Nunthorpe Primary Academy
Marking Policy
- Literacy Marking Policy
- Numeracy Marking Policy
- Science and Topic Marking Policy
Expectations of Children / Targets/ Assessment / Expectations of marking
Key Stage 1 expectations:
All children’s work on the right hand side, including text analysis and planning sheets. (All sheets to be glued in carefully – glue down the left hand edge). All highlighting must be neat. All planning sheets need to be tidy e.g writing within the boxes.
Children must cross out any mistakes with one line, through the centre, using a ruler.
(Stage one warning for untidy presentation).
Key Stage 2 expectations:
Top line of page, next to the margin pupils write the long date underlined with a ruler.
Under the date the lesson objective is written and underlined with a ruler
Then children start writing - leaving 1 empty line.
Paragraph break = 1 empty line.
All children’s work on the right hand side, including text analysis and planning sheets. (All sheets to be glued in carefully – glue down the left hand edge). All highlighting must be neat. All planning sheets need to be tidy e.g writing within the boxes.
Children must cross out any mistakes with one line, through the centre, using a ruler.
(Stage one warning for untidy presentation). / Nunthorpe Primary Marking code to be glued in the back of Literacy books.
Children’s targets in the front – stamped or signed off when achieved.
1 target per child for KS1 and 2 targets per child for KS2.per piece of assessed writing (Higher ability Y2 children may also have two targets). Targets must be generated from gaps in APP / Key stage 1:
- Where possible pupils work should be marked daily.
- Teachers mark on left hand side (of the double-page spread).
- Highlighting code:
GREEN = effective word or section of writing
ORANGE = missing punctuation
YELLOW = insert something
PINK = check it makes sense
Year two:
Over the course of the year the colours change to symbols; moving towards Key Stage 2 marking practice.
BLUE~~~ = spelling mistake
GREEN = effective word or section of writing
ORANGE p = missing punctuation c=capital letter f=full stop
YELLOW ↑ = insert something
PINK ? = check it makes sense
Key Stage Two:
- Where possible pupils work should be marked daily.
- Teachers mark on left hand side (of the double-page spread).
- Use Nunthorpe Primary School Marking code when marking plus:
- Work must be marked with 1 or 2 green highlights over the top of an effective word, phrase or sentence written by the child. Acknowledge with a word indicating what is good. (this can be adapted if appropriate)
- Corrections should be made with Orange/Yellow highlight across an incorrect aspect of a child’s writing e.g. a sentence with incorrect tense. Teacher must write a steps symbol in the margin or use a pink highlighter and use the Nunthorpe marking code or a word to indicate how the sentence must be improved.
- Spellings - teacher writes spellingsor indicates where a correction should be made as appropriateto age and ability and draws a wiggly line under the incorrect spelling within the children’s work. Children will then rewrite,or correct using a dictionary, these spellings x3 the next day during Daily Review.
- Teachers’ handwriting must model the school’s handwriting style and be legible.
Daily Review. First 5 minutes of the lesson .
- Children need to check back to previous work and read the teacher’s step comment and look at the marking code on the orange/yellow highlight.
- Children ‘action’ the step comment/orange or yellow highlight during Daily Review. Children rewrite the orange/yellow sentence correctly on the left hand side of the page in line with the highlighted sentence in their work.
- When teacher marks the book after editing, check whether the editing is correct and acknowledge response.
- If improvements are continually focussed on the same issue, make it a target. Give support etc.
Handwriting books
SPAG & Reading Activity Books / Short Date (underline with a ruler).
All presentation to be neat, otherwise, re-do at playtime. /
- Minimal marking
- Teacher to model tricky letters underneath (using cursive style) for children to practice during the lesson (or next lesson).
- Minimal marking
- Encourage peer marking (in green pen)
1 / Nunthorpe Primary School Marking Policy revised March 2017
Numeracy Marking Policy
A4 Books / Short Date
LO: I can…, I understand…, I know…
Underline date and LO with one ruled line
Leave one empty line and then start work
1 digit in each square
Children cross out any mistakes with one line, through the centre, with a ruler
Stage One warning for untidy presentation / Target sheets in front of books. Highlighted green when the target is achieved.
Targets to be updated weekly and focus on number.
Objective met stamps to be in books when an objective has been achieved. /
- All work usually marked daily.
- Highlight L.O. green if L.O. met, orange/yellow if almost met or pink if the child has not met the objective.
- If Green: When appropriate make a comment/phrase linked to L.O. and a “Now Try” problem. This problem could be consolidation or a challenge.
- If Orange: comment on the L.O. not just a simple ‘well done’ comment. Then write an example showing how the calculation should be done. Followed by 1 correction for the child to complete.
- If Pink: The teacher needs to write an example showing how the calculation should be done. This child must then work with the teacher in Daily Review to clear up any misconceptions.
- Teachers’ handwriting should model the school handwriting style and be legible.
Topic Marking Policy
All other Topic / Short Date.
Under the date the lesson objective is written and
Then children start writing - leaving 1 empty line. / As Literacy format plus:
- Highlighting - whole paragraphs can be highlighted by a vertical line in the margin to denote where child has shown understanding of a scientific concept.
- Marking should focus mainly on the scientific LO but also other associated areas of scientific learning.
- Key English and maths will also be marked as appropriate (eg spelling)
1 / Nunthorpe Primary School Marking Policy revised March 2017