral Hub (about 95% updated for 2013). You can visit that site for ongoingCBUAinformation at:www.cbua.arbitersports.com
As to the NCAA Meeting/CBUAMeeting in Chicago on January5th. YES, all CBUAmembers from all conferences at all levels are expected to attend the day-long meetings, inclusive ofCBUAMeeting activities that follow the NCAA Meeting. The meeting will be January 5, 2013 at the Westin O'Hare Airport, 6100 River Road, Rosemont, IL 60018--888-627-8517 or 847-698-6000. While you are not required to stay at the Westin, if you plan to stay there, please make your reservation by December14thto ensure you get the NCAA rate--mention the NCAA room block when calling for your reservation. Also, if you have not yet gone on the NCAA Baseball Central Hub web site and registered for the Chicago meeting, please do so as soon as possible. (Registering for the meeting is different from the registration with the NCAA/Arbiter that has already been handled for you by theCBUA--meetingregistration helps the NCAA plan materials for participants and expedites the check in the morning of the meeting.) The NCAA Meeting schedule is posted on the NCAA Baseball Central Hub page. OurCBUAMeeting will follow the NCAA meeting and should adjourn by 6:30 p.m. Please plan your travel accordingly, as you are expected to participate in both the NCAA Meeting and theCBUAMeeting.
OurCBUAMeeting will include a breakout session at the end of the meeting for umpires to have a chance to network with allCBUAassignors.CBUA assignors from all levels should plan on being in attendance and being prepared to share information with prospective umpires.
+++Special note to Big 12 Conference umpires--we will have a meeting for conference staff umpires during the lunch break of the NCAA Meeting. Our meeting room will be announced at a later date and lunch will be included for staff members. Also, your hotel room for Friday and Saturday nights will be booked through the conference office based on double occupancy. If for any reason you will not be in attendance in Chicago, please notify me immediately (even if you've already notified me). Unless I hear differently, the Big 12 will book your rooms as follows:Wetzel/Williams, Wiley/Nutt, Bullock/Spieler, Harmon/Harrison,Oros/Busse,Coskey/Svehla,Bruns/Droll, Morris/Henrichs, Rodriguez/Garman, Graham/Sealey, Winters/Hamilton,Schepis/Wagers, McGuire/Brammer,Schaly/Denzin, Alexander/Sooter,Leible/Luker, Shields/Wilkerson. (If I’vemissed anybody with a Big 12 conference assignment, email me immediately.)
+++Special note to those with "past due" accounts. I've talked or emailed with most of you over the last couple of months--you are currently among a group of about a dozenCBUAUmpires that have requested extra time to pay your 2013 dues. I have paid NCAA fees for each of you and that is over $1,000 at this point. I will continue to be patient awaiting dues payment if your financial situation has not improved--I do believe if we can't take care of each other, who will? At the same time, there are a few of you who have indicated that you would or have sent your check ("the checks in the mail") and I haven't seen it--while I'm happy to accommodate any umpire during a difficult time, I don't want to be taken advantage of. If you are among the group that has yet to pay your 2013 dues, please email me with your expected payment date or at least let me know where you stand. Thanks.
All Umpires--more information will be forthcoming about our Chicago activities. I look forward to seeing everyone in January. Stay healthy!
RichFetchiet,CBUACoordinator of Baseball Umpires
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Rich Fetchiet

CBUA Coordinator of Baseball Umpires