Component 3 Unit 6 Application Activities

Unit 6

Digestive System

Suggested Student Application Activities

Instructor Guidelines for Application Activities

·  Paper Activities

1.  Medical Dictionary Exercise – Digestive System

2.  Word Building Exercise – Digestive System

·  Interactive Activities

Medline Plus (, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, offers access to the Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary for word searches to the

correct pronunciation of medical terms.

1. Pronounce the Key Terms using the dictionary available at MedlinePlus


Medline Plus (, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health presents interactive health tutorials from the Patient Education Institute. Learn about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment for a variety of diseases and conditions. Also learn about surgeries, prevention and wellness. Each tutorial includes animated graphics, audio and easy-to-read language.

2. Diseases and Conditions of the Digestive System:


1.  Colon Cancer

2.  Crohn’s Disease

3.  Diverticulosis

4.  Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

5.  Irritable Bowel Syndrome

6.  Ulcerative Colitis

3. Tests and Diagnostic Procedures of the Digestive System:


1.  Colonoscopy

2.  Upper GI Endoscopy

4. Surgical and Treatment Procedures of the Digestive System:


1.  Cholecystectomy –Open and laparoscopic

2.  Colon Cancer Surgery

3.  Colostomy

4.  Hemorrhoid Surgery

Instructions to Instructors:

1. Medical Dictionary Exercise

Instructions: This activity enables the student to gain experience with using a medical dictionary to correctly define the various word parts that will enable them to appropriately build medical terms.

Distribute the Medical Dictionary Exercise to the students either as an in-class or homework assignment.

Unit 6 – Medical Dictionary Exercise

Using the PowerPoint presentation, a medical dictionary, the tables provided in Unit 1 (Understanding Medical Words) and Appendix A: Word Parts and What They Mean from Medline Plus , define the following word parts.


Unit 6 – Medical Dictionary Exercise - Key

Using the PowerPoint presentation, a medical dictionary, the tables provided in Unit 1 (Understanding Medical Words) and Appendix A: Word Parts and What They Mean from Medline Plus , define the following word parts.

word part / definition
-cele / hernia; protrusion
-centesis / surgical puncture to aspirate fluid
cholangi/o / bile duct
chol/e / bile, gall
choledoch/o / common bile duct
col/o / colon
colon/o / colon
enter/o / small intestine
esaphag/o / esophagus
gastr/o / stomach
-graphy / process of recording
hepat/o / liver
-iasis / disease having characteristics of or produced by (something specified)
ile/o / ileum
-itis / inflammation
labi/o / lip
lingu/o / tongue
litho / stone
-megaly / enlargement
-orrhea / flow; excessive discharge
orrhagia / rapid flow of blood
-orrhaphy / suturing; repairing
-ostomy / creation of an artificial opening
pathy / disease
-phagia / eating; swallowing
plasty / plastic or surgical repair
proct/o / anus and rectum
rect/o / rectum
-scope / instrument for visual examination
sialaden/o / salivary gland
sigmoid/o / sigmoid colon
stenosis / constriction; narrowing
stomat/o / mouth

2. Word Building Exercise

Instructions: This activity enables the student to identify various word parts and complete the medical term that best fits each definition given.

Distribute the Word Building Exercise to the students either as an in-class or homework assignment.

Unit 6: Word Building Exercise – Digestive System

Using the following word parts, complete the word that best fits each definition given below. Word parts may be used more than once.

cholangi/o chol/e col/o colon/o enter/o

esaphag/o gastr/o hepat/o -iasis ile/o

labi/o lingu/o -megaly -phagia proct/o

rect/o -rrhea sialaden/o sigmoid/o stomat/o

1.  Inflammation of the liver: ______itis

2.  Enlargement of the stomach: gastro______

3.  Passage of fluid stools: dia______

4.  Incision into a salivary gland: ______otomy

5.  Pertaining to the lips and gums: ______gingival

6.  Inflammation of stomach and intestines: ______itis

7.  Plastic surgery (repair) of the anus: ______plasty

8.  Suture or repair of the colon: ______rrhaphy

9.  Disease of the colon: ______pathy

10. Inflammation or ulcers of the papilla of the tongue: ______papillitis

11. Anastamosis between the ileum and the colon: ______stomy

12. Hemorrhage from the mouth or gums: ______rrhagia

13. Puncture of the intestine to withdraw gas or fluid: ______centesis

14. Radiography of the bile duct: ______dochography

15. Hernia of the esophagus: ______cele

16. Instrument for viewing the sigmoid colon: ______scope

17. Difficulty swallowing: Dys______

18. Stricture or narrowing of the rectum ______stenosis

19. Cancerous tumor of the bile ducts: ______carcinoma

20. Stones in gallbladder: ______lithiasis

Unit 6: Word Building Exercise – Digestive System -- Key

Using the following word parts, complete the word that best fits each definition given below. Word parts may be used more than once.

