School Name: / Griffithstown Primary School
Address 1: Florence Place Griffithstown / Website:
Address 2:Pontypool / Creative Agent: Coral Houtman
Address 3:Torfaen / Email:
Postcode:NP4 5DN / School Contacts: Kelly Witherall, Philippa Linton
Telephone:01495759679 /

Closing Date: Monday 6th November 2017 / Interview date: Wednesday 15th November 2017
To apply, please send a CV and covering letter to both Coral Houtman and Kelly Witherall at the above email addresses
“Using the 1960s as a theme, we would like to develop pupil attitudes to school and self in our Year 5 (10 year olds) cohort”.
We are looking for two enthusiastic practitioners to engage and inspire our Year 5 pupils (and their teachers) through an exciting creative learning project taking place in January, February and March2018.
Griffithstown Primary School is an English medium Primary school near Pontypool, servingthe communities of Griffithstown in Torfaen. The school has around 430 pupils on role and is at the heart of its community. The school is keen to encourage the creative environment to facilitate the development of the whole child.
We are looking for a fun creative project to improve confidence and oral language skills via interpreting aspects of the sixties using, for example, textile design and fashion, theatre and music, visual art. The project may revolve around the pupils being guided in creating and performing a show highlighting the sixties or an exhibition of their making. A key element of the project would be that the selected core group of 10 – 15 pupils would develop skills with the creative practitioner(s) and then act as ambassadorsby sharing their skills with the rest of the class.
This is just a starting point as an idea, and we welcome the responses of experiencedpractitioners in interpreting the brief creatively but realistically. Feel free to contributemultiple ideas and scenarios (if you wish), and do bear in mind the young age of the pupils.
Who we are looking for:
  • We are looking for practitioners who are collaborators, facilitators and enablers
  • Someone who will build a supportive environment where participants feel empowered to learn new skills, experiment with new ideas and take the lead.
  • Someone who is keen to explore, reflect on and articulate learning approaches through the project and can help disseminate this to the school and its wider community,
  • We are keen to hear from practitioners with different arts practices and would like practitioners to propose a creative approach.

What we are offering:
  • Practitioners need to be willing to work with a group of 10 – 15 students individually, together and in small groups.
  • The work will take place between Jan2017 and April 2018.
  • Days for delivery Wednesday throughout the Spring term
  • £250 per day is available for this work. Travel and expenses for resources are available and will be negotiated with the successful candidates. However, the successful candidates will be expected to provide a lead on what will be needed, in our somewhat restricted facilities.
  • We welcome applications from groups of practitioners.
Further Requirements:
  • Successful candidates will be required to undergo a DBS check for working with children and vulnerable adults.
  • Arts Council Wales requires all practitioners delivering as part of the Lead Creative Schools Scheme to undertake two days of training. This will take placeeither on 21st – 22ndNovember or 23rd – 24thNovember.The training days are not paid and will not be part of the contracted work.