WECC-0130 IRO-006-WECC-3 Five-year Review


Mr. W. Shannon Black, WECC staff, called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. on April 17, 2018. A quorum is not required. A list of attendees is attached as Exhibit A. Mr. W. Shannon Black reviewed the WECC Antitrust Policy.

2.Approve Agenda

The drafting team meeting agenda was approved by consensus.


On a standing motion from the drafting team chair, the drafting team approved the minutes from the previous meeting. Mr. Jeremy West has volunteered to be the drafting team chair; his assignment is pending action by the WECC Standards Committee (WSC), June 2018.

4.Review of Previous Action Items

  • None

5.Background and Procedures

SAR Location and Scope

TheStandard Authorization Requestis currently located at the DT’s project page on the SAR Form accordion.


The drafting team concluded that NERC’s IRO-006-5 does not adequately include tools beyond the Unscheduled Flow Mitigation Plan (UFMP).

The drafting team discussed the scope of the SAR and concluded on counsel from WECC staff that expanding the four-corners of the standard might be outside of the scope of the existing SAR.

The team agreed to circulate an email ballot to determine how the team would like to move forward. Options included:

  • Staying within the four corners of the document and only addressing the perfunctory issues (such as definitions and structures);
  • Going beyond the four corners of the document to include accommodation for proposed tools currently under development;
  • Drafting a new/separate SAR to accommodate proposed tools; or,
  • Some combination thereof.

Mr. W. Shannon Black agreed to circulate a primer pertaining to potential discussions at the June 2018 WECC Standards Committee (WSC) to more clearly understand the scope of the SAR. Possible avenues could include: 1) an interpretation of the existing SAR scope. 2) expansion of the SAR, or 3) drafting a new/separate SAR.

Mr. Black proposed changing the definition of Qualified Transfer Path to match the UFMP, and to recommend retirement of those NERC defined terms that are no longer included in NERC reliability Standards. Finally, Mr. Black suggested drafting a measure for each of the existing two requirements; currently, there is only one measure for the existing two requirements.

Mr. Jeremy West agrees to forward a summary of issues discussed to Mr. Black for dispatch to the team.

The goal is to determine team consensus on the direction the team should take.

7.Review of New Action Items

See above

8.Upcoming Meetings

May 8, 2018, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m...... Webinar

May 15, 2018, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m...... Webinar

TBD, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m...... Webinar


The meeting was adjourned without objection.
Exhibit A: Attendance List

Members in Attendance

Gerardo Ugalde, Southwest Power Pool ...... Team Member

Sean Erickson, Western Area Power Administration...... Team Member

Susan Millar, Bonneville Power Administration...... Team Member

Members not in Attendance

Jim Price, California Independent System Operator...... Team Member

Kathee Downey, PacifiCorp...... Team Member

Others in Attendance

Steve Ashbaker...... WECC Staff
Steven Rueckert...... WECC Staff
W. Shannon Black...... WECC Staff
Tim Ellis...... (no Further Information (NFI))
Brenna Andrews...... (NFI)

Western Electricity Coordinating Council