World History Syllabus


Mrs. Blaine, Mrs. Hedrick & Mr. Mitchell

Office Hours: M-F 7:30-8:15AM(**other times are available by appointment)

Emails depend on teacher: –, , or, (fastest contact)


World History is a survey of people of both western and non-western civilizations. The high school World History course provides students with a comprehensive, intensive study of major events and themes in world history. Students will begin with a study of the earliest civilizations worldwide and continue to examine major developments and themes in all regions of the world. Concepts and skills in problem solving and critical thinking are developed in accordance with the Georgia Performance Standards. These may be found at the Georgia Department of Education website .

You will also find a copy of the World History Georgia Performance Standards attached to this syllabus. Please review these with you parent or guardian. You are responsible for the mastery of these standards.

Course Outline and Grading Scale:

Formative Assignments Summative Assignments

Unit 1: Ancient World: Civilizations and Religions4%6%

Unit 2: Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter3%6%

Unit 3: Global Interactions3%6%

Unit 4: The First Global Age3%6%

Unit 5: Age of Revolutions3%6%

Unit 6: Crisis and Achievement WW13%6%

Unit 7: Crisis and Achievement World War II3%6%

Unit 8: 20th Century since 1945 3%5%

Fall 2016: Mid Term 5%

FinalAssessment (*S.L.O. Possible) 15%

DBQ Essay (2Fall Semester) 8%

Reassessment Policy: Fall 2016 Spring2017

All students will be allowed to reassess on any of the summative assessments for the course prior to: FALL DATES 10/6 (1st 9 weeks) & 11/17 (2nd 9 weeks)2016provided certain criteria are met.SPRING DATES (3/9/17 & 4/27/17)-ONLY FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER!!!

Grades:Updated in Synergy.

Textbook:World History: Patterns of Interaction ($65.00)

Required Daily: (*Subject to change depending on teacher)

*Textbook, 3-ring binder with dividers, Pencil, Pen, Paper

BYOD: We will be participating in McEachern’s Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). Students are encouraged to bring their own technology devices to school to assist their learning experiences in the classroom. Students will be given certain periods throughout class time to use their device. This is not required for every student. If you decide you want to participate in BYOD, parents and students MUST complete and sign the permission form THAT WILL BE PROVIDED AFTER THE CLASS BEGINS!

Classroom Expectations:

All classroom rules are based on common courtesy and responsible behavior. The policies of the school as outlined in the student handbook will be strictly enforced. In addition to said policies, the following will be expected in this class.

  1. Be prompt! This applies to being in class and seated when the bell rings as well as being on time with assignments. I follow the McEachern High School tardy policy!
  2. Be prepared! Have textbook, notebook, paper, pen, etc. with you every day. Time will not be provided to study for tests or to complete homework so be prepared.
  3. Be polite! Common courtesy is expected at all times. We are all in this together!
  4. Be respectful! This applies to respectful behavior towards teachers, staff and fellow students. Please be respectful of each other’s property, space and feelings in behavior as well as speech.


Cell phone use in the classroom is for academic purposes ONLY. Appropriate times for the use of electronic devices will be discussed. IF YOUR ELECTRONIC DEVICE IS BEING USED AT AN INAPPROPRIATE TIME, MCEACHERN POLICY WILL BE ENFORCED. If I see said devices anywhere on your person during exams, I will assume you are cheating and you will automatically be given a grade of zero.

Signature Page

Please sign this form, have your parent/legal guardian sign it, and turn it in to your teacher.


Student Name (print)Block/Period


Parent Signature Student Signature

* Your signature denotes that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by the classroom guidelines/rules and expectations as listed above. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.

* Please read the student handbook and be aware of the dress code, ID requirement, cell phone, tardy and absentee/make-up policies, etc.

*** Please sign and return to your teacher ***