Job Title: / Business Support Services Manager
Post Number: / TBC
Division/Department/Section: / Finance
Line Manager
(Name/Title & Post Number) / Head of Finance & Business Support Services
You must refer to the Guidance Notes for completion of each section of this JDQ as this contains important information of individuals you should consult with eg Vetting Officer, etc. Link here
Manage the delivery of the Business Support Services function, providing financial services (payroll, pensions, purchasing, payments, income), and employee support services (including training support, recruitment, leavers, contracts, and associated employee support). Ensure all financial objectives and policies reflect legislative requirements, including police regulations, HMRC requirements, and that appropriate and effective financial control is maintained across Dorset and Devon & Cornwall Police Forces.
People who work directly for this post
Payroll Manager – responsible for 1 x Payroll and Pensions Advanced technical level post and 8 FTE Payroll Technicians
Purchasing and Exchequer Manager responsible for 2 x Senior Finance officers and 12 Finance Officers
Organisational Development Service Support (Dorset Helpdesk) – supported by 6.6 staff
Under review
HR Business Support Services – scope 43 FTE
What is the post responsible for?
(INPUT) / With what results?
Manage the provision of a Business Service Support Service Centre, covering financial and employee services:
- Payroll
- Pensions
- Purchasing
- Exchequer (payments and income)
- Business Support functions of Training Administration and Support
- Business Support functions of employee services administration and support (inc recruitment and employment contract) / Provision of fully functioning, fully integrated Business Support Services Centre.
Act as Head of profession for the delivery of Business Support Services to ensure business support HR and Training support functions are delivered effectively and efficiently. / Provision of a transactional service support centre ‘centre of excellence’ that meets industry standards.
Act as Head of Profession and technical advisor for Pay and Pensions, holding responsibility on behalf of the Force / OPCC to provide proactive taxation and other legislative compliance advice to Head of Finance to ensure that the organisation complies with current and future requirements. / Comprehensive professional knowledge - to mitigate organisational risk whilst ensuring full compliance with legislation and taking necessary action in respect of anticipated future developments.
Act as senior officer with responsibility for Payment and Purchasing functions, ensuring compliance with Financial Regulations, and appropriate legislation / Compliance with financial regulations and all relevant legislation. Robust financial control mechanisms are maintained and adhered to.
Maintain financial policies, ensuring they reflect legislative requirements, including police regulations, and achieve appropriate financial control. Fully support the organisation in achieving its objectives in this respect. / Financial policies comply with relevant legislation and enhance internal financial control.
Provide compliance, specialist advice and knowledge on payroll, pensions, purchasing, exchequer, employee contracts and deliver against policy. / Effective delivery of key areas of service to Force / OPCC and stakeholders.. Delivery of specialist advice.
Act as client manager for the outsourced pension’s service providers, liaising closely and effectively to provide assurance and controls over required outcomes. Work with other key stakeholders as needed to achieve quality assurance and compliance to any contract standards in place; to include Federation, NARPO, Staff Associations (such as UNISON). / Effective delivery and compliance to contract by external providers; engagement wit stakeholders to meet expectations and sustain relationships
Management of internal controls. Compliance with conditions of service agreements, meeting HMRC requirements - including completion of annual returns within pay arrangements. / Robust financial control mechanisms are maintained and adhered to.
Lead on negotiation with the Police Federation, Superintendents Association and Tri-partite Unions in relation to policy and major initiatives with a significant financial element. / Policies are in place and developed in concert with all necessary bodies
Lead on initiatives and projects to deliver business improvements, cost savings, improved employee benefits etc. within the scope of financial activity covered by this role / Business improvements are constantly assessed and introduced
Manage the Exchequer team supervisors, including provision of support and guidance in day to day issues within their teams. / Make the best use of resources. Effective staff supervision and management
Proactively identify areas of activity, training a forums etc. (e.g. external delivered) to provide for continuous professional development and enhance understanding in best practice that can benefit the department. This to include networking, ‘external scanning’ and the building of effective relationships within and outside of the organisation. / Continuous personal professional development at same time as enhancing Force awareness of all related areas of activity
Such other duties that may be identified from time to time commensurate with the grade of the post / Resilience, efficiency and effectiveness.
Five main contacts, internal or external (other than Manager), which the post-holder regularly deals with in the course of their work.
1. / Chief Financial Officers / OPCC
2. / Pensions Scheme Providers (LGPS and Police Pension) and Chairs of Pensions Boards
3. / HMRC, Home Office
4. / Specialist Tax Advisors
5. / Federation, UNISON, NARPO and other staff associations
Any special arrangements surrounding the job e.g. 24 hr responsibility, on-call time, and weekend work in this section.
This role inherently needs to deliver often against pressing timelines (teams processing claims) and pre-determined deadlines (payroll functions etc.); the impacts of any ‘failures’ in such areas would have very significant negative implications. Such risks could be:-
Financial penalties (e.g. from HMRC),
Pension regulatory matters (Pensions Ombudsman)
Internal Audits – enhanced reviews and challenges
Stakeholder dissatisfaction (e.g. Officers, staff, OPCC, ACPO etc.)
Incorrect payments – payroll, suppliers, etc.
It is expected that the two postholders in this post will rotate the responsibilities of the post at regular intervals, expected to be at least annually to ensure necessary resilience and ongoing development / knowledge of service.
Are there any specific health and safety training requirements for this role which need to be considered prior to or post appointment? (Manager should read appropriate Risk Assessments and identify training required, eg, manual handling training, VDU assessment, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) etc)
To satisfactorily enable you to undertake the above duties, the Force expects that you will make yourself available to undertake appropriate health and safety management training relevant to your post.
