Mark Twain I.S.239 Ms. Suarez
8H English Language Arts September 2016
Class Rules and Regulations
The following is a list of rules and regulations for 8H English Language Arts. Please read through this with your parent/guardian and sign at the bottom. This list is to be kept in the front of your English folder and referred to when necessary.
Eighth grade classes are demanding ones. Please stay on top of your work in order to maintain not only short term goals, but long term ones, as well. I am looking forward to a productive and enjoyable year together!
1. Be respectful at all times. "Treat others the way you would like to be treated."
2. Upon entering the classroom, you are to go directly to your seat and immediately begin your work.
3. Gum chewing or defamation of property will not be tolerated.
4. All homework is to be done in blue or black ink or may be typed (unless stated otherwise). Each homework assignment should be numbered (ex. HW #1) and the assignment should be stated (ex. Literature--p.16, #1-5).
5. The complete school heading must be on all classwork and homework.
6. At the beginning of each class, take out the homework from the night before. Copy your homework neatly into your planner. Head a sheet of paper, copy the Aim, and start the Do Now.
7. Always be prepared!
All graded assignments are cumulative and are a continuous reflection of student work throughout the year. Each report-card grade is a snapshot of student performance at that point in the school year.
Grades are based on the following components: exams/quizzes (25%), writing/projects/performance task/presentation (35%), homework that provides evidence of skill and understanding (20%), classwork/group work/journals/effort/participation (20%).
Classwork must be kept in the classwork section of your binder. It must be written in blue or black ink and must include the proper school heading, Aim, completed Do Now, and notes. Classwork will be checked on a regular basis. In the event of absence, you must get the notes from someone in your English ID. Five points will be deducted from your classwork grade for each missing or incomplete set of notes. Class participation is considered part of your classwork.
Homework assignments are to be complete and must include the proper school heading and the respective homework number. They must be written in blue or black ink. All homework assignments must be kept in the homework section of your binder. Five points will be deducted from your homework grade for each missing or incomplete assignment. In the event of an absence, homework assignments must be made up. You should have the telephone numbers of at least three people in your English ID so you do not fall behind.
Online Student Information and Grading System:
All teachers will be utilizing Skedula, an online student information and grading system. The interface for parents and students is called Pupil Path. More information will be provided on this.
iPad Information:
You are expected to adhere to all stipulations within the school wide iPad contract. As part of your agreement to use the iPad responsibly, please remember the following:
· iPads are a privilege to use in the classroom and are part of your participation grade.
· iPads are an academic tool to assist in the learning process and therefore, using your iPad inappropriately (i.e. playing games, watching videos that have not been requested by your teacher, taking photos or recording video, etc.) will result in a loss of participation points for the day.
· If you have downloaded non-academic apps on your iPad, you will be asked to delete them. If you do not remove them, your entire iPad will be wiped clean, meaning EVERYTHING will be gone.
· The iPad does not replace any other supplies required by your teacher nor does it replace conventional note taking.
· Be sure that you have your iPad and charger with you every day and that the iPad is fully charged in the morning. Not having your iPad will result in a loss of participation points.
· If you leave your iPad behind in another location, you will NOT be allowed to go back and get it during class. You must go during your lunch period or during AM or PM homeroom to retrieve it.
School Website/Contact Information:
All homework assignments, as well as project and test information, will be posted on the school website for this class. It is NOT to take the place of your homework planner.
Ms. Suarez’s contact information is listed on the website. E-mails and phone calls will be responded to as quickly as possible.
1. Two sections in a binder, labeled ELA Classwork & ELA Homework
2. A folder (specifically for ELA class)
3. A marble notebook (labeled Reading Response Log/Journal)
4. Blue or black pens (for classwork and homework), red or green pens (for making corrections), a highlighter
5. A novel (to be discussed)
6. A pocket dictionary
7. A mini-stapler (with staples)
8. Scotch tape
9. A three-hole hole punch
10. An iPad case (to be discussed)
11. Art supplies for reports and projects (to be kept at home, unless stated otherwise)
* This page is due to Ms. Suarez.
I have read the Rules and Regulations for 8H English Language Arts and understand what is expected of me.
Student's printed name and class Student’s signature
I have read through the Rules and Regulations for 8H English Language Arts with my child. He/She understands what is expected of him/her.
Parent's/Guardian’s signature