Big LakeArea Sanitary District
Monthly Board Meeting Minutes (Annual Meeting) #65
January 8, 2013 at 6:30 PM @ Sawyer Community Center
1.Call to Order
Chairman Fredrickson called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
2. Roll Call
Present:John Fredrickson, Chair / Debbie Gellatly, Admin Assistant
John Peterson, Vice Chair
David Nelson, Treasurer
Wayne Dupuis
Rocky Rennquist
John Stewart, MSA
3.Approve Agenda
Motion (Peterson/Nelsons): To approve the January 8, 2013agenda. Motion passed.
4.Approve Minutes
Motion (Peterson/Dupuis): To approve the December 12, 2012 board meeting minutes as electronically provided. Motion passed.
5.Treasurer’s Report/Payment of Bills (D. Gellatly)
D. Gellatly presented the monthly bank statement from Cornerstone State Bank for the checking and savings accounts. There was a deposit from FDL for the operating levy in the amount of $12,191.14 and interest of $3.85. Checks and an electronic IRS payment were $2,102.52 leaving an ending balance of $48,449.89. The quarter 4 savings account included an electronic deposit from the State of MN for $80.81 and interest of $79.55 for an ending balance of $157,955.15.
Bills due include the board E&O insurance, annual box rent and the February micro loan interest payment to Bank of Zumbrota for a total of $3,766.00.
Motion (Peterson/Dupuis):to approve Treasurer’s Report, payment of bills.
a.Perch Lake Township: Appointment of David Nelson with a term expiring in 2015.
b.Bill for annual post office box rent.
c. Carlton County correspondence for Report of Outstanding Indebtedness due Feb. 1.
d.Email from David Drown Associates regarding micro loan. The loan principal is due August 10, 2013. The current semi-annual interest payment is 2.5%. The loan can be redone early at 1.5%. Debbie will check on the charge for redoing the loan and possibly paying down some of the loan and present at the February board meeting.
e. Progress memo prepared by John Herdegen, MSA for the board meeting. The memo discussed the recent policy and financial meeting.
f.Response letter to John Herdegen, MSA from Miller’s Sewage Treatment Solutions dated 12-19-12 with a price quote on preparing onsite surveys. John Stewart will follow up with additional prospects.
g. Letter dated 12-26-12 from Perch Lake Township stating the motion to authorize the BLASD to contact Perch Lake Residents along Big Lake Road regarding the collection of wastewater.
h. Letter from Rural Development requesting a decision on funding. John Stewart will follow up.
i. Email for renewal of SAM registration (formerly CCR) regarding federal grants and contracts. The deadline is January 10, 2013. Debbie will continue to work on this.
j. Returned letter from US Representative Rick Nolan’s Duluth office.
7.Old Business
a. Update on finance committee – Members of the BLASD board and representatives from MSA-PS met with a various stakeholders to discuss the three project alternatives and compare a Total Present Worth per Unit provided by MSA-PS. Representatives from WLSSD pledged support along with the Band, Carlton County, City of Cloquet and Perch Lake Township. Legal will need to be consulted to draft Joint Powers Agreements when applicable. It was suggested that the district be regarded separately for billing of usage.
8.New Business
a. Engineer’s Report for January and Plan for February – MSA will work on the re-application for state funding. MSA will contact the original 14 firms contacted for a bid on site inspections to see if they can get a lower cost. John Stewart discussed the total present worth analysis prepared explaining that is a requirement of both State and Federal funding. It is a means of comparing capital and operation costs. Three separate summaries were prepared: 1) WLSSD (BLASD only), 2) WLSSD (BLASD and Big Lake Road), and 3) the recirculating sand filter. MSA did not feel the RSF was a good choice.
i. Additional task orders to support finance committee
1.Working with the state – Wayne and John F (backup).
Wayne will contact Commissioner Dick Brenner’s office to set up a conference call and chose 3 or 4 dates for a meeting in St. Paul. Wayne will also contact FDL Chairperson, Karen Diver and other finance committee members.
2. Working with the federal – John Fredrickson will email Jerry Fallos (the representative from Klobuchar’s office).
3. Working with City of Cloquet, Perch Lake Township, and FDL – Wayne will arrange a meeting with Chairwoman Karen Diver and the residents of FDL. A joint meeting with the residents of Perch Lake Township and the City of Cloquet (approximately 115 residents along Big Lake Road) will be held later in January.
4.Meeting with USDA – to be arranged when more information is available (such as funding).
b.Annual Meeting
i. 2012 Progress and 2013 Goals
John Stewart presented Task Order No. 7A with a description and amount for services provided for the project. The total cost of will be $22,800. Resolution #65 directs MSA-PS to continue public participation and grant process for WLSSD interconnection based on the Big Lake Road Alternative.
Motion (Dupuis/Peterson) to have MSA-PS reevaluate the previous bidders for proposals, complete the site evaluations by July 4th, clarify the true cost, and help get point score up for funding and complete tasks 15 through 21 on Task Order 7a not to exceed the cost of $22,800. Motion passed
ii. Elect 2013 Officers
Motion (Rennquist/Dupuis) to keep the current slate of officers for the year 2013. Motion passed.
9. Public Comment
10. Next Meeting on February 12, 2013 at 6:30 at the Sawyer Community Center.
11. Motion to Adjourn
(Peterson/Nelson)to adjourn at 8:40 PM. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Gellatly
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