You are advised to read the Force’s Health and Safety policy which will give a more in depth description of your full health and safety responsibilities.
Are there any Health Monitoring requirements specific to this post which will be considered prior to appointment/job offer.
Certain designated posts require enhanced vetting in line with the Force Vetting Policy. Details of such specified below eg ‘this post is subject to vetting’ or ‘this post is subject to higher level vetting’. Vetting clearance will need to be obtained prior to appointment of a candidate.
The commencing salary will be within Scale I, £39,129 rising to a maximum of £43,041.
Essential Criteria
Essential Qualifications/Specific Training/Alternative relevant experience, knowledge, skills which are required for this post.
Criteria to be measured / Competencies Required
Criteria A
/ Full membership of the Institute of Payroll Professionals (IPP), and/or demonstrable experience and exceptional performance in developing, reviewing and implementing appropriate policies and procedures in a highly regulated environment.Criteria B
/ Expertise gained over a period of at least three years of managing and delivering a payroll and pensions service within a large organisation, dealing with relevant internal and external stakeholders, and influencing / negotiating to achieve service objectives.Criteria C
/ Expertise in developing project plans for major changes to, or developments in, payroll practice.Criteria D
/ Demonstrable comprehensive knowledge of payroll, pensions and taxation principles and regulations, with the ability to interpret and apply these in diverse and often complex circumstances.Criteria E
/ Expertise in analysing and interpreting information which may at times be highly complex and potentially ambiguous; proven ability to communicate and précis as necessary to best inform others including senior management.Criteria F
/ Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, with authoritative report/policy writing skills to ensure understanding and acceptance by a wider, non-technical audience and compliance with equality legislation, including proven ability to negotiate and influence stakeholdersCriteria G
/ Track record in managing staff with diverse functions/activities, with an ability to harness capabilities within teams to achieve key outcomes, developing an ethos of collaboration and a ‘can do’ attitude to tasks and challenges arising.Criteria H
/ Excellent IT skills, particularly in the use of web-based approaches to information sharing and effective research. Detailed knowledge of ERP solutionsDesirable Criteria (if applicable)
Desirable Qualifications/Specific Training/Alternative relevant experience, knowledge, skills which are required for this post.
Criteria to be measured / Competencies Required
Criteria H
/ Full membership of, or working towards a professional financial qualification - such as CIPFA or equivalentCriteria I / Knowledge of police regulations / police staff handbook and procedures relating to police officers and staff.
Criteria J / Evidence of managing services which are subject to high levels of (third-party) scrutiny from HMRC, auditors, Pensions Regulator and others including a good knowledge of the Risk management process
For advertising purposes please delete the following section
11. DECISIONS TAKENGive three examples of decisions that would be made by the post-holder.
1. / Interpretation and adoption of complex Home Office or HMRC directives / legislative requirements to ensure compliance. Includes making necessary policy changes, and communicating changes appropriately.
2. / When and how to intervene to maximise performance and compliance – for example with external pensions provider. To include development of tactics to evoke effective and measurable response and improvement.
3. / Interpretation of complex payroll and taxation decisions, with appropriate strategic awareness. Manage adoption of such policy changes into the Alliance forces. Examples may include auto enrolment into pension schemes, or changes to terms and conditions of service. Meeting statutory requirements and necessary timescales.
Give one example of a matter which the post-holder would refer to someone else for a decision.
1. Pensions compliance matter or significant issue that is of a regulatory nature that cannot be influenced and resolved by post holder.2. Request of professional/specialist HR advice.
State who that would be referred to below.
1. Head of Finance and/or Chair of Pensions Board2. Relevant HR specialist
Provide facts and figures relevant to the job, section or department. These may include any staff who reports to the jobholder, budgets, contract values, value of projects managed. In relation to budgets: use gross revenue expenditure. When quoting capital figures, use annual capital expenditure. Budgets directly and indirectly influenced should be mentioned, e.g. direct control of a budget or advice to others on how to use it.
Lead 20+ staff across the Payroll and Pensions team, and the Purchasing and Exchequer team, and 21 staff across the employee and OD service support teams
Capital budget £16 million (2015/16 combined both Forces).
Revenue budget £398 m (2015/16 both Forces)
Police staff 3,000+ Police officers circa 4,000 (across Dorset and Devon and Cornwall) retired Police Officers 3,000 approx. and Police Staff pensioners circa 2,000
13. REASON FOR POST (Complete only in the case of new posts)
(a) Please confirm the reasons why there is a requirement for this role (i.e., home office requirement/legislation, redistribution of work, previously performed by another role within the force etc).
(a) / Strategic Alliance
(b) If the responsibilities have transferred from another post, please specify the role that previously performed these duties.
14. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS (if applicable)
Post-Holder’s Name and Signature (if a re-evaluation application)
I confirm that the attached re-evaluation application and the above job description questionnaire is an accurate record of the agreed list of changes. / Date:
Date that the JDQ and changes effective from:
Line Manager’s Name and Signature: / Date:
Divisional/Departmental Manager’s Name and Signature: / Date:
I confirm that any additional funding requirement will be met from the Divisional/Departmental Budget and have identified how this will be achieved in the following column.
Assistant Chief Officer’s Name and Signature:
(If post will be funded by central funds) / Date:
Re-evaluation Application:-
In accordance with the Procedural Agreement, please also complete a Request for Re-evaluation Application Form (A451) in addition to this form. Both forms should be submitted by electronic and hard copy to the Employee Relations Officer, Human Resources Department for submission to an evaluation panel.
New post application:-
Submit this form by electronic and hard copy to the Employee Relations Officer, Human Resources Department for submission to an evaluation panel.