Minutes of AGM – Thursday 15 September 2016
Mrs Karen Anderson
Mrs Wendy Badger
Mrs Anne Blower
Dr Joanne Brown
Mrs Leeona Davidson
Mrs Jacqui Evans
Mr Stuart Harrison
Joanne Irwin
Mrs Denise Kelso
Mrs Suzanne McQueen
Mr Harrison welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Review of Minutes:
Minutes of AGM held on Tuesday 6th October 2015.
Election of Committee Posts for 2016-17:
Mr Harrison was appointed Chairperson for 2016-17 (proposed by Mrs Anne Blower and seconded by Mrs Leeona Davidson), Mrs Jacqui Evans appointed Treasurer (proposed by Mrs Karen Anderson and seconded by Mr Harrison) and Mrs Suzanne McQueen was appointed Secretary (proposed by Dr Joanne Brown and seconded by Mrs Leeona Davidson).
DPA Constitution:
The DPA Constitution was reviewed and no changes were made. This was proposed by Mrs Wendy Badger and seconded by Mrs Joanne Irwin.
2015-16 Review:
Events from the DPA were reviewed.
Review of Accounts:
Mrs Jacqui Evans gave an overview of the account. The current balance is £4,596.80 with no cheques to come out.
Mr Harrison requested a donation of £300 to ‘Cancer Fund for Children NI’ from the 4 Peaks Challenge monies raised.
A donation of £3,000 from DPA funds was also requested to go towards a 5year subscription of the Accelerated Reading Program, which has been purchased and training already begun (totalling £4,000, the balance of which the school will meet).
Proposed Events for 2016-17 :
Pig Race Night
- The Pig Race will take place on Thursday 22nd September 2016 at 6.30pm.
- The Pig Race hire cost £150.
- Leeona produced a flyer detailing the event to be distributed for publicity.
- Mr Trevor Wylie will be compere for the race & auction.
- There will be approximately 11 races – 10 of which will be sponsored by local businesses at £25 each including MAC Electrical, Colloide Engineering, KDM, Country Stoves, Simpson Tyres, Garden World and Cookstown Cycles.
- There will be 10 pigs per race, which will be sold at £2 each. These will race up the track and the winning pig wins a prize (a box of Roses/ Quality Street).
- For the 11th race the 10 pigs will be auctioned off and the winning pigs wins a bigger prize (e.g. a meal voucher or hamper)
- Sticking with the pig theme there will be a bbq on the night serving hotdogs to be sold for £1.00 each (it was decided that 200 would be asked for, these are being donated free of charge – excess will be frozen).
- There will be a tuck shop (Karen is sorting this), children’s lucky dip (50p per dip), a free pig themed children’s craft table, a Peppa pig kids dvd cosy corner.
- There will also be a pig pen selling pig balloons at £1 each for prizes. When someone buys a balloon pig they get a number which is written on the balloon pig (which is then placed in the pen) and a sheet and at the end of the night 3 pigs will be picked out of the pen and prizes given to their owners (e.g. 2 x VIP cinema tickets costing £20 or a Family Swimming Pool Pass costing £8.30 or a large pig teddy).
- Free Pig themed face painting from 7-9pm will also take place (£10 per hour).
Cookery Book/ Demonstration
- Denise and Leeona have the recipes typed up. Wendy has agreed to proof read these.
- Any recipes for the Children’s Corner and Miscellaneous sections are still welcome before end first week in October as well as any more sponsors.
- Wednesday 23rd or 30th November were suggested for the Cookery Demonstration depending on availability of the Chef.
- Joanne Brown has contacted BBC Radio Ulster re the Book Launch and will follow up soon.
Bag Pack
- A Bag Pack will definitely be considered for 2016-17 due to the great success last school year with £732.19 being raised.
- Leeona is to contact ASDA to see if this is a possibility.
Non-Uniform Days
- The first will be Friday 23rd September with no theme. The School Council will decide future themes.
Family Photo Night
- There has already been some interest expressed for this.
Movie Nights
- The first is arranged for Wednesday 14th December at 6.30pm.
Bike Evening
- It was suggested to approach John Burrows (Dad from the school & Local Race Team Manager) after hearing of Orritor Primary School’s successful visit from Michael Dunlop and Guy Martin as part of a ‘My Hero’ project by a pupil Catherine McAdoo.
- Mr Harrison will chat to John Burrows about the possibility a future event around March time. An educational/ safety theme was suggested but John may have some suggestions if interested.
5K Road Race
- A 5K Road Race could be a possibility again for September 2017 due to much interest expressed.
Any Other Business:
The Accelerated Reading Programme
- Mrs Hardy has requested help with this for Tuesday 27th September from 7pm.
The Izac Maths Programme
- This will be looked at again in the near future and training completed.
School Sports Kits
- A Sports Grant will be investigated towards new School Sports Kits.
- Pricing for these to include the school crest will be sought – Joanne Irwin?.
- For embroidery per kit a price of £2.50 was received.
Next Meeting:
To be confirmed.
Meeting Finished at approximately 9.20pm