Upsilon Pi Epsilon Outstanding Chapter Award

The UPE Outstanding Chapter Award recognizes chapters whose programs and activities attain a high level of achievement during the most recent academic year. The award consists of a plaque and a cash prize of $100 which will be presented to an officer of the chapter at the UPE annual convention. Those receiving awards, but are not able to attend the UPE annual convention will receive their awards by mail.

Evaluation criteria

Chapters who apply for this award will be expected to submit documentation on their chapter programs and activities, contributions to their home department and university, and the level of participation of computing and information discipline students whose academic records show that they qualify for UPE membership.

The following is a list of sample activities for a UPE chapter. It is quite likely that there are several other activities for a given chapter.

·  Technical/educational meetings.

·  ACM Programming Contest activities/working with other campus organizations

·  Field Trips Sponsored by UPE Student Chapter

·  Student Presentation/Paper Contest Participants

·  Activities Related to Recruitment of New Members

·  Services Provided by Student Chapter for Members and/or All Computing Sciences Students

·  Description of All Social Activities -- Number of Participants

·  Fund-Raising Activities

·  College/University and Local Community activities

·  Participation in recruitment activities for the chapter’s home Department including Career Day, Campus or Department Tours, open house, etc.

·  Activities that contribute to the success of the student chapter and of the student members, including the percentage of students who qualify for UPE membership and who are actually initiated as UPE members.

Application Process

Applications should be submitted to the International secretary by May 31, and should include the attached form, a cover letter from the chapter president or adviser, plus documents that fully describe all of the chapter activities. Where appropriate, chapters should include the names of UPE members who are involved in each documented activity.


Outstanding Chapter Award Application

For the academic year ______

Chapter at: ______

Application submitted by:

Email address:

Postal Address



Vice President:



Other (Please specify):

Chapter Advisor:


Number of members inducted during the year:

Number of students during the current academic year

who were invited to join your UPE chapter

but declined your invitation to join UPE:

Date of last Induction:

Number of majors in department/program:


Give an itemized list of your chapter’s activities including dates, where appropriate, followed by a brief description of activities and programs that had significant impact on your chapter, department and/or university.