ALGEBRA 1--Course Syllabus-Spring 2017
TEACHER: Mr. WasserROOM:111
PHONE:(610) 847-5131 ext. 2328 [Email Preferred]EMAIL:
SCHEDULE: Meets daily for one semester:
Text:Algebra 1. Prentice-Hall. 2007. Pennsylvania edition.
Supplies:A notebook with lined paper, pencil/pen, eraser, and a graphing calculator on occasion.
Calculator: There’s minimal calculator usage in Alg. I in order to strengthen fundamental math skills.
The Algebra I objectives are to develop a thorough understanding of the basic concepts and structure of the real number system and the applications of linear and exponential models. Course content includes operations with real numbers, ways of displaying data, solving equations and inequalities, analyzing graphs of functions and relations, linear models, systems of equations in two variables, exponential models, polynomials and factoring, and problem solving.
- Variables, function patterns and graphs
- Rational Numbers
- Solving Equations
- Solving Inequalities
- Graphs and Functions
- Linear equations and their graphs
- Systems of equations and inequalities
- Exponents and exponential functions
9. Polynomials and Factoring
Quarter Grade:Test, Quizzes, and Performance Tasks: 80%
Homework/Classwork: 20%
Course Grade:First Quarter: 40%
Second Quarter: 40%
Exams (Midterm and/or Cumulative Final): 20%
~ If you fail a test and your homework average is an A, you have two weeks to retake the test. The highest grade attainable on a retest is 70%.
~ Absences, lateness, and plagiarism will be dealt with according to school policy. See your student handbook for details.
~ If you miss class to participate in a school-approved trip or activity, the assignment is still due. (Student Handbook).
~ Homework will be assigned regularly and is due the following day. Late homework will receive no credit. Work must be shown for each problem, answers only is not acceptable. Grades for homework will be determined as follows:
Full credit: All problems are completed.
Half credit: Partially done, with at least half completed.
No credit: Less than half has been attempted.
Projects and selected performance assessments all make great portfolio entries.
**Course content may vary from this outline to meet the needs of this particular group.**