Middleton-on-sea Parish Council
Chairman’s Report for the Parish Council Year 2016/2017
To be presented at the Annual Parish Meeting on Wednesday 17th May 2017 at the Jubilee Hall (rear hall), Elmer Road, Middleton-on-Sea.
My fourthreport as Chairman of Middleton-on-sea Parish Councilreflects the wide scope of work carried out by Parish Councillors on behalf of all the residents of Middleton-on-sea and Elmer.
We started the year with a full complement of Councillors but with the resignation of Paul Gamester in July we were back seeking a new co-opted Councillor to join us. Hopefully by the time this report is delivered we will have completed the co-option process and be back to full strength. My thanks to Paul Gamester for his years of service and for his particular contributionto the flooding issues in the Ancton Lane and Willowbrook residential areas. It is largely due to his determination that a large amount of money from Operation Watershed funding has now been received and utilised in these areas which suffered so badly from the June 2012 flooding.
The work of the Parish Council is divided up into four main Committees which report to the Full Parish Council for formal decisions to be made by vote. The Committee which meets most regularly (once a fortnight) is the Development Control Committee: chaired by Kevin Shepherd and including Councillors Mike Davies, Christine Johnson and myself. This Committee aims to consider all planning applications within the Parish, whilst having regard to applications in neighbouring parishes which may impact on us. This year the Committee dealt with some 60 local applications which included the controversial application from West Sussex County Council to build a small development of 13 houses on the old Yapton Road Poultry Farm and the demolition of the shops at 80-86 Elmer Road and their replacement with 4 houses. District Councillors Barbara Oakley and Jacky Pendleton are both on the Arun District Council’s Development Control Committee and both understood the strength of feeling that surrounded these applications. It is imperative that residents make representation at the earliest opportunity on any planning application that may affect them in order that proper consideration is given when applicationsare brought before the Development Control Committee. I would urge everyone to keep their eyes on the yellow planning notices and on their local notice boards and if in doubt telephone the Parish Clerk for information.
Members of the General Purposes Committeethis year were: Councillors Mike Davies (Chair), Christine Johnson, Colin Mansfield, Nicky Mills and Kevin Shepherd.
During the year, and indeed for the last ten years, traffic issues took up a great deal of Committee time, both at General Purposes and at full Council meetings. Many residents will continue to be unhappy at the fact that traffic lights at the Comet Corner junction will not be installed at the present time. The West Sussex Council’s compromise of a longer lead-in from Littlehampton into Middleton off the A259 and an improved exit for those going towards Bognor along Worms Lane will hopefully improve drivers’ visibility at this busy road intersection when it is completed. Be assured the Parish Council through our representative at the West Sussex County Council’s JWAAC, Councillor David Allsopp, will continue to fight for traffic lights as the only final solution. Speeding by motorists is also a continuing problem in Middleton and Elmer and it is hoped that additional speed reminder notices will shortly be put up at various points in the village by West Sussex Highways to remind residents and visitors to keep within the speed limits both for their own and for others’ safety.
Alongside their work on flooding and traffic issues this year the General Purposes Committee finally achieved the formation of the Friends of Middleton-on-sea Pond and Green Charity. This charitable trust which is ably chaired by Councillor Colin Mansfield will manage the village pond and green at the end of Sea Lane and will seek to encourage all residents to help make this an attractive area for residents and visitors to enjoy as a little haven of wildlife in the centre of a busy village.
The Parish Land and Property Committee meets to manage our other charitable trust, the Middleton-on-sea Playing Fields Trust. Chaired by Councillor David Allsopp, the trustees are Councillors Terry Claxton, Mike Davies,Christine Johnson,Nicky Mills and myself, this Trust manages the Shrubbs Field recreation ground and pavilion.This year the Trust completed the installation of 3 additional pieces of outdoor gym equipment paid for by grant funding from the Arun District Council’s Community Projects Fund. Thanks go to Councillor Paul Wotherspoon for guidance in applying for this funding which was a larger amount than had been expected.The Trustees biggest problem is the fouling of the recreation ground by those dogs whose owners are not sufficiently community minded to clear up after them. Felpham Colts who pay to use this ground regularly have to spend a considerable amount of time clearing up after these dog owners before they can commence their games. The Trustees would like to see dogs continuing to enjoy unlimited access to this area but this access could be denied if the problem does not improve.
The Finance Committee comprising Councillors David Allsopp (Chair),Alan Pendleton and myselfdecided to increase the Parish precept this year from £41,040 to £43,000. This Parish has one of the lowest precepts in the area, and it is hoped that with skilful fund management by the Committee and the Parish Clerk we can continue to deliver good value for your money.The Finance Committee had 2 difficult decisions to make both of which would have required a great deal of extra money to be raised from the precept. Firstly, due to changes in the allocation of policing resources in the area,Middleton and Elmer have now lost the services of their Community Police Support Officer and the Committee considered it had to recommend that the Parish Council did not pursue the employment of a designated Community Warden to replace him because of the high and continuing cost involved. Secondly, Arun District Council are seeking to withdraw their funding of the public toilet block in Shrubbs Field car park and again the Finance Committee had to confirm that it would be impossible financially for the Parish Council to keep this facility open without a very large increase in the precept. Consultation with Arun District Council is still ongoing with regard to the provision of public toilets in this area.
Our Parish Clerk, Joe Lake, has excelled himself over the last year in dealing competently with all the complex issues covered by the Parish Council. Joe has also continued to produce the excellent Middleton News editions aided by skilful presentation of the magazine by Gillian Fowler. I would also like to recognise the work of Pauline Allsopp who has been transferring Middleton News to audio cassette for the last 14 years. Sadly this service will no longer be available to readers.
My thanks to our retiring County Councillor Joan Phillips who has attended Parish Council meetings when available and for supporting our endeavours, also to District Councillor Barbara Oakley for her extremely valuable briefings atParish Council meetings.
Finally to all the Parish Councillors for the effort and enthusiasm they have put into their work on behalf of the Parish over the past year. We will be taking a stand at the Village Fete again this year on Sunday 23rd July and I hope that you will be able to take time to visit us and introduce yourselves and also find out more about the work the Councillors are doing on your behalf to make Middleton and Elmer a village we can be proud of.