Manuscript JTRM-D-16-0344
Reading keys for database 1
Database 1 contains data concerning 44 patients, 32 with diagnosis of IgA nephropathy (IgAN) and 12 with diagnosis of minimal change disease (MCD) at the time of biopsy (Tob).
A: Patient ID, patient identification
B: Sex, male =1; female = 2
C: Age at the time of biopsy
D: Date of birth
E: Year of the biopsy
F: Diagnosis, IgAN = 1; MCD = 2
G: Follow up data, availability of follow-up data, yes = 1; no = 2
H: Haematuria at the time of biopsy (1= gross haematuria, 2 = microscopic haematuria, 3= no haematuria)
I: Proteinuria at the time of biopsy (g/24 hours)
J: Serum creatinine values at the time of biopsy (mg/dl)
K: Hypertension,values at the time of biopsy , * in treatment for hypertension
L: Hypertension at the time of biopsy, 1= yes, 2 = no
M: estimated glomerular filtration rate at the time of biopsy
N: Stage according to Kidney Disease Outcome Quality Initiative (KDOQI) at the time of biopsy
O: C3 immune-fluorescence, 1= yes; 2 = no
P: Diffuse C3 immune-fluorescence, 1= yes; 2 = no
Q: Focal C3 immune-fluorescence, 1= yes; 2 = no
R: Imunoglobulin (Ig) G immune-fluorescence, 1= yes; 2 = no
S: Diffuse IgG immune-fluorescence, 1= yes; 2 = no
T: Focal IgG immune-fluorescence, 1= yes; 2 = no
U: Focal and negative IgG immune-fluorescence, 1= yes; 2 = no
V: Ig A immune-fluorescence, 1= yes; 2 = no
W: Diffuse Ig A immune-fluorescence, 1= yes; 2 = no
X: Focal Ig A immune-fluorescence, 1= yes; 2 = no
Y: IgM immune-fluorescence, 1= yes; 2 = no
Z: Diffuse IgM immune-fluorescence, 1= yes; 2 = no
AA: Focal IgM immune-fluorescence, 1= yes; 2 = no
AB:Focal and negativ IgM immune-fluorescence, 1= yes; 2 = no
AC: Fibrinogen immune-fluorescence, 1= yes; 2 = no
AD: Diffuse fibrinogen immune-fluorescence, 1= yes; 2 = no
AE: Focal fibrinogen immune-fluorescence, 1= yes; 2 = no
AF: Focal and negative fibrinogen immune-fluorescence, 1= yes; 2 = no
AG: Mean number of glomerular CD68+ macrophages
AH: Mean number of interstitial CD68+ macrophages per high power field
AI: M value = Mesangial hypercellularity values (Oxford classification)
AJ: M score = Mesangial hypercellularity scores (0, 1; Oxford classification)
AK: S = segmental glomerulosclerosis scores(0, 1; Oxford classification)
AL: T = tubular atrophy scores(0, 1; Oxford classification9
AM: G = grade (1, 2, 3; 3-grade classification)
AN: Endothelial cell area (%)