JUNE 21, 2006
NAAC Bangalore has a clear cut policy towards re-accreditation of already accredited educational institutions. The criteria, sub-sections under each category as well as the weightages accorded to each category based on the type of institution being re-accredited are also well laid down.
However when it comes to preparing the institution for re-accreditation over a period of 5 years several aspects require greater understanding, awareness among different stake holders, a definite action plan to generate, collate, preserve and present the data in a lucid fashion so that each constituent of the institution is aware of its responsibilities and the expectations of the University and the visiting team.
As an example, under the criteria “Healthy Practices” each individual and each constituent of the institution may set before himself or itself, a goal which may or may not be seen as a “healthy practice” by the Assessing Committee. Similarly inculcating core values as additional parameter may mean differently to different constituents of the institution. While exposing the system to a few spiritual lectures may be seen as a “sufficient criteria” by the institution while it may not be a “so sufficient contribution” to the Assessing Committee.
The Seminar aims at narrowing down the perceptions of each constituent of the institution and bringing awareness of the importance of actual implementation of the programmes and thus preparing the institution for re-accreditation, which experience may be shared with other institutions similarly placed.
1.Criteria wise institutional preparation
2.Assessment and implementation of the peer theme observations
3.Data generation warehousing and mining
4.Core value inculcation
5.RAR Preparation
It is expected that the institution takes stock of the action taken on earlier peer committee observation assessing the extent of making good the deficiencies pointed out, success in quality sustenance and finally the initiation towards quality enhancement as per the expected norms. Finally it is hoped that armed with the final insight into the entire gamut of exercise the structured way of data generation, preservation, retrieval and presentation will be evolved to be implemented immediately.
21 June, 2006
9:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:05 Welcome
10:05-10:10 About the Seminar Theme
(by the Coordinator, IQAC)
10:10-10:25 Remarks by the Guest of Honour
(Dr Stephen Ryrie, Associate Dean, Faculty of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of West of England, Bristol, UK)
10:25-11:10 Inauguration and Keynote Address
(by the Chief Guest)
11:10-11:20 Presidential Remarks
(by the Vice-Chancellor)
11:20-11:30 Vote of Thanks
11:30-12:00 Tea Break
12:00-1:00 Session I
1.Lecture by Dr Stephen Ryrie
2.Lecture by …
1:00-2:30 Lunch Break
2:30-3:30 Session II
1.Sharing of Experiences
(Lecture by a representative of a
Re-Accredited University)
3:30-3:45 Tea
4:00-5:15 Session III
Discussion on the preparation of Re-Accreditation Report
Souvenir of the seminar
Report of the seminar