cholangi/o chol/e col/o colon/o enter/o

esaphag/o gastr/o hepat/o -iasis ile/o

labi/o lingu/o -megaly -phagia proct/o

rect/o -rrhea sialaden/o sigmoid/o stomat/o

1.  Inflammation of the liver: hepatitis

2.  Enlargement of the stomach: gastromegaly

3.  Passage of fluid stools: diarrhea

4.  Incision into a salivary gland: sialoadenotomy

5.  Pertaining to the lips and gums: labiogingival

6.  Inflammation of stomach and intestines: gastroenteritis; enterogastritis

7.  Plastic surgery (repair) of the anus: proctoplasty; rectoplasty

8.  Suture or repair of the colon: colorrhaphy

9.  Disease of the colon: colonopathy; colopathy

10. Inflammation or ulcers of the papilla of the tongue: linguopapillitis

11. Anastamosis between the ileum and the colon: ileocolostomy

12. Hemorrhage from the mouth or gums: stomatorrhagia

13. Puncture of the intestine to withdraw gas or fluid: enterocentesis

14. Radiography of the bile duct: choledochography

15. Hernia of the esophagus: esophagocele

16. Instrument for viewing the sigmoid colon: sigmoidoscope.

17. Difficulty swallowing: dysphagia

18. Stricture or narrowing of the rectum: rectostenosis; proctostenosis

19. Cancerous tumor of the bile ducts: choleangiocarcinoma

20. Stones in gallbladder: cholelithiasis

Interactive Activities

Medline Plus (, a service of the U.S. NATIONAL Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, offers access to the Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary for word searches to the correct pronunciation of medical terms.

1. Pronounce the Key Terms using the dictionary available at MedlinePlus

Instructions: This activity enables the student to gain experience by using the online medical dictionary to correctly hear and pronounce medical terms appropriate to this unit.

Distribute the Key Terms Pronunciation Exercise to the students either as an in-class or homework assignment.


1.  Click on the medical dictionary link under “Health Topics”

2.  Enter the key term and click “search”

3.  Click on the red “speaker icon” and list to the pronunciation

4.  Pronounce the key term and repeat if needed.



















Medline Plus (, a service of the U.S. NATIONAL Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health presents interactive health tutorials from the Patient Education Institute. Learn about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment for a variety of diseases and conditions. Also learn about surgeries, prevention and wellness. Each tutorial includes animated graphics, audio and easy-to-read language.

2. Diseases and Conditions of the Digestive System:

Instructions: This activity enables the student gather additional information regarding the various diseases and conditions of the Digestive System.

Have the students either as an in-class or homework assignment go to the Medline Plus website and complete at least 3 of these interactive tutorials.


1.  Colon Cancer

2.  Crohn’s Disease

3.  Diverticulosis

4.  Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

5.  Irritable Bowel Syndrome

6.  Ulcerative Colitis

3. Tests and Diagnostic Procedures of the Digestive System

Instructions: This activity enables the student to gather additional information regarding diagnostic procedures of the Digestive System.

Have the students either as an in-class or homework assignment complete at least 1 of these interactive tutorials.


1.  Colonoscopy

2.  Upper GI Endoscopy

4. Surgical and Treatment Procedures of the Digestive System

Instructions: This activity enables the student to gather additional information regarding surgical procedures of the Digestive System.

Have the students either as an in-class or homework assignment complete at least 2 of these interactive tutorials.


1.  Cholecystectomy –Open and laparoscopic

2.  Colon Cancer Surgery

3.  Colostomy

4.  Hemorrhoid Surgery

Expected Outcomes for Student Activities

1. Medical Dictionary Exercise

This activity demonstrates the ability of the student to utilize a medical dictionary and other resources to research and define word roots, prefixes and suffixes that are common to the digestive system.

2. Word Building Exercise

This activity demonstrates the ability of the student to combine word roots, prefixes, and suffixes to create proper medical terms.

3. Pronounce Key Terms

This activity permits the student to correctly hear and pronounce key terms related to this unit’s body system.

4. Diseases and Conditions of the Digestive System Interactive Tutorials

This activity reinforces information provided in the unit as well as allows the student to obtain additional information regarding common diseases and conditions of the digestive system. .

5. Tests and Diagnostic Procedures of the Digestive System Interactive Tutorial

This activity reinforces information provided in the unit as well as allows the student to obtain additional information regarding common diagnostic procedures of the digestive system.

6. Surgical and Treatment Procedures of the Digestive System

This activity reinforces information provided in the unit as well as allows the student to obtain additional information regarding common diseases and conditions of the digestive system

Component # (3) Health IT Workforce Curriculum 2

Version 1.0/Fall 